
Showing posts with label DHCPv6. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DHCPv6. Show all posts

Saturday 13 May 2023

IPv6 Prefix Assignment

Introduction and Overview

The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6) enables DHCPv6 servers to pass configuration parameters such as IPv6 network addresses to IPv6 nodes. It offers the capability of automatic allocation of reusable network addresses and additional configuration flexibility. DHCPv6 is defined by RFC 3315(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6).

DHCPv6 Operating Modes

IOS devices can be configured to operate as:

  • Server: device that provides stateless or stateful DHCPv6 services.
  • Client: device that acquires IPv6 configuration from a DHCPv6 server.
  • Relay Agent: router provides DHCPv6 forwarding services when the client and the server are located on different networks.

Clients listen for DHCPv6 messages on UDP port 546. Servers and relay agents listen for DHCPv6 messages on UDP port 547.

Unique Identifiers

DHCPv6 servers, clients and relay agents have exactly one DHCPv6 Unique Identifier(DUID) that uniquely identifies the device.

An Identity Association(IA) is a collection of addresses assigned to a client. Each client has at least one IA assigned for each interface using DHCPv6. For each IA, the client assigns an an Identity Association Identifier(IAID) that uniquely identifies the IA. The IAID identifies a specific interface on the client. Each interface on the DHCPv6 client or server is identified using an IAID.

IPv6 Global Unicast Address Assignment

IPv6 global unique addresses(GUA) are assigned to host devices using one of three methods:

  1. Stateless Address Autoconfiguration(SLAAC)
  2. SLAAC with DHCPv6 (Stateless DHCPv6)
  3. Stateful DHCPv6

The method used to receive IPv6 network configuration parameters is dictated by the router advertisement(RA) messages sent by the local router. The RA messages contain flags that guide the host devices on how their IPv6 prefix, prefix-length, DNS servers, domain-name can be obtained.

Message Flags

How a client obtains an IPv6 GUA depends on the settings in the RA message. An ICMPv6 RA message includes the following three flags:

  1. A-flag (address autoconfiguration): notifies the device to use SLAAC to create an IPv6 GUA. The host uses the RA message for network configuration parameters such as prefix, prefix-length. This is the default method used by IOS devices to assign IPv6 prefixes to their interfaces.
  2. O-flag (Other configuration): notifies the host that it should create its IPv6 prefix using SLAAC. Additional network configuration parameters such as DNS server addresses, domain names are available from a stateless DHCPv6 server. The hosts use the RA and a DHCPv6 server to obtain complete IPv6 network configuration information. This is the implementation of stateless DHCP i.e., SLAAC and DHCPv6. The "A" flag is also set here.
  3. M-flag (Managed address configuration): notifies the host to use a stateful DHCPv6 server to obtain an IPv6 GUA and all other network configuration parameters. This implements stateful DHCPv6.

Using different combinations of the A, O, and M flags, RA messages inform the host about the dynamic options available. The following table summarizes the RA advertisement flag options for the different methods of dynamic IPv6 address assignment:

RA Address Allocation Method A (Address Autoconfiguration) O M
SLAAC (default) 1 0 0
SLAAC with Stateless DHCPv6 1 1 0
Stateful DHCPv6 0 0 (ignored if set to 1) 1

Stateful DHCPv6

With stateful DHCPv6, a DHCPv6 server is managing the assignment of IPv6 network configuration parameters. Router RA message M-flag informs hosts to contact a DHCPv6 server or DHCPv6-enabled router for all configuration information except the default gateway address. Hosts contact a DHCPv6 server to acquire all of their IPv6 configuration parameters except the default gateway which they receive through router RA messages. Although host operating systems follow the suggestion of the RA, the actual decision is ultimately up to the host. As the DHCPv6 server is stateful, it maintains a list of IPv6 address bndings.

Most environments that implement stateful DHCPv6 have an addressing need or policy where devices obtain their address only from the stateful DHCPv6 server. This makes it easier to manage and track IPv6 addresses on the network.

ICMPv6 RA messages are sent periodically by an IPv6 router(default is 200 seconds) or when the router receives a router solicitation message from the host device. When a host receives an RA message with the M-flag set, sends a DHCPv6 SOLICIT message seeking additional information from a stateful DHCPv6 server.

Stateful DHCPv6 does not require SLAAC while stateless DHCPv6 does. When an RA M-flag is set(to the value 1) indicating the use of stateful DHCPv6:

  • The host sends an RS message.
  • The router responds with an RA message.
  • The host sends a DHCPv6 SOLICIT message.
  • The DHCPv6 server responds with an ADVERTISE message.
  • The host responds to the DHCPv6 server with a REQUEST message.
  • The DHCPv6 server sends a REPLY message.
Note: Server to client DHCPv6 messages use UDP destination port 546 while client to server DHCPv6 messages use destination port UDP 547.

The RA message contains the following information:

  • IPv6 GUA network prefix and prefix length
  • A flag set to 0 informing the host to contact a DHCPv6 server.
  • O flag set to 0 informing the host to contact a DHCPv6 server.
  • M flag set to 1.

Stateful DHCPv6 RA Message

The RA message sent by a router running a stateful DHCPv6 server includes:

  • Destination IPv6 address: FF02::1(All IPv6 devices multicast)
  • Source IPv6 address: link-local address on interface
  • Prefix: prefix e.g., 2001:db8:cafe:2::
  • Prefix-length: /64
  • Managed-config-flag: 1
  • Autonomous address flag: 0

DHCPv6 GUA Assignment Sequence

The DHCPv6 address assignment process is similar to that of DHCP for IPv4 with that uses DORA to assign IPv4 network configuration parameters. With DHCPv6, the sequence consists of four stateges: SOLICIT, ADVERTISE, REQUEST, REPLY (SARR). When a client sends an RS message on the link, an RA message is sent in reply to the all devices IPv6 multicast address FF02::1:

  1. The client sends a SOLICIT message on the local link requesting for network configuration parameters.
  2. ADVERTISE: The server responds to the SOLICIT message with an ADVERTISE message containing IPv6 configuration information.
  3. REQUEST or INFORMATION REQUEST: REQUEST DHCPv6 message is sent by clients using stateful DHCPv6. INFORMATION REQUEST DHCPv6 message is sent by clients using stateless DHCPv6.
  4. REPLY: the DHCPv6 server confirms the IPv6 network configuration parameters issued to the client.

The client can request a renewal of IPv6 network configuration parameters by sending a RENEW DHCPv6 message to the server. The DHCPv6 server sends a REPLY message confirming the renewal of the IPv6 address and other network configuration parameters.

Rapid Commit

The rapid-commit option uses two DHCPv6 messages instead of four. The rapid-commit option sends the initial DHCPv6 SOLICIT message. However, this SOLICIT message has the rapid-commit option set. This informs the server that it wants to shorten the exchange from 4 messages to 2. The use of the rapid-commit option on the server can be enabled using the interface configuration command: ipv6 dhcp server <dhcpv6-pool> rapid-commit. This is enabled on the interface connecting to the clients.

Configuration of Stateful DHCPv6


The stateful DHCPv6 server option requires that the IPv6 enabled router tells the host to contact a DHCPv6 server to obtain all necessary IPv6 network addressing information. There are five steps to configure and verify a router as a stateful DHCPv6 server:

  1. Enable IPv6 routing: using the ipv6 unicast-routing command.
  2. Define a DHCPv6 pool: using ipv6 dhcp pool <pool-name> command.
  3. Configure the DHCPv6 pool with options: common options include:
    • address prefix 2001:db8:acad:1::/64. This command is what causes this DHCPv6 GUA assignment to be stateful in nature.
    • domain-name EXAMPLE.COM
    • DNS server IP address
  4. Bind the interface to the pool: using ipv6 dhcp server <pool-name> interface config command.
    1. Manually change the M flag from 0 to 1 using the ipv6 nd managed-config-flag.
    2. Manually change the A flag from 1 to 0 using the ipv6 nd prefix default no-autoconfig interface command to inform the client to not use SLAAC to create GUA. The router will now respond to stateful DHCPv6 requests with the information contained in the pool.

    On the interface;
    ipv6 address fe80::1 link-local
    ipv6 address 2001:db8:acad:1::1/64
    ipv6 nd managed-config-flag
    ipv6 nd prefix default no-autoconfig|ipv6 nd default no-autoconfig|ipv6 nd <prefix/length> no-autoconfig
    ipv6 dhcp server IPV6-STATEFUL

    With the M-flag set, the O-flag is ignored.

  5. Verify that the hosts have received IPv6 addressing information: using ipconfig /all command.


Most hosts have IPv6 autoconfiguration set. If the client is an IOS device, it needs to have ipv6 unicast-routing enabled and an IPv6 link-local address to send and receive IPv6 messages. There are five steps to configure and verify a router as a stateless DHCPv6 client:

  1. Enable IPv6 routing: using ipv6 unicast-routing.
  2. Configure the client router to create an LLA: An IPv6 link-local address is created on a router interface when a global unicast address is configured, or without a GUA using the ipv6 enable interface configuration command. Cisco IOS uses EUI-64 to create an interface ID.
  3. Configure the client router to use DHCPv6: using the ipv6 address dhcp interface config command.
  4. Verification:
    • Verify that the client is assigned a GUA: using the show ipv6 interface brief command.
    • Verify that the client router received other necessary DHCPv6 information: using the show ipv6 dhcp interface g0/0/1 command.

Stateless Assignment

Stateless address assignments involve assignment of prefixes and network configuration information using stateless address autoconfiguration (SLAAC) and stateless DHCPv6. Under stateless network configuration, no device is tracking the assignment of IPv6 prefixes.

Stateless Address Autoconfiguration (SLAAC)

When assigning prefixes using SLAAC, a router sends RA messages providing all IPv6 network configuration information i.e., network prefix, prefix-length and default gateway information. The domain name and DNS server list may be included if the router and host support RFC 6106 (IPv6 RA options for DNS configuration). Hosts use the RA information exclusively for all their addressing including creating their own GUA.

This ICMPv6 RA message has the following parameters:

  • Type: value is 134 indicating a Router Advertisement message.
  • Cur Hop Limit: value the router recommends for hosts on the link to use as their Hop Limit. A value of zero(0) indicates that hosts should determine the hop limit. The default value is 64.
  • Destination IPv6 address: FF02::1(all IPv6 devices multicast address)
  • Source IPv6 address: router's local interface's link-local address
  • Flags: A = 1, O = 0, M = 0, default router preference: default value is medium(0 0). Other values for default router preference are: high(0 1), low(1 1), and Reserved(1 0).
  • Next header: 0x3a(an ICMPv6 header, 58 in decimal).
  • Router lifetime: duration, in seconds, for which the router should be used as the dfault gateway. A value of zero indicates that the router is not a default router.
  • MTU: informs the hosts the maximum MTU for the network.
  • Prefix length: provides necessary information for on-link determination (when combined with the L-flag in the prefix information option).
  • Valid and Preferred lifetimes: length of time public address remains in the valid state(30days by default). Preferred lifetime is the length of time a valid address(public) is preferred(7 days by default).
  • Other parameters: DNS server address etc.

If the M flag is set and the O flag is set, the O flag is ignored. For stateful DHCP, the A flag should be turned off. For SLAAC, the A flag is set and the O flag and M flags are disabled.

Interface ID

The 64-bit interface ID is generated using EUI-64(Extended Unique Identifier-64) or randomly generated known as a privacy extension. If EUI-64 is used, the host uses its interface MAC address to generate the address.


The MAC address is a 48-bit address that consists of two sections the OUI(24-bits) and Device Identifier(24-bits). The OUI (Organization Unique Identifier) is a code unique to the manufacturer of an interface card. EUI-64 generates an interface ID through two states:

  1. Inserting FF:FE between the OUI and Device Identifier sections of the MAC address creating a new address. This increases the size of the MAC address from 48-bit to 64-bit.
  2. Flipping the 7th-bit i.e., 0 → 1 or 1 → 0. This results in the second hexadecimal digit changing.

Randomly Generated Number

The method used to create a randomly generated number to be used as the Interface ID depends on the operating system. Windows uses a randomly generated number by default.

Privacy Extensions

The use of EUI-64 for generation of Interface ID values is considered by some to be a security risk as the MAC address does not change. This results in the Interface ID being predicable across the different IPv6 networks that the device may connect to. This makes tracking this device easier.

RFC 4941 proposes the use of privacy extensions for SLAAC:

  • Generation of randomized Interface IDs: creating an interface ID that is not traceable to a physical device.
  • Generation of temporary addresses: these are addresses that have relatively short lifetimes. This address is used as a source address when originating connections.

The public address uses a randomized Interface ID instead of EUI-64. Temporary addresses are generated and use only a randomized Interface ID.



To configure SLAAC:

  1. Enable IPv6 routing:

    R1(config)#ipv6 unicast-routing

  2. Configure a GUA on the interface: By default, the A-flag is set to 1. If it is disabled, enable it using the following command ipv6 address <prefix>/<prefix-length> :

    R1(config)#interface gigabitethernet0/0
    R1(config-if)#ipv6 address 2001:db8:cafe:1::1:1/64


  • IOS Devices

    If an IOS device is a DHCPv6 client, then the following configuration is required on the interface:

    R7(config-if)#ipv6 address autoconfig

  • Windows Hosts:
    • The temporary addresses are created using the following command:

      netsh interface ipv6 set privacy state=enabled store=active
      netsh interface ipv6 set privacy state=enabled store=persistent

    • Creation of temporary addresses can be disabled by using the disabled keyword.

      On Windows hosts, to enable the use of the randomized identifier:

      netsh interface ipv6 set global randomizeidentifiers=enabled store=active
      netsh interface ipv6 set global randomizeidentifiers=enabled store=persistent

    • To disable the use of the random interface ID i.e., enable EUI-64:

      netsh interface ipv6 set global randomizeidentifiers=disabled store=active
      netsh interface ipv6 set global randomizeidentifiers=disabled store=persistent

  • Linux and MacOS: The use of privacy extensions with Linux and MacOS varies with OS version. Generally, the most common command is:
    • Linux: sysctl net.ip6.conf.if.use_tempaddr=2
    • MacOS: sysctl net.inet6.ip6.use_tempaddr=1

  • SLAAC Address Lifecycle

    SLAAC addresses transition through various states: tentative, preferred, deprecated and invalid.

    • Tentative Address:
      • The uniqueness of the address is in the process of being verified.
      • Address is not considered to be assigned to an interface
      • An interface discards received packets addressed to a tentative address but accepts Neighbor Discovery packets related to Duplicate Address Detection for the tentative address.
    • Valid address:
      • The address is a preferred or deprecated address
      • Can be the source or destination address of a packet
      • The amount of time remains in the valid and preferred states is in the RA message.
      • The RA message valid lifetime, by default, is 2,592,000(30 days).
      • The valid address remains usable for the duration of the valid lifetime.
      • The valid lifetime must be greater than or equal to the preferred lifetime.
      • When the valid lifetime expires, the address becomes invalid.
    • Preferred address:
      • The interface address has been verified as unique.
      • Address can be considered as a state of the valid address.
      • The device can send and receive traffic using this address
      • New connections can be initiated using a preferred address as the source address.
      • The period of time that an address can remain in the preferred state is included in the RA message. By default, this is 604,800 seconds or 7 days.
      • The preferred lifetime is the length of time a valid address is preferred until it becomes deprecated.
      • When the preferred lifetime expires, the address becomes deprecated.
    • Deprecated address:
      • The address assigned to an interface is still valid, but implementation is discouraged (typically applies to temporary addresses not public addresses).
      • Any new connections are discouraged because an address is being assigned to this interface. This may partially explain why multiple temporary addresses may be present.


    show ipv6 interface <inteface-id>

    R7#show ipv6 interface g0/0

    GigabitEthernet0/0 is up, line protocol is up
      IPv6 is enabled, link-local address is FE80::C807:6FF:FE8D:8
      No Virtual link-local address(es):
      Stateless address autoconfig enabled
      Global unicast address(es):
        2001:DB8:CAFE:1:C807:6FF:FE8D:8, subnet is 2001:DB8:CAFE:1::/64 [EUI/CAL/PRE]
          valid lifetime 2591941 preferred lifetime 604741
      Joined group address(es):
      MTU is 1500 bytes
      ICMP error messages limited to one every 100 milliseconds
      ICMP redirects are enabled
      ICMP unreachables are sent
      ND DAD is enabled, number of DAD attempts: 1
      ND reachable time is 30000 milliseconds (using 30000)
      ND NS retransmit interval is 1000 milliseconds
      Default router is FE80::C801:5FF:FECA:8 on GigabitEthernet0/0

    On the router, the command show ipv6 interface g0/0 shows that:

    • RA advertisements are sent every 200 seconds
    • Joined multicast groups: ff02::1, ff02::2 etc
    • RA advertisements live for 1800 seconds.
      • The router RA lifetime is 1800 seconds(default).
      • Informs the host that the router should be used as the default gateway for this duration.
      • This is usually renewed/refreshed when the host receives the next RA.
      • The link local address of the router is used as the default gateway by the host.
      • If this value is zero(0), it indicates that the router is not a default gateway.
      • This duration only applies to the router's function as a default gateway and not to other network configuration information in the RA message such as prefix.
    • Advertised router preference:
      • multiple routers may be present on a link. The default router preference(DRP) is used to set the preference of the default router from the list of available routers.
      • The default value sent to medium. Valid values include high, medium, low.
      • Hosts can dynamically fill their default router list using the IPv6 addresses from the RA messages of the various routers on the link.
      • Client devices maintain a list of default routers. When a client receives an RA, id adds the link-local source address of the packet as one of the routers it can use as a default gateway. Each entry has a timer, Router Lifetime, extracted from the RA. This entry gets deleted when the Router Lifetime expires. The Router Lifetime value is refreshed every 200 seconds when the RA advertisements are received.

    • Hosts use stateless autoconfig for addresses:
      • indicates that the RA message sent on this interface is suggesting that hosts obtain their dynamic IPv6 using SLAAC as a result of the A flag being set to 1 and O and M flags being set to 0.

    RA messages can be viewed in realtime using the command debug ipv6 nd. In this output, included is the:

    • Link MTU: as IPv6 does not support fragmentation, the hosts will use this value to fragment packets before transmission.
    • Valid lifetime and preferred lifetime values are given. These values are in seconds.
    • LA (L-flag(On-link) and A-flag(address autoconfiguration flag)): both are set to 1.
      • When the L-flag is set to 1, the prefix sent in the RA is on this link or subnet.
      • A-flag indicates to devices that the prefix can be used to create an address with SLAAC.
      • Packets that are sent to addresses that are not on-link are sent to the default gateway.
      • The L-flag and A-flag are used by the client to determine if a destination network is on the link(on-link) or remote. On-link implies that a packet can be sent directly to the destination without being forwarded through a router.

        On Windows computers, this can be verified using the command netsh interface ipv6 show siteprefixes.

        The client adds this prefix to the prefix list which is a list of on-link prefixes. Any of the client's addresses that use this prefix will be considered on-link to this prefix on this subnet regardless of how the prefix was generated i.e., whether SLAAC, DHCPv6 generated or manually configured.

        A device is considered to be on-link if:

        • A neighbor discovery(ND) message is received from this device.
        • An RA includes a prefix with the L-flag set to 1
        • A local router sends a redirect message to the source of a packet. This redirect message triggered when a router forwards a packet out the same interface that the packet was received through. It notifies the source that the destination is on-link.

    SLAAC with DHCPv6 (Stateless DHCPv6)

    RA messages provide IPv6 configuration information to hosts such as prefix, prefix length but inform them to contact a stateless DHCPv6 server for additional configuration information. Hosts use their RA information to create their own unique GUA and get additional information from a DHCPv6 server. Note: The DHCPv6 server only provides configuration parameters for clients and does not maintain a list of IPv6 address bindings.

    Part of the network configuration parameters are received from the RA and the rest from the DHCPv6 server.

    SLAAC enables hosts to create their own unique IPv6 GUA without the services of a DHCPv6 server. SLAAC is a stateless service which means that there is no server that maintains network address information to know which IPv6 addresses are being used and which ones are available. SLAAC sends periodic ICMPv6 ND RA messages every 200 seconds providing addressing and other configuration information for hosts to autoconfigure their IPv6 address based on the information in the RA. The RA advertisements live for 1800 seconds.

    RA messages have the following flags set:

    • A=1: informs the client to use the IPv6 GUA prefix in the RA and dynamically create its own interface ID.
    • O=1 and M=0: informs the client to use the additional information in the RA message i.e., DNS server, interface MTU, and default gateway information.
    The default gateway address is the link-local address of the router interface.

    A router sends RA messages every 200ms or when it receives an RS message from a host. IPv6 enabled hosts wishing to obtain IPv6 addressing information send an RS message to the IPv6 all-routers multicast message of FF02::2.

    Stateless DHCPv6 RA Message

    The RA message sent by a router acting as a stateless DHCPv6 server contains the following information:

    • Destination IPv6 address: FF02::1 (All IPv6 devices multicast address)
    • Source IPv6 address: link-local address
    • Prefix: prefix
    • Prefix-length: /64
    • Address autoconfig flag: 1
    • Other config flag: 1

    Because the address autoconfig flag(A-flag) is set to 1, the device creates its own Interface ID using EUI-64 or randomly generated.

    Host Process to Generate Interface ID

    Using SLAAC, a host acquires its 64-bit IPv6 subnet information from the router RA and must generate the remainder 64-bit interface identifier using either:

      Randomly generated: the 64-bit interface identifier is randomly generated by the client operating system(usually used by Windows 10).
    • EUI-64: the host creates an interface ID using its 48-bit MAC address and inserts the hex value of FFFE in the middle of the address. Some operating systems default to randomly generated interface ID instead of the EUI-64 method due to privacy concerns. This is because the Ethernet MAC address of the host is used by EUI-64 to create the interface ID.
    Windows, Linux, and Mac OS allow for the user to modify the generation of the interface ID to be either randomly generated or to use EUI-64.

    Duplicate Address Detection(DAD)

    A SLAAC host may use the following DAD process to ensure that the IPv6 GUA is unique.

    • The host sends an ICMPv6 neighbor solicitation(NS) message with a specially constructed solicited-node multicast address containing the last 24-bits of IPv6 address of the host.
    • If no other devices respond with a Neighbor Advertisement(NA) message, then the address is virtually guaranteed to be unique and can be used by the host.
    • If an NA is received by the host, then the address is not unique, and the the host must generate a new interface ID to use.
    Note: DAD is not really required because a 64-bit interface ID provides infinite possibilites of an address. IETF recommends the use of DAD. Due to this, most host oerating systems perform DAD on all IPv6 unicast addresses, regardless of how the address is configured.

    Interface should join the all IPv6 multicast group: FF02::1. Verify with show ipv6 interface g0/1 | section Joined.

    The RA received by hosts contains the following message:

    • The IPv6 GUA network prefix and prefix length
    • A flag set to 1 informing the host to use SLAAC
    • O flag set to 1 informing the host to seek that additional configuration information from a DHCPv6 server.
    • M flag set to the default value of 0.
    PC sends a DHCPv6 SOLICIT message seeking additional information from a stateless DHCPv6 server.



    Stateless DHCPv6 server option requires that the router advertise the IPv6 network addressing information in RA messages. Stateless DHCPv6 is enabled using the ipv6 nd other-config-flag interface configuration command setting the O flag to 1.

    This configuration can be verified using the command show ipv6 interface xxx. The output confirms the RA will tell hosts to use stateless autoconfigure (A flag = 1) and contact DHCPv6 server to obtain another configuration information (O flag = 1). To disable the O flag, use the command no ipv6 nd other-config-flag.

    There are five steps to configure and verify a router as a stateless DHCPv6 server:

    1. Enable IPv6 routing: using ipv6 unicast-routing.
    2. Define a DHCPv6 pool name: using the ipv6 dhcp pool <pool-name> global config command.

      R1(config)#ipv6 dhcp pool POOL_2001:DB8:CAFE:2

    3. Configure the DHCPv6 pool with options: common options include DNS servers, domain name:

      R1(config-dhcpv6)#dns-server 2001:db8:cafe:a:1::1

    4. Bind the interface to the pool: using the ipv6 dhcp server <pool-name> interface config command.

      R1(config)#interface g2/0
      R1(config-if)#ipv6 address 2001:db8:cafe:2::1/64
      R1(config-if)#ipv6 dhcp server POOL_2001:DB8:CAFE:2

      Manually change the O flag from 0 to 1 using the ipv6 nd other-config-flag interface command. RA messages sent to this interface indicate that

      R1(config-if)#ipv6 nd other-config-flag


    A router can also be a DHCPv6 client and receiev IPv6 network configuration parameters from a DHCPv6 server:

    1. Enable IPv6 routing: using ipv6 unicast-routing.
    2. Configure the client router to create a link-local address: an IPv6 link-local address is created on a router interface when a global unicast address is configured, or without a GUA using the IPv6 enable interface configuration command. Cisco IOS uses EUI-64 to create the interface ID.
    3. Configure the client router to use SLAAC: using ipv6 address autoconfig command.

      R5(config)#interface g0/0
      R5(config-if)#ipv6 address autoconfig

    4. Verify that the client is assigned a GUA: using show ipv6 interface <interface-id> command.

      R5#show ipv6 interface g0/0
      GigabitEthernet0/0 is up, line protocol is up
        IPv6 is enabled, link-local address is FE80::C805:6FF:FE6F:8
        No Virtual link-local address(es):
        Stateless address autoconfig enabled
        Global unicast address(es):
          2001:DB8:CAFE:2:C805:6FF:FE6F:8, subnet is 2001:DB8:CAFE:2::/64 [EUI/CAL/PRE]
            valid lifetime 2591984 preferred lifetime 604784
        Joined group address(es):
        MTU is 1500 bytes
        ICMP error messages limited to one every 100 milliseconds
        ICMP redirects are enabled
        ICMP unreachables are sent
        ND DAD is enabled, number of DAD attempts: 1
        ND reachable time is 30000 milliseconds (using 30000)
        ND NS retransmit interval is 1000 milliseconds
        Default router is FE80::C801:5FF:FECA:38 on GigabitEthernet0/0

    5. Verify that the client router received other necessary DHCPv6 information: The show ipv6 dhcp interface g0/0 confirms DHCP option information, such as DNS server and domain name have been received by the client.

      R5#show ipv6 dhcp interface g0/0
      GigabitEthernet0/0 is in client mode
        Prefix State is IDLE (1)
        Information refresh timer expires in 23:44:04
        Address State is IDLE
        List of known servers:
          Reachable via address: FE80::C801:5FF:FECA:38
          DUID: 00030001CA0105CA0006
          Preference: 0
          Configuration parameters:
            DNS server: 2001:DB8:CAFE:A:1::1
            Domain name:
            Information refresh time: 0
        Prefix Rapid-Commit: disabled
        Address Rapid-Commit: disabled

    Address Allocation

    There are two modes of address allocation:

    • Two-message exchange: The DHCPv6 client requests for an address and other network configuration parameters from the server. The server allocates an address and other network configuration parameters to the client. This mode applies to a network with only one DHCPv6 server.
    • Four-message exchange: When there are multiple IPv6 DHCPv6 servers, all of them can allocate addresses and other configuration parameters to requesting clients. The client may waste address space. In this case the four-message exchange is used to allocate addresses.
      1. The DHCP client requests for an address and other network configuration parameters.
      2. The server notifies the client of the IPv6 address other network configuration parameters that can be allocated.
      3. If the client receives multiple messages from multiple servers, it selects messages from the server with the highest priority and sends multicast messages to all the servers.
      4. The server responds with a message that contains the allocated IPv6 address and network configuration parameters.

    DHCPv6 Relay Agent

    If the DHCPv6 server is located on a different network from the client, then the IPv6 router can be configured as a DHCPv6 relay agent. The realy agent creates a unicast RELAY-FORWARD message containing the original DHCPv6 message from the client and forwards the message to a server. The configuration of a DHCPv6 relay agent is similar to the configuration of an IPv4 router as a DHCPv4 relay. This command is configured on the interface facing the DHCPv6 clients and specifies the DHCPv6 server address and egress interface to reach the server. The egress interface is only required when the next-hop address is an LLA. ipv6 dhcp relay destination 2001:01010 <egress-interface>.

    The relay address can be unicast or multicast. With a multicast address, multiple DHCPv6 servers be be available. If a link-local unicast address is configured, then the egress interface must be specified.


    Verify that the DHCPv6 relay agent is operational with the show ipv6 dhcp interface and show ipv6 dhcp binding.

    Prefix Delegation

    IPv6 Prefix Delegation(PD) mechanism allows a downstream device to request for an address prefix from an upstream device and allows the upstream device to allocate the appropriate prefix to the downstream device. The downstream device automatically divides the obtained address prefix into subnet segments with 64-bit prefixes and sends RA messages carrying the subnet segments on the link that IPv6 hosts directly connect to. This allows IPv6 hosts to automatically configure IPv6 addresses implementing hierarchical address deployment.


    DHCPv6 snooping. An intermediate device such as a switch maintains a DHCPv6 snooping binding table that records information between a DHCPv6 client and server. It intercepts DHCPv6 messages between the server and the client. This table contains user information such as MAC address, IPv6 address lease, VLAN ID, and interface information. Based on this table, the device analyzes and processes messages as well as filters out attack messages providing security services for DHCPv6


    show ipv6 dhcp

    View the device's DHCPv6 unique identifier(DUID).

    show ipv6 dhcp pool

    Command verifies the name of the DHCPv6 pool and its parameters. The coomand also identifies the number of active clients.

    show ipv6 dhcp binding

    To display the IPv6 link-local address of the client and the global unicast address assigned by the server. This information is maintained by a stateful DHCPv6 server. A stateless DHCPv6 server would not maintain this information.

    show ipv6 dhcp interface <interface-ID>

    View settings such as state of rapid-commit.