
Showing posts with label IPv6. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IPv6. Show all posts

Saturday 13 May 2023

IPv6 Prefix Assignment

Introduction and Overview

The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6) enables DHCPv6 servers to pass configuration parameters such as IPv6 network addresses to IPv6 nodes. It offers the capability of automatic allocation of reusable network addresses and additional configuration flexibility. DHCPv6 is defined by RFC 3315(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6).

DHCPv6 Operating Modes

IOS devices can be configured to operate as:

  • Server: device that provides stateless or stateful DHCPv6 services.
  • Client: device that acquires IPv6 configuration from a DHCPv6 server.
  • Relay Agent: router provides DHCPv6 forwarding services when the client and the server are located on different networks.

Clients listen for DHCPv6 messages on UDP port 546. Servers and relay agents listen for DHCPv6 messages on UDP port 547.

Unique Identifiers

DHCPv6 servers, clients and relay agents have exactly one DHCPv6 Unique Identifier(DUID) that uniquely identifies the device.

An Identity Association(IA) is a collection of addresses assigned to a client. Each client has at least one IA assigned for each interface using DHCPv6. For each IA, the client assigns an an Identity Association Identifier(IAID) that uniquely identifies the IA. The IAID identifies a specific interface on the client. Each interface on the DHCPv6 client or server is identified using an IAID.

IPv6 Global Unicast Address Assignment

IPv6 global unique addresses(GUA) are assigned to host devices using one of three methods:

  1. Stateless Address Autoconfiguration(SLAAC)
  2. SLAAC with DHCPv6 (Stateless DHCPv6)
  3. Stateful DHCPv6

The method used to receive IPv6 network configuration parameters is dictated by the router advertisement(RA) messages sent by the local router. The RA messages contain flags that guide the host devices on how their IPv6 prefix, prefix-length, DNS servers, domain-name can be obtained.

Message Flags

How a client obtains an IPv6 GUA depends on the settings in the RA message. An ICMPv6 RA message includes the following three flags:

  1. A-flag (address autoconfiguration): notifies the device to use SLAAC to create an IPv6 GUA. The host uses the RA message for network configuration parameters such as prefix, prefix-length. This is the default method used by IOS devices to assign IPv6 prefixes to their interfaces.
  2. O-flag (Other configuration): notifies the host that it should create its IPv6 prefix using SLAAC. Additional network configuration parameters such as DNS server addresses, domain names are available from a stateless DHCPv6 server. The hosts use the RA and a DHCPv6 server to obtain complete IPv6 network configuration information. This is the implementation of stateless DHCP i.e., SLAAC and DHCPv6. The "A" flag is also set here.
  3. M-flag (Managed address configuration): notifies the host to use a stateful DHCPv6 server to obtain an IPv6 GUA and all other network configuration parameters. This implements stateful DHCPv6.

Using different combinations of the A, O, and M flags, RA messages inform the host about the dynamic options available. The following table summarizes the RA advertisement flag options for the different methods of dynamic IPv6 address assignment:

RA Address Allocation Method A (Address Autoconfiguration) O M
SLAAC (default) 1 0 0
SLAAC with Stateless DHCPv6 1 1 0
Stateful DHCPv6 0 0 (ignored if set to 1) 1

Stateful DHCPv6

With stateful DHCPv6, a DHCPv6 server is managing the assignment of IPv6 network configuration parameters. Router RA message M-flag informs hosts to contact a DHCPv6 server or DHCPv6-enabled router for all configuration information except the default gateway address. Hosts contact a DHCPv6 server to acquire all of their IPv6 configuration parameters except the default gateway which they receive through router RA messages. Although host operating systems follow the suggestion of the RA, the actual decision is ultimately up to the host. As the DHCPv6 server is stateful, it maintains a list of IPv6 address bndings.

Most environments that implement stateful DHCPv6 have an addressing need or policy where devices obtain their address only from the stateful DHCPv6 server. This makes it easier to manage and track IPv6 addresses on the network.

ICMPv6 RA messages are sent periodically by an IPv6 router(default is 200 seconds) or when the router receives a router solicitation message from the host device. When a host receives an RA message with the M-flag set, sends a DHCPv6 SOLICIT message seeking additional information from a stateful DHCPv6 server.

Stateful DHCPv6 does not require SLAAC while stateless DHCPv6 does. When an RA M-flag is set(to the value 1) indicating the use of stateful DHCPv6:

  • The host sends an RS message.
  • The router responds with an RA message.
  • The host sends a DHCPv6 SOLICIT message.
  • The DHCPv6 server responds with an ADVERTISE message.
  • The host responds to the DHCPv6 server with a REQUEST message.
  • The DHCPv6 server sends a REPLY message.
Note: Server to client DHCPv6 messages use UDP destination port 546 while client to server DHCPv6 messages use destination port UDP 547.

The RA message contains the following information:

  • IPv6 GUA network prefix and prefix length
  • A flag set to 0 informing the host to contact a DHCPv6 server.
  • O flag set to 0 informing the host to contact a DHCPv6 server.
  • M flag set to 1.

Stateful DHCPv6 RA Message

The RA message sent by a router running a stateful DHCPv6 server includes:

  • Destination IPv6 address: FF02::1(All IPv6 devices multicast)
  • Source IPv6 address: link-local address on interface
  • Prefix: prefix e.g., 2001:db8:cafe:2::
  • Prefix-length: /64
  • Managed-config-flag: 1
  • Autonomous address flag: 0

DHCPv6 GUA Assignment Sequence

The DHCPv6 address assignment process is similar to that of DHCP for IPv4 with that uses DORA to assign IPv4 network configuration parameters. With DHCPv6, the sequence consists of four stateges: SOLICIT, ADVERTISE, REQUEST, REPLY (SARR). When a client sends an RS message on the link, an RA message is sent in reply to the all devices IPv6 multicast address FF02::1:

  1. The client sends a SOLICIT message on the local link requesting for network configuration parameters.
  2. ADVERTISE: The server responds to the SOLICIT message with an ADVERTISE message containing IPv6 configuration information.
  3. REQUEST or INFORMATION REQUEST: REQUEST DHCPv6 message is sent by clients using stateful DHCPv6. INFORMATION REQUEST DHCPv6 message is sent by clients using stateless DHCPv6.
  4. REPLY: the DHCPv6 server confirms the IPv6 network configuration parameters issued to the client.

The client can request a renewal of IPv6 network configuration parameters by sending a RENEW DHCPv6 message to the server. The DHCPv6 server sends a REPLY message confirming the renewal of the IPv6 address and other network configuration parameters.

Rapid Commit

The rapid-commit option uses two DHCPv6 messages instead of four. The rapid-commit option sends the initial DHCPv6 SOLICIT message. However, this SOLICIT message has the rapid-commit option set. This informs the server that it wants to shorten the exchange from 4 messages to 2. The use of the rapid-commit option on the server can be enabled using the interface configuration command: ipv6 dhcp server <dhcpv6-pool> rapid-commit. This is enabled on the interface connecting to the clients.

Configuration of Stateful DHCPv6


The stateful DHCPv6 server option requires that the IPv6 enabled router tells the host to contact a DHCPv6 server to obtain all necessary IPv6 network addressing information. There are five steps to configure and verify a router as a stateful DHCPv6 server:

  1. Enable IPv6 routing: using the ipv6 unicast-routing command.
  2. Define a DHCPv6 pool: using ipv6 dhcp pool <pool-name> command.
  3. Configure the DHCPv6 pool with options: common options include:
    • address prefix 2001:db8:acad:1::/64. This command is what causes this DHCPv6 GUA assignment to be stateful in nature.
    • domain-name EXAMPLE.COM
    • DNS server IP address
  4. Bind the interface to the pool: using ipv6 dhcp server <pool-name> interface config command.
    1. Manually change the M flag from 0 to 1 using the ipv6 nd managed-config-flag.
    2. Manually change the A flag from 1 to 0 using the ipv6 nd prefix default no-autoconfig interface command to inform the client to not use SLAAC to create GUA. The router will now respond to stateful DHCPv6 requests with the information contained in the pool.

    On the interface;
    ipv6 address fe80::1 link-local
    ipv6 address 2001:db8:acad:1::1/64
    ipv6 nd managed-config-flag
    ipv6 nd prefix default no-autoconfig|ipv6 nd default no-autoconfig|ipv6 nd <prefix/length> no-autoconfig
    ipv6 dhcp server IPV6-STATEFUL

    With the M-flag set, the O-flag is ignored.

  5. Verify that the hosts have received IPv6 addressing information: using ipconfig /all command.


Most hosts have IPv6 autoconfiguration set. If the client is an IOS device, it needs to have ipv6 unicast-routing enabled and an IPv6 link-local address to send and receive IPv6 messages. There are five steps to configure and verify a router as a stateless DHCPv6 client:

  1. Enable IPv6 routing: using ipv6 unicast-routing.
  2. Configure the client router to create an LLA: An IPv6 link-local address is created on a router interface when a global unicast address is configured, or without a GUA using the ipv6 enable interface configuration command. Cisco IOS uses EUI-64 to create an interface ID.
  3. Configure the client router to use DHCPv6: using the ipv6 address dhcp interface config command.
  4. Verification:
    • Verify that the client is assigned a GUA: using the show ipv6 interface brief command.
    • Verify that the client router received other necessary DHCPv6 information: using the show ipv6 dhcp interface g0/0/1 command.

Stateless Assignment

Stateless address assignments involve assignment of prefixes and network configuration information using stateless address autoconfiguration (SLAAC) and stateless DHCPv6. Under stateless network configuration, no device is tracking the assignment of IPv6 prefixes.

Stateless Address Autoconfiguration (SLAAC)

When assigning prefixes using SLAAC, a router sends RA messages providing all IPv6 network configuration information i.e., network prefix, prefix-length and default gateway information. The domain name and DNS server list may be included if the router and host support RFC 6106 (IPv6 RA options for DNS configuration). Hosts use the RA information exclusively for all their addressing including creating their own GUA.

This ICMPv6 RA message has the following parameters:

  • Type: value is 134 indicating a Router Advertisement message.
  • Cur Hop Limit: value the router recommends for hosts on the link to use as their Hop Limit. A value of zero(0) indicates that hosts should determine the hop limit. The default value is 64.
  • Destination IPv6 address: FF02::1(all IPv6 devices multicast address)
  • Source IPv6 address: router's local interface's link-local address
  • Flags: A = 1, O = 0, M = 0, default router preference: default value is medium(0 0). Other values for default router preference are: high(0 1), low(1 1), and Reserved(1 0).
  • Next header: 0x3a(an ICMPv6 header, 58 in decimal).
  • Router lifetime: duration, in seconds, for which the router should be used as the dfault gateway. A value of zero indicates that the router is not a default router.
  • MTU: informs the hosts the maximum MTU for the network.
  • Prefix length: provides necessary information for on-link determination (when combined with the L-flag in the prefix information option).
  • Valid and Preferred lifetimes: length of time public address remains in the valid state(30days by default). Preferred lifetime is the length of time a valid address(public) is preferred(7 days by default).
  • Other parameters: DNS server address etc.

If the M flag is set and the O flag is set, the O flag is ignored. For stateful DHCP, the A flag should be turned off. For SLAAC, the A flag is set and the O flag and M flags are disabled.

Interface ID

The 64-bit interface ID is generated using EUI-64(Extended Unique Identifier-64) or randomly generated known as a privacy extension. If EUI-64 is used, the host uses its interface MAC address to generate the address.


The MAC address is a 48-bit address that consists of two sections the OUI(24-bits) and Device Identifier(24-bits). The OUI (Organization Unique Identifier) is a code unique to the manufacturer of an interface card. EUI-64 generates an interface ID through two states:

  1. Inserting FF:FE between the OUI and Device Identifier sections of the MAC address creating a new address. This increases the size of the MAC address from 48-bit to 64-bit.
  2. Flipping the 7th-bit i.e., 0 → 1 or 1 → 0. This results in the second hexadecimal digit changing.

Randomly Generated Number

The method used to create a randomly generated number to be used as the Interface ID depends on the operating system. Windows uses a randomly generated number by default.

Privacy Extensions

The use of EUI-64 for generation of Interface ID values is considered by some to be a security risk as the MAC address does not change. This results in the Interface ID being predicable across the different IPv6 networks that the device may connect to. This makes tracking this device easier.

RFC 4941 proposes the use of privacy extensions for SLAAC:

  • Generation of randomized Interface IDs: creating an interface ID that is not traceable to a physical device.
  • Generation of temporary addresses: these are addresses that have relatively short lifetimes. This address is used as a source address when originating connections.

The public address uses a randomized Interface ID instead of EUI-64. Temporary addresses are generated and use only a randomized Interface ID.



To configure SLAAC:

  1. Enable IPv6 routing:

    R1(config)#ipv6 unicast-routing

  2. Configure a GUA on the interface: By default, the A-flag is set to 1. If it is disabled, enable it using the following command ipv6 address <prefix>/<prefix-length> :

    R1(config)#interface gigabitethernet0/0
    R1(config-if)#ipv6 address 2001:db8:cafe:1::1:1/64


  • IOS Devices

    If an IOS device is a DHCPv6 client, then the following configuration is required on the interface:

    R7(config-if)#ipv6 address autoconfig

  • Windows Hosts:
    • The temporary addresses are created using the following command:

      netsh interface ipv6 set privacy state=enabled store=active
      netsh interface ipv6 set privacy state=enabled store=persistent

    • Creation of temporary addresses can be disabled by using the disabled keyword.

      On Windows hosts, to enable the use of the randomized identifier:

      netsh interface ipv6 set global randomizeidentifiers=enabled store=active
      netsh interface ipv6 set global randomizeidentifiers=enabled store=persistent

    • To disable the use of the random interface ID i.e., enable EUI-64:

      netsh interface ipv6 set global randomizeidentifiers=disabled store=active
      netsh interface ipv6 set global randomizeidentifiers=disabled store=persistent

  • Linux and MacOS: The use of privacy extensions with Linux and MacOS varies with OS version. Generally, the most common command is:
    • Linux: sysctl net.ip6.conf.if.use_tempaddr=2
    • MacOS: sysctl net.inet6.ip6.use_tempaddr=1

  • SLAAC Address Lifecycle

    SLAAC addresses transition through various states: tentative, preferred, deprecated and invalid.

    • Tentative Address:
      • The uniqueness of the address is in the process of being verified.
      • Address is not considered to be assigned to an interface
      • An interface discards received packets addressed to a tentative address but accepts Neighbor Discovery packets related to Duplicate Address Detection for the tentative address.
    • Valid address:
      • The address is a preferred or deprecated address
      • Can be the source or destination address of a packet
      • The amount of time remains in the valid and preferred states is in the RA message.
      • The RA message valid lifetime, by default, is 2,592,000(30 days).
      • The valid address remains usable for the duration of the valid lifetime.
      • The valid lifetime must be greater than or equal to the preferred lifetime.
      • When the valid lifetime expires, the address becomes invalid.
    • Preferred address:
      • The interface address has been verified as unique.
      • Address can be considered as a state of the valid address.
      • The device can send and receive traffic using this address
      • New connections can be initiated using a preferred address as the source address.
      • The period of time that an address can remain in the preferred state is included in the RA message. By default, this is 604,800 seconds or 7 days.
      • The preferred lifetime is the length of time a valid address is preferred until it becomes deprecated.
      • When the preferred lifetime expires, the address becomes deprecated.
    • Deprecated address:
      • The address assigned to an interface is still valid, but implementation is discouraged (typically applies to temporary addresses not public addresses).
      • Any new connections are discouraged because an address is being assigned to this interface. This may partially explain why multiple temporary addresses may be present.


    show ipv6 interface <inteface-id>

    R7#show ipv6 interface g0/0

    GigabitEthernet0/0 is up, line protocol is up
      IPv6 is enabled, link-local address is FE80::C807:6FF:FE8D:8
      No Virtual link-local address(es):
      Stateless address autoconfig enabled
      Global unicast address(es):
        2001:DB8:CAFE:1:C807:6FF:FE8D:8, subnet is 2001:DB8:CAFE:1::/64 [EUI/CAL/PRE]
          valid lifetime 2591941 preferred lifetime 604741
      Joined group address(es):
      MTU is 1500 bytes
      ICMP error messages limited to one every 100 milliseconds
      ICMP redirects are enabled
      ICMP unreachables are sent
      ND DAD is enabled, number of DAD attempts: 1
      ND reachable time is 30000 milliseconds (using 30000)
      ND NS retransmit interval is 1000 milliseconds
      Default router is FE80::C801:5FF:FECA:8 on GigabitEthernet0/0

    On the router, the command show ipv6 interface g0/0 shows that:

    • RA advertisements are sent every 200 seconds
    • Joined multicast groups: ff02::1, ff02::2 etc
    • RA advertisements live for 1800 seconds.
      • The router RA lifetime is 1800 seconds(default).
      • Informs the host that the router should be used as the default gateway for this duration.
      • This is usually renewed/refreshed when the host receives the next RA.
      • The link local address of the router is used as the default gateway by the host.
      • If this value is zero(0), it indicates that the router is not a default gateway.
      • This duration only applies to the router's function as a default gateway and not to other network configuration information in the RA message such as prefix.
    • Advertised router preference:
      • multiple routers may be present on a link. The default router preference(DRP) is used to set the preference of the default router from the list of available routers.
      • The default value sent to medium. Valid values include high, medium, low.
      • Hosts can dynamically fill their default router list using the IPv6 addresses from the RA messages of the various routers on the link.
      • Client devices maintain a list of default routers. When a client receives an RA, id adds the link-local source address of the packet as one of the routers it can use as a default gateway. Each entry has a timer, Router Lifetime, extracted from the RA. This entry gets deleted when the Router Lifetime expires. The Router Lifetime value is refreshed every 200 seconds when the RA advertisements are received.

    • Hosts use stateless autoconfig for addresses:
      • indicates that the RA message sent on this interface is suggesting that hosts obtain their dynamic IPv6 using SLAAC as a result of the A flag being set to 1 and O and M flags being set to 0.

    RA messages can be viewed in realtime using the command debug ipv6 nd. In this output, included is the:

    • Link MTU: as IPv6 does not support fragmentation, the hosts will use this value to fragment packets before transmission.
    • Valid lifetime and preferred lifetime values are given. These values are in seconds.
    • LA (L-flag(On-link) and A-flag(address autoconfiguration flag)): both are set to 1.
      • When the L-flag is set to 1, the prefix sent in the RA is on this link or subnet.
      • A-flag indicates to devices that the prefix can be used to create an address with SLAAC.
      • Packets that are sent to addresses that are not on-link are sent to the default gateway.
      • The L-flag and A-flag are used by the client to determine if a destination network is on the link(on-link) or remote. On-link implies that a packet can be sent directly to the destination without being forwarded through a router.

        On Windows computers, this can be verified using the command netsh interface ipv6 show siteprefixes.

        The client adds this prefix to the prefix list which is a list of on-link prefixes. Any of the client's addresses that use this prefix will be considered on-link to this prefix on this subnet regardless of how the prefix was generated i.e., whether SLAAC, DHCPv6 generated or manually configured.

        A device is considered to be on-link if:

        • A neighbor discovery(ND) message is received from this device.
        • An RA includes a prefix with the L-flag set to 1
        • A local router sends a redirect message to the source of a packet. This redirect message triggered when a router forwards a packet out the same interface that the packet was received through. It notifies the source that the destination is on-link.

    SLAAC with DHCPv6 (Stateless DHCPv6)

    RA messages provide IPv6 configuration information to hosts such as prefix, prefix length but inform them to contact a stateless DHCPv6 server for additional configuration information. Hosts use their RA information to create their own unique GUA and get additional information from a DHCPv6 server. Note: The DHCPv6 server only provides configuration parameters for clients and does not maintain a list of IPv6 address bindings.

    Part of the network configuration parameters are received from the RA and the rest from the DHCPv6 server.

    SLAAC enables hosts to create their own unique IPv6 GUA without the services of a DHCPv6 server. SLAAC is a stateless service which means that there is no server that maintains network address information to know which IPv6 addresses are being used and which ones are available. SLAAC sends periodic ICMPv6 ND RA messages every 200 seconds providing addressing and other configuration information for hosts to autoconfigure their IPv6 address based on the information in the RA. The RA advertisements live for 1800 seconds.

    RA messages have the following flags set:

    • A=1: informs the client to use the IPv6 GUA prefix in the RA and dynamically create its own interface ID.
    • O=1 and M=0: informs the client to use the additional information in the RA message i.e., DNS server, interface MTU, and default gateway information.
    The default gateway address is the link-local address of the router interface.

    A router sends RA messages every 200ms or when it receives an RS message from a host. IPv6 enabled hosts wishing to obtain IPv6 addressing information send an RS message to the IPv6 all-routers multicast message of FF02::2.

    Stateless DHCPv6 RA Message

    The RA message sent by a router acting as a stateless DHCPv6 server contains the following information:

    • Destination IPv6 address: FF02::1 (All IPv6 devices multicast address)
    • Source IPv6 address: link-local address
    • Prefix: prefix
    • Prefix-length: /64
    • Address autoconfig flag: 1
    • Other config flag: 1

    Because the address autoconfig flag(A-flag) is set to 1, the device creates its own Interface ID using EUI-64 or randomly generated.

    Host Process to Generate Interface ID

    Using SLAAC, a host acquires its 64-bit IPv6 subnet information from the router RA and must generate the remainder 64-bit interface identifier using either:

      Randomly generated: the 64-bit interface identifier is randomly generated by the client operating system(usually used by Windows 10).
    • EUI-64: the host creates an interface ID using its 48-bit MAC address and inserts the hex value of FFFE in the middle of the address. Some operating systems default to randomly generated interface ID instead of the EUI-64 method due to privacy concerns. This is because the Ethernet MAC address of the host is used by EUI-64 to create the interface ID.
    Windows, Linux, and Mac OS allow for the user to modify the generation of the interface ID to be either randomly generated or to use EUI-64.

    Duplicate Address Detection(DAD)

    A SLAAC host may use the following DAD process to ensure that the IPv6 GUA is unique.

    • The host sends an ICMPv6 neighbor solicitation(NS) message with a specially constructed solicited-node multicast address containing the last 24-bits of IPv6 address of the host.
    • If no other devices respond with a Neighbor Advertisement(NA) message, then the address is virtually guaranteed to be unique and can be used by the host.
    • If an NA is received by the host, then the address is not unique, and the the host must generate a new interface ID to use.
    Note: DAD is not really required because a 64-bit interface ID provides infinite possibilites of an address. IETF recommends the use of DAD. Due to this, most host oerating systems perform DAD on all IPv6 unicast addresses, regardless of how the address is configured.

    Interface should join the all IPv6 multicast group: FF02::1. Verify with show ipv6 interface g0/1 | section Joined.

    The RA received by hosts contains the following message:

    • The IPv6 GUA network prefix and prefix length
    • A flag set to 1 informing the host to use SLAAC
    • O flag set to 1 informing the host to seek that additional configuration information from a DHCPv6 server.
    • M flag set to the default value of 0.
    PC sends a DHCPv6 SOLICIT message seeking additional information from a stateless DHCPv6 server.



    Stateless DHCPv6 server option requires that the router advertise the IPv6 network addressing information in RA messages. Stateless DHCPv6 is enabled using the ipv6 nd other-config-flag interface configuration command setting the O flag to 1.

    This configuration can be verified using the command show ipv6 interface xxx. The output confirms the RA will tell hosts to use stateless autoconfigure (A flag = 1) and contact DHCPv6 server to obtain another configuration information (O flag = 1). To disable the O flag, use the command no ipv6 nd other-config-flag.

    There are five steps to configure and verify a router as a stateless DHCPv6 server:

    1. Enable IPv6 routing: using ipv6 unicast-routing.
    2. Define a DHCPv6 pool name: using the ipv6 dhcp pool <pool-name> global config command.

      R1(config)#ipv6 dhcp pool POOL_2001:DB8:CAFE:2

    3. Configure the DHCPv6 pool with options: common options include DNS servers, domain name:

      R1(config-dhcpv6)#dns-server 2001:db8:cafe:a:1::1

    4. Bind the interface to the pool: using the ipv6 dhcp server <pool-name> interface config command.

      R1(config)#interface g2/0
      R1(config-if)#ipv6 address 2001:db8:cafe:2::1/64
      R1(config-if)#ipv6 dhcp server POOL_2001:DB8:CAFE:2

      Manually change the O flag from 0 to 1 using the ipv6 nd other-config-flag interface command. RA messages sent to this interface indicate that

      R1(config-if)#ipv6 nd other-config-flag


    A router can also be a DHCPv6 client and receiev IPv6 network configuration parameters from a DHCPv6 server:

    1. Enable IPv6 routing: using ipv6 unicast-routing.
    2. Configure the client router to create a link-local address: an IPv6 link-local address is created on a router interface when a global unicast address is configured, or without a GUA using the IPv6 enable interface configuration command. Cisco IOS uses EUI-64 to create the interface ID.
    3. Configure the client router to use SLAAC: using ipv6 address autoconfig command.

      R5(config)#interface g0/0
      R5(config-if)#ipv6 address autoconfig

    4. Verify that the client is assigned a GUA: using show ipv6 interface <interface-id> command.

      R5#show ipv6 interface g0/0
      GigabitEthernet0/0 is up, line protocol is up
        IPv6 is enabled, link-local address is FE80::C805:6FF:FE6F:8
        No Virtual link-local address(es):
        Stateless address autoconfig enabled
        Global unicast address(es):
          2001:DB8:CAFE:2:C805:6FF:FE6F:8, subnet is 2001:DB8:CAFE:2::/64 [EUI/CAL/PRE]
            valid lifetime 2591984 preferred lifetime 604784
        Joined group address(es):
        MTU is 1500 bytes
        ICMP error messages limited to one every 100 milliseconds
        ICMP redirects are enabled
        ICMP unreachables are sent
        ND DAD is enabled, number of DAD attempts: 1
        ND reachable time is 30000 milliseconds (using 30000)
        ND NS retransmit interval is 1000 milliseconds
        Default router is FE80::C801:5FF:FECA:38 on GigabitEthernet0/0

    5. Verify that the client router received other necessary DHCPv6 information: The show ipv6 dhcp interface g0/0 confirms DHCP option information, such as DNS server and domain name have been received by the client.

      R5#show ipv6 dhcp interface g0/0
      GigabitEthernet0/0 is in client mode
        Prefix State is IDLE (1)
        Information refresh timer expires in 23:44:04
        Address State is IDLE
        List of known servers:
          Reachable via address: FE80::C801:5FF:FECA:38
          DUID: 00030001CA0105CA0006
          Preference: 0
          Configuration parameters:
            DNS server: 2001:DB8:CAFE:A:1::1
            Domain name:
            Information refresh time: 0
        Prefix Rapid-Commit: disabled
        Address Rapid-Commit: disabled

    Address Allocation

    There are two modes of address allocation:

    • Two-message exchange: The DHCPv6 client requests for an address and other network configuration parameters from the server. The server allocates an address and other network configuration parameters to the client. This mode applies to a network with only one DHCPv6 server.
    • Four-message exchange: When there are multiple IPv6 DHCPv6 servers, all of them can allocate addresses and other configuration parameters to requesting clients. The client may waste address space. In this case the four-message exchange is used to allocate addresses.
      1. The DHCP client requests for an address and other network configuration parameters.
      2. The server notifies the client of the IPv6 address other network configuration parameters that can be allocated.
      3. If the client receives multiple messages from multiple servers, it selects messages from the server with the highest priority and sends multicast messages to all the servers.
      4. The server responds with a message that contains the allocated IPv6 address and network configuration parameters.

    DHCPv6 Relay Agent

    If the DHCPv6 server is located on a different network from the client, then the IPv6 router can be configured as a DHCPv6 relay agent. The realy agent creates a unicast RELAY-FORWARD message containing the original DHCPv6 message from the client and forwards the message to a server. The configuration of a DHCPv6 relay agent is similar to the configuration of an IPv4 router as a DHCPv4 relay. This command is configured on the interface facing the DHCPv6 clients and specifies the DHCPv6 server address and egress interface to reach the server. The egress interface is only required when the next-hop address is an LLA. ipv6 dhcp relay destination 2001:01010 <egress-interface>.

    The relay address can be unicast or multicast. With a multicast address, multiple DHCPv6 servers be be available. If a link-local unicast address is configured, then the egress interface must be specified.


    Verify that the DHCPv6 relay agent is operational with the show ipv6 dhcp interface and show ipv6 dhcp binding.

    Prefix Delegation

    IPv6 Prefix Delegation(PD) mechanism allows a downstream device to request for an address prefix from an upstream device and allows the upstream device to allocate the appropriate prefix to the downstream device. The downstream device automatically divides the obtained address prefix into subnet segments with 64-bit prefixes and sends RA messages carrying the subnet segments on the link that IPv6 hosts directly connect to. This allows IPv6 hosts to automatically configure IPv6 addresses implementing hierarchical address deployment.


    DHCPv6 snooping. An intermediate device such as a switch maintains a DHCPv6 snooping binding table that records information between a DHCPv6 client and server. It intercepts DHCPv6 messages between the server and the client. This table contains user information such as MAC address, IPv6 address lease, VLAN ID, and interface information. Based on this table, the device analyzes and processes messages as well as filters out attack messages providing security services for DHCPv6


    show ipv6 dhcp

    View the device's DHCPv6 unique identifier(DUID).

    show ipv6 dhcp pool

    Command verifies the name of the DHCPv6 pool and its parameters. The coomand also identifies the number of active clients.

    show ipv6 dhcp binding

    To display the IPv6 link-local address of the client and the global unicast address assigned by the server. This information is maintained by a stateful DHCPv6 server. A stateless DHCPv6 server would not maintain this information.

    show ipv6 dhcp interface <interface-ID>

    View settings such as state of rapid-commit.

    Wednesday 5 May 2021

    Implementing OSPF and OSPFv3 in Cisco IOS

    1. Introduction
    2. Neighbor Adjacency
      1. Adjacency Preconditions
      2. OSPF Packet Types
      3. Advertising Networks
      4. Adjacency States
      5. Neighbor Table
      6. OSPF Network Types
      7. Designated Router & Backup Designated Router
    3. LSDB and Link State Advertisements (LSA)
      1. Link State Database
      2. Type 1 LSA
      3. Type 2 LSA
      4. Type 3 LSA
      5. Type 4 LSA
      6. Type 5 LSA
      7. Type 7 LSA
    4. OSPF Hierarchy
    5. SPF Operation
    6. OSPF Optimization
      1. Accelerating OSPF Convergence
      2. Controlling LSA Generation and Propagation
      3. Altering SPF
      4. Reducing LSDB Size
      5. OSPF Restarts
      6. OSPF Traffic Engineering
    7. OSPF Security
    8. Troubleshooting OSPF Issues
    9. OSPFv3

    Introduction and Overview

    OSPF is an open standard link state IP routing protocol defined by RFC 2328 (written in 1998). Another example of a link state routing protocol is Intermediate System to Intermediate System (IS-IS). Like all link state routing protocols, OSPF is a classless routing protocol that includes the subnet mask in OSPF packets exchanged between neighbors.

    OSPF is classified as an Interior Gateway Protocol routing within a single autonomous system. As a link state routing protocol, a router running OSPF compiles a database of all the links in the domain, the OSPF routers on those links and the cost of the links. This database is the same on all routers in an OSPF area. Each router independently determines their best path to the destinations in this database.

    OSPF runs Dijkstra's algorithm to calculate the shortest path to any destination network in the OSPF domain. Dijkstra's algorithm is used by all link state routing alogrithms to calculate the shortest path to a destination.

    OSPF uses IP protocol number 89 and provides its own transport layer services. The current versions of OSPF are OSPFv2 that supports IPv4 and OSPFv3 that supports IPv4 and IPv6. The two versions of OSPF are not compatible i.e., routers running OSPFv3 cannot form an IPv4 adjacency with routers running OSPFv2.

    In Cisco IOS, to configure OSPF, issue the global config mode command router ospf <process-id> where process-id is a value between 1 - 65535:

    R1#configure terminal
    R1(config)#router ospf 1

    The process ID is locally significant and does not have to match on any of the routers in the OSPF domain.

    For a router to learn and exchange routes with other OSPF routers in the OSPF domain, the OSPF process transitions through various stages before presenting accurate routing information to the global/VRF routing information base (RIB) or routing table. These stages include:

    • Neighbor adjacency: this involves the discovery of neighbors and formation of neighbor relationships known as adjacencies. Once formed, the adjacent neighbors exchange all their learned routes.
    • Best path selection: each router creates a local database of learned routes, known as the link state database (LSDB). Using the information from the LSDB, OSPF generates a shortest path first tree (SPT) in which the local router is at the root of the tree. The shortest path to each node in the tree is determined and then presented to the global RIB for installation.
    • Neighbor and topology maintenance: each router continually monitors the state of its neighbors and their links to ensure that its knowledge of the network is up-to-date.

    OSPF and Other Routing Information Sources

    The routing table (RIB) receives routing information from various sources. If a routing device is being informed about a route from various sources such as EIGRP, OSPF, IS-IS, BGP etc it uses the concept of administrative distance to rank the routing information from each source. The admininstrative distance (AD) can be considered as the level of trustworthiness of routing information from a given source. The lower the AD, the more trustworthy the routing information and the more likely that that routing information will be installed in the RIB in preference over other sources with higher AD. An AD of 255 represents an untrustworthy route.

    OSPF has an administrative distance of 110 for intra-area, inter-area OSPF originated routes and 110 for routes that have been redistributed into OSPF from other sources such as BGP, EIGRP (external routes). The following table shows the ADs of some common routing protocols.

    Routing Source Administrative Distance
    Connected 0
    Static 1
    EIGRP Summary 5
    eBGP 20
    EIGRP 90
    OSPF 110
    IS-IS 115
    RIP 120
    EIGRP-External 170
    iBGP 200

    OSPF Neighbor Adjacency

    Adjacency Preconditions

    For OSPF routers to exchange route information, they need to form an adjacency. The following are the adjacency preconditions:

    1. Unique Router ID (RID): The router identifier is a value used to uniquely identify an OSPF-enabled router in the OSPF domain. The RID is a value expressed in dotted decimal notation (in the form of an IPv4 address) but is not an IP address! The RID must be unique throughout the OSPF domain. If a router has more than one OSPF process, then the RID for each OSPF process on the router must be unique. By default, the RID is determined in the following order:
      1. Highest IPv4 address of any loopback interface.
      2. Highest IPv4 address of any physical interface if no loopback interfaces are configured with IPv4 addresses.

      Once the OSPF process has a RID, it does not change until the OSPF process restarts. The RID can also be manually configured using the OSPF router mode command: router-id <x.x.x.x>; where x.x.x.x is the desired router ID. This is the preferred method of configuring a RID. The RID can be viewed using most OSPF show commands:

      R1#show ip ospf
      Routing Process "ospf 1" with ID
      Start time: 00:00:32.764, Time elapsed: 00:29:01.924
      Supports only single TOS(TOS0) routes
      Supports opaque LSA
      Supports Link-local Signaling (LLS)
      Supports area transit capability
      Supports NSSA (compatible with RFC 3101)
      Event-log enabled, Maximum number of events: 1000, Mode: cyclic
      It is an area border and autonomous system boundary router
      Redistributing External Routes from,
      Router is not originating router-LSAs with maximum metric
      Initial SPF schedule delay 5000 msecs

    2. Interfaces must be OSPF active (in an Up state): The interface through which the adjacency is to be formed must have OSPF enabled on it and must not be in an OSPF passive state. Additionally, the interface and line protocol must be up.
    3. Common subnet: Interfaces must share a common subnet on the primary IP address. By default, OSPF advertises the primary and secondary IP addresses of an interface. This precondition for a common subnet between potential OSPF neighbors does not exist for OSPFv3 as adjacent devices communicate using IPv6 link local addresses.
    4. Matching MTU: Interface MTU must match. The MTU controls the size of packets that are sent out of interfaces. The default MTU value is 1500.

      Troubleshooting tip: if a neighbor adjacency formation stops at the EXSTART phase, then it is probable that the IP MTUs are mismatched. OSPF can be configured to ignore this precondition using the interface mode command: ip ospf mtu-ignore.

      R1(config)# interface g0/0
      R1(config-if)#ip ospf mtu-ignore

      However, ignoring MTU checks is not recommended in production networks. This is because if two OSPF neighbors have different MTU values and, say, the one with the larger MTU value has a large LSDB, then it could send the entire LSDB in a few packets and the neighbor may be unable to process these large packets.

    5. Matching OSPF network type: OSPF defines the following network types:
      • Broadcast
      • Non-broadcast
      • Point-to-point
      • Point-to-multipoint
      • Loopback

      OSPF configures the network type on the interface automatically depending on the connection medium at layer 2 of the OSI model. The OSPF network type should match for a neighbor adjacency to form. The OSPF network type determines the following parameters of OSPF:

      • Hello and dead-interval timers for OSPF.
      • The need for DR on a network segment: the broadcast and non-broadcast OSPF network types require a Designated Router (DR) while the point-to-point and point-to-multipoint network types do not require a DR. This requirement or non-requirement of a DR must match on the interfaces of the two routers for them to form an adjacency.

      There may be instances where the OSPF neighborships may successfully form even when the OSPF network types of the connecting neighbors are different but with matching timer values such as broadcast and point-to-point. It has been noticed that the adjacency state transitions up to FULL with LSAs being stored in the LSDB. However, these LSAs do not have the routing-bit set i.e. are not moved from the LSDB to the routing table even though the routing table does not have a similar route in its routing table.

    6. Matching hello and dead-interval timers: Unlike EIGRP, with OSPF, the Hello timer and dead-interval timer values must match. A Hello packet is initially used for establishment of a neighbor relationship. After establishment of the neighbor relationship, the Hello packet acts as a kind of keepalive to maintain the adjacency. By default, it is 10 seconds or 40 seconds depending on the OSPF network type. The 10 second value for the hello interval is referred to as the fast timer and the 40 second value is the slow timer. The dead-interval timer is used to determine when a neighbor can be considered as being down and unreachable. By default, it is 40 seconds or 120 seconds depending on the OSPF network type. By default, the dead-interval timer is 4 times the hello interval timer.
    7. Matching authentication type and credentials: OSPF supports three types of authentication: null, simple password authentication and hash digests where MD5 or SHA authentication is applied. The authentication type must match as well as the password. If SHA authentication is configured, then the SHA type must match in addition to the key ID and password.
    8. Same area ID: An OSPF area is a segregation of an OSPF domain. Each area is identified by the area ID value. Area ID for the segment must match.
    9. Matching area type: Area type flags must match i.e. whether normal, stubby or Not-So-Stubby Area(NSSA).
    10. Version: The OSPF versions OSPFv2 and OSPFv3 are not compatible. As a result, the OSPF versions in use in the network must be the same.

    Advertising Networks

    For OSPF to advertise local networks, it has to be enabled on the directly connected interfaces with configured IP addresses. The area that the network will be resident has to be explicitly defined. A network can only reside in one area. This can be done in two ways: using the OSPF network command or using the interface command ip ospf <process-id> area <area-id>.

    1. network command

      The OSPF router mode command network <network-address> <wild-card> area <area-id> is used to specify networks to be advertised and the areas that the networks reside. When configured, any interfaces whose IP address is a subnet of the network configured will have OSPF enabled and its network advertised. The area ID is a value between 0 to 65,535 and matches the OSPF defined area.

      R1#configure terminal
      R1(config)#router ospf 1
      R1(config-router)#network area 0

      It is possible to advertise the network of all interfaces using a single network command. The following snippet advertises the networks configured on all interfaces with a configured IP address as residents of area 0; any subsequent interfaces that will be configured with IP addresses will have OSPF enabled and their configured networks advertised.

      R1(config)#router ospf 1
      R1(config-router)#network area 0

    2. ip ospf <process-id> area <area-id> command

      OSPF is enabled directly on the interface whose network is to be advertised. OSPF interface statement advertises the networks of primary and secondary IP addresses. Advertisement of the secondary IP address can be disabled by addition of the secondaries none keyword. If the interface IP address is subsequently changed, the new IP address will still be automatically advertised without any further configuration.

      R1#configure terminal
      Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
      R1(config)# interface g1/0
      R1(config-if)# ip ospf 1 area 0

    Loopback Interfaces

    When advertising the network of a loopback interface, these are usually advertised into OSPF as a host route i.e., with a subnet mask of /32. To advertise the correct mask of a loopback interface, the OSPF network type should be changed to point-to-point.


    To view the OSPF configuration including which networks are being advertised and how they were added to OSPF, use the command show ip protocols:

    R1#show ip protocols
    *** IP Routing is NSF aware ***

    Routing Protocol is "ospf 1"
       Outgoing update filter list for all interfaces is not set
       Incoming update filter list for all interfaces is not set
       Router ID
       It is an area border and autonomous system boundary router
      Redistributing External Routes from,
       Number of areas in this router is 2. 1 normal 0 stub 1 nssa
       Maximum path: 4
      Routing for Networks: area 0
      Routing on Interfaces Configured Explicitly (Area 0):
      Routing on Interfaces Configured Explicitly (Area 10):
      Routing Information Sources:
       Gateway Distance Last Update 110 00:32:45 110 00:32:45
      Distance: (default is 110)

    OSPF Packet Types

    OSPF uses five types of packets:

    1. Hello packet
    2. Database Descriptor (DBD)
    3. Link State Request (LSR)
    4. Link State Update (LSU)
    5. Link State Acknowledgement (LSAck)
    The hello packet is used to communicate adjacency parameters during neighborship formation and to maintain the neighborship. The other packet types are used to exchange link state database information. Together, these packets ensure that the information in the neighbor table and the LSDB is accurate and regularly updated.

    OSPF routers exchange prefix information using unicast packets, multicast packets or both depending on the OSPF network type. If multicast packets are used, the OSPF multicast destination addresses used are:

    • AllSPFRouters with MAC address 01:00:5E:00:00:05: All OSPF-enabled routers process packets arriving at this multicast address.
    • AllDRouters with MAC address 01:00:5E:00:00:06. Only the DR and BDR process packets arriving at this multicast address.

    In networks where multicast packets are permitted, it is possible to determine if OSPF has been enabled on an interface by viewing the multicast groups that have been joined by the interface using the command show ip interface.

    R2#show ip interface
    FastEthernet0/0 is up, line protocol is up
      Internet address is
      Broadcast address is
      Address determined by non-volatile memory
      MTU is 1500 bytes
      Helper address is not set
      Directed broadcast forwarding is disabled
      Multicast reserved groups joined:
      Outgoing access list is not set
      Inbound access list is not set
    GigabitEthernet4/0 is up, line protocol is up
      Internet address is
      Broadcast address is
      Address determined by non-volatile memory
      MTU is 1500 bytes
      Helper address is not set
      Directed broadcast forwarding is disabled
      Multicast reserved groups joined:
      Outgoing access list is not set

    From the above output, the OSPF device has the role of DROther on network segment connected through interface FastEthernet0/0, and DR or BDR on the segment connected through interface GigabitEthernet4/0.

    OSPF Header

    All OSPF packet types have an OSPF header. This header contains information that is common to all OSPF packet types and is communicated between devices. The following output shows a Wireshark capture of an OSPF Hello packet displaying only the OSPF header of the packet.

    OSPF Header
        Version: 2
        Message Type: Hello Packet (1)
        Packet Length: 48
        Source OSPF Router:
        Area ID:
        Checksum: 0xdb87 [correct]
        Auth Type: Null (0)
        Auth Data (none): 0000000000000000

    The header contains the following fields:

    • Version: values in this field are 2 (two) for OSPv2 or 3 for OSPFv3. From the packet capture, the OSPF version is 2.
    • Message Type: type of OSPF packet that is in the packet body. The following are the possible values for the message type field:
      1. Hello packet.
      2. Database descriptor (DBD)
      3. Link State Request (LSR)
      4. Link State Update (LSU)
      5. Link State Acknowledgement (LSAck)
      From the capture, the OSPF packet type is a hello packet (Type 1).
    • Packet Length: length of the packet. From the packet capture, the packet length is 48 bytes.
    • Source OSPF Router: this field displays the router identifier (RID) of the router that sent the OSPF packet. In the above packet capture, the OSPF device that sent the hello packet has a RID of
    • Area ID: areas are used to define a hierarchy and control the size of the flooding domain. From the packet capture output, the interface of the router is in area 7. The area ID was configured using the dotted decimal notation.
    • Checksum: used to verify the integrity of the packet.
    • Authentication type: contains the type of authentication used in the OSPF area or interface. Configured values are usually: null, simple and MD5 or SHA. From capture output, the authentication type is type 0 which is null authentication i.e., no authentication at all.
    • Authentication data: the password used for authentication. If MD5 or SHA authentication is used, then a digest of the password is contained in this field. From the packet capture, null type authentication is configured resulting in no password being configured.

    Of the values in the OSPF packet header, the OSPF version, area ID, authentication type, and authentication data must match to satisfy some of the adjacency preconditions.

    1. Hello Packet

      The hello packet (OSPF packet Type 1) is sent out an OSPF device's enabled interfaces to announce the router's presence on a link/segment and its neighborship adjacency prerequisite conditions. The Hello packet is used for establishment and maintenance of neighborships. When OSPF is configured to start advertising an interface's network, Hello packets start being sent out that interface.

      The following output shows a Wireshark packet capture of a Hello packet:

      » Frame 5517: 102 bytes on wire (816 bits), 102 bytes captured (816 bits) on interface -, id 0
      » Ethernet II, Src: ca:04:06:1f:00:54 (ca:04:06:1f:00:54), Dst: IPv4mcast_05 (01:00:5e:00:00:05)
      » Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:
      ⋄ Open Shortest Path First
            ⋄ OSPF Header
                Version: 2
                Message Type: Hello Packet (1)
                Packet Length: 56
                Source OSPF Router:
                Area ID: (Backbone)
                Checksum: 0xb74b [correct]
                Auth Type: Null (0)
                Auth Data (none): 0000000000000000
            ⋄ OSPF Hello Packet
                Network Mask:
                Hello Interval [sec]: 10
                Options: 0x12, (L) LLS Data block, (E) External Routing
                    0... .... = DN: Not set
                    .0.. .... = O: Not set
                    ..0. .... = (DC) Demand Circuits: Not supported
                    ...1 .... = (L) LLS Data block: Present
                    .... 0... = (N) NSSA: Not supported
                    .... .0.. = (MC) Multicast: Not capable
                    .... ..1. = (E) External Routing: Capable
                    .... ...0 = (MT) Multi-Topology Routing: No
                Router Priority: 1
                Router Dead Interval [sec]: 40
                Designated Router:
                Backup Designated Router:
                Active Neighbor:
                Active Neighbor:
                Active Neighbor:
            ⋄ OSPF LLS Data Block
                Checksum: 0xfff6
                LLS Data Length: 12 bytes
                ⋄ Extended options TLV
                    TLV Type: 1
                    TLV Length: 4
                    Options: 0x00000001, (LR) LSDB Resynchronization
                        .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..0. = (RS) Restart Signal: Not set
                        .. .... .... .... .... .... .... ...1 = (LR) LSDB Resynchronization: Set

      The hello packet body contains the following fields:

      • Network mask: contains the subnet mask that is configured on the interface. OSPF uses the network mask value to determine if the potential neighbor is on the same subnet. From the above packet capture, the value of the subnet mask is Based on the IP header, the IP address of the sender is OSPF can then deduce that the sender's IP address and network mask is
      • Hello Interval: indicates the amount of time between the hello packets. In this example, it is ten (10) seconds.
      • Options: communicates the different options that are supported by a device. It contains information that is used to determine whether a potential neighborship could be formed. The list of options include the following:
        • DN:
        • O:
        • Demand Circuit (DC): this bit is set if the hello packet is transiting a demand circuit such as a virtual link.
        • LLS Data block (L): support for non-stop forwarding (NSF) and presence of NSF body containing features enabled.
        • NSSA (N) bit: If the N-bit is set to 1, then the router is in a not-so-stubby area (NSSA).
        • Multicast bit (MC):
        • External Routing bit (E): If set to 1, then the router interface is a normal area. If the E-bit is set to 0, then the router is in a stub area.
        • Multi-Topology Routing bit (MT):
        • V bit: An optional bit that is included if the router is terminating a virtual link.
      • Priority: Used in the election of a DR/BDR roles in multi-access networks. The higher the priority, the more likely that the device is elected as DR in that segment. The device with the second highest priority becomes the BDR. The priority value is in the range 0 - 255.
      • Dead Interval: is a count-down timer that is used together with the hello interval to determine when a device can be considered down and how much time is required before a device is considered down. The dead interval resets each time a hello packet is received from a neighbor. If no hello packets are received, by the time the dead Interval expires, then the adjacency is dropped, the SPF tree is recalculated and flooding takes place.
      • Designated Router and Backup Designated Router: for OSPF broadcast network types, these fields contain the values of the elected designated router and backup designated routers respectively.
      • Active Neighbor: contains the list of devices that have successfully formed a neighborship with the local device i.e. a bi-directional relationship was established.

    2. Database Descriptor Packet (DBD/DDP)

      OSPF uses the DBD to communicate a summary of the link state information in the LSDB. This is not the detailed link state information itself but a summary of the known information. If the DBD packet from a neighbor contains information that the local OSPF device does not have, the local device requests for additional information using a link state request packet.

      The following is a packet capture between routers R1 and R7:

      » Frame 92: 558 bytes on wire (4464 bits), 558 bytes captured (4464 bits) on interface -, id 0
      » Ethernet II, Src: ca:01:05:e7:00:1c (ca:01:05:e7:00:1c), Dst: ca:07:06:4e:00:1c (ca:07:06:4e:00:1c)
      » Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:
      ⋄ Open Shortest Path First
          ⋄ OSPF Header
              Version: 2
              Message Type: DB Description (2)
              Packet Length: 512
              Source OSPF Router:
              Area ID:
              Checksum: 0xd73e [correct]
              Auth Type: Null (0)
              Auth Data (none): 0000000000000000
          ⋄ OSPF DB Description
              Interface MTU: 1500
              Options: 0x52, O, (L) LLS Data block, (E) External Routing
                  0... .... = DN: Not set
                  .1.. .... = O: Set
                  ..0. .... = (DC) Demand Circuits: Not supported
                  ...1 .... = (L) LLS Data block: Present
                  .... 0... = (N) NSSA: Not supported
                  .... .0.. = (MC) Multicast: Not capable
                  .... ..1. = (E) External Routing: Capable
                  .... ...0 = (MT) Multi-Topology Routing: No
              DB Description: 0x02, (M) More
                  .... 0... = (R) OOBResync: Not set
                  .... .0.. = (I) Init: Not set
                  .... ..1. = (M) More: Set
                  .... ...0 = (MS) Master: No
              DD Sequence: 2574
          ⋄ LSA-Type 1 (Router-LSA), len 36
              .000 0000 0100 0011 = LS Age (seconds): 67
              0... .... .... .... = Do Not Age Flag: 0
              Options: 0x22, (DC) Demand Circuits, (E) External Routing
                  0... .... = DN: Not set
                  .0.. .... = O: Not set
                  ..1. .... = (DC) Demand Circuits: Supported
                  ...0 .... = (L) LLS Data block: Not Present
                  .... 0... = (N) NSSA: Not supported
                  .... .0.. = (MC) Multicast: Not capable
                  .... ..1. = (E) External Routing: Capable
                  .... ...0 = (MT) Multi-Topology Routing: No
              LS Type: Router-LSA (1)
              Link State ID:
              Advertising Router:
              Sequence Number: 0x80000001
              Checksum: 0xc45e
              Length: 36
          LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
              .000 0000 0011 1010 = LS Age (seconds): 58
              0... .... .... .... = Do Not Age Flag: 0
              Options: 0x22, (DC) Demand Circuits, (E) External Routing
                  0... .... = DN: Not set
                  .0.. .... = O: Not set
                  ..1. .... = (DC) Demand Circuits: Supported
                  ...0 .... = (L) LLS Data block: Not Present
                  .... 0... = (N) NSSA: Not supported
                  .... .0.. = (MC) Multicast: Not capable
                  .... ..1. = (E) External Routing: Capable
                  .... ...0 = (MT) Multi-Topology Routing: No
              LS Type: Summary-LSA (IP network) (3)
              Link State ID:
              Advertising Router:
              Sequence Number: 0x80000001
              Checksum: 0xe543
              Length: 28
          LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
              .000 0000 0011 1010 = LS Age (seconds): 58
              0... .... .... .... = Do Not Age Flag: 0
              Options: 0x22, (DC) Demand Circuits, (E) External Routing
                  0... .... = DN: Not set
                  .0.. .... = O: Not set
                  ..1. .... = (DC) Demand Circuits: Supported
                  ...0 .... = (L) LLS Data block: Not Present
                  .... 0... = (N) NSSA: Not supported
                  .... .0.. = (MC) Multicast: Not capable
                  .... ..1. = (E) External Routing: Capable
                  .... ...0 = (MT) Multi-Topology Routing: No
              LS Type: Summary-LSA (IP network) (3)
              Link State ID:
              Advertising Router:
              Sequence Number: 0x80000001
              Checksum: 0xda4d
              Length: 28
          LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
              .000 0000 0011 1010 = LS Age (seconds): 58
              0... .... .... .... = Do Not Age Flag: 0
              Options: 0x22, (DC) Demand Circuits, (E) External Routing
                  0... .... = DN: Not set
                  .0.. .... = O: Not set
                  ..1. .... = (DC) Demand Circuits: Supported
                  ...0 .... = (L) LLS Data block: Not Present
                  .... 0... = (N) NSSA: Not supported
                  .... .0.. = (MC) Multicast: Not capable
                  .... ..1. = (E) External Routing: Capable
                  .... ...0 = (MT) Multi-Topology Routing: No
              LS Type: Summary-LSA (IP network) (3)
              Link State ID:
              Advertising Router:
              Sequence Number: 0x80000001
              Checksum: 0xcf57
              Length: 28
          LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
              .000 0000 0011 1010 = LS Age (seconds): 58
              0... .... .... .... = Do Not Age Flag: 0
              Options: 0x22, (DC) Demand Circuits, (E) External Routing
                  0... .... = DN: Not set
                  .0.. .... = O: Not set
                  ..1. .... = (DC) Demand Circuits: Supported
                  ...0 .... = (L) LLS Data block: Not Present
                  .... 0... = (N) NSSA: Not supported
                  .... .0.. = (MC) Multicast: Not capable
                  .... ..1. = (E) External Routing: Capable
                  .... ...0 = (MT) Multi-Topology Routing: No
              LS Type: Summary-LSA (IP network) (3)
              Link State ID:
              Advertising Router:
              Sequence Number: 0x80000001
              Checksum: 0xc461
              Length: 28
          LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
              .000 0000 0001 0010 = LS Age (seconds): 18
              0... .... .... .... = Do Not Age Flag: 0
              Options: 0x22, (DC) Demand Circuits, (E) External Routing
                  0... .... = DN: Not set
                  .0.. .... = O: Not set
                  ..1. .... = (DC) Demand Circuits: Supported
                  ...0 .... = (L) LLS Data block: Not Present
                  .... 0... = (N) NSSA: Not supported
                  .... .0.. = (MC) Multicast: Not capable
                  .... ..1. = (E) External Routing: Capable
                  .... ...0 = (MT) Multi-Topology Routing: No
              LS Type: Summary-LSA (IP network) (3)
              Link State ID:
              Advertising Router:
              Sequence Number: 0x80000001
              Checksum: 0xe343
              Length: 28
          LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
              .000 0000 0001 0010 = LS Age (seconds): 18
              0... .... .... .... = Do Not Age Flag: 0
              Options: 0x22, (DC) Demand Circuits, (E) External Routing
                  0... .... = DN: Not set
                  .0.. .... = O: Not set
                  ..1. .... = (DC) Demand Circuits: Supported
                  ...0 .... = (L) LLS Data block: Not Present
                  .... 0... = (N) NSSA: Not supported
                  .... .0.. = (MC) Multicast: Not capable
                  .... ..1. = (E) External Routing: Capable
                  .... ...0 = (MT) Multi-Topology Routing: No
              LS Type: Summary-LSA (IP network) (3)
              Link State ID:
              Advertising Router:
              Sequence Number: 0x80000001
              Checksum: 0xd84d
              Length: 28
          LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
              .000 0000 0001 0010 = LS Age (seconds): 18
              0... .... .... .... = Do Not Age Flag: 0
              Options: 0x22, (DC) Demand Circuits, (E) External Routing
                  0... .... = DN: Not set
                  .0.. .... = O: Not set
                  ..1. .... = (DC) Demand Circuits: Supported
                  ...0 .... = (L) LLS Data block: Not Present
                  .... 0... = (N) NSSA: Not supported
                  .... .0.. = (MC) Multicast: Not capable
                  .... ..1. = (E) External Routing: Capable
                  .... ...0 = (MT) Multi-Topology Routing: No
              LS Type: Summary-LSA (IP network) (3)
              Link State ID:
              Advertising Router:
              Sequence Number: 0x80000001
              Checksum: 0xcd57
              Length: 28
          LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
              .000 0000 0001 0010 = LS Age (seconds): 18
              0... .... .... .... = Do Not Age Flag: 0
              Options: 0x22, (DC) Demand Circuits, (E) External Routing
                  0... .... = DN: Not set
                  .0.. .... = O: Not set
                  ..1. .... = (DC) Demand Circuits: Supported
                  ...0 .... = (L) LLS Data block: Not Present
                  .... 0... = (N) NSSA: Not supported
                  .... .0.. = (MC) Multicast: Not capable
                  .... ..1. = (E) External Routing: Capable
                  .... ...0 = (MT) Multi-Topology Routing: No
              LS Type: Summary-LSA (IP network) (3)
              Link State ID:
              Advertising Router:
              Sequence Number: 0x80000001
              Checksum: 0xc8db
              Length: 28
          LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
              .000 0000 0011 1010 = LS Age (seconds): 58
              0... .... .... .... = Do Not Age Flag: 0
              Options: 0x22, (DC) Demand Circuits, (E) External Routing
                  0... .... = DN: Not set
                  .0.. .... = O: Not set
                  ..1. .... = (DC) Demand Circuits: Supported
                  ...0 .... = (L) LLS Data block: Not Present
                  .... 0... = (N) NSSA: Not supported
                  .... .0.. = (MC) Multicast: Not capable
                  .... ..1. = (E) External Routing: Capable
                  .... ...0 = (MT) Multi-Topology Routing: No
              LS Type: Summary-LSA (IP network) (3)
              Link State ID:
              Advertising Router:
              Sequence Number: 0x80000001
              Checksum: 0xcd59
              Length: 28
          LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
              .000 0000 0011 1010 = LS Age (seconds): 58
              0... .... .... .... = Do Not Age Flag: 0
              Options: 0x22, (DC) Demand Circuits, (E) External Routing
                  0... .... = DN: Not set
                  .0.. .... = O: Not set
                  ..1. .... = (DC) Demand Circuits: Supported
                  ...0 .... = (L) LLS Data block: Not Present
                  .... 0... = (N) NSSA: Not supported
                  .... .0.. = (MC) Multicast: Not capable
                  .... ..1. = (E) External Routing: Capable
                  .... ...0 = (MT) Multi-Topology Routing: No
              LS Type: Summary-LSA (IP network) (3)
              Link State ID:
              Advertising Router:
              Sequence Number: 0x80000001
              Checksum: 0xc263
              Length: 28
          LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
              .000 0000 0011 1010 = LS Age (seconds): 58
              0... .... .... .... = Do Not Age Flag: 0
              Options: 0x22, (DC) Demand Circuits, (E) External Routing
                  0... .... = DN: Not set
                  .0.. .... = O: Not set
                  ..1. .... = (DC) Demand Circuits: Supported
                  ...0 .... = (L) LLS Data block: Not Present
                  .... 0... = (N) NSSA: Not supported
                  .... .0.. = (MC) Multicast: Not capable
                  .... ..1. = (E) External Routing: Capable
                  .... ...0 = (MT) Multi-Topology Routing: No
              LS Type: Summary-LSA (IP network) (3)
              Link State ID:
              Advertising Router:
              Sequence Number: 0x80000001
              Checksum: 0xb76d
              Length: 28
          LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
              .000 0000 0011 1010 = LS Age (seconds): 58
              0... .... .... .... = Do Not Age Flag: 0
              Options: 0x22, (DC) Demand Circuits, (E) External Routing
                  0... .... = DN: Not set
                  .0.. .... = O: Not set
                  ..1. .... = (DC) Demand Circuits: Supported
                  ...0 .... = (L) LLS Data block: Not Present
                  .... 0... = (N) NSSA: Not supported
                  .... .0.. = (MC) Multicast: Not capable
                  .... ..1. = (E) External Routing: Capable
                  .... ...0 = (MT) Multi-Topology Routing: No
              LS Type: Summary-LSA (IP network) (3)
              Link State ID:
              Advertising Router:
              Sequence Number: 0x80000001
              Checksum: 0xac77
              Length: 28
          LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
              .000 0000 0011 1010 = LS Age (seconds): 58
              0... .... .... .... = Do Not Age Flag: 0
              Options: 0x22, (DC) Demand Circuits, (E) External Routing
                  0... .... = DN: Not set
                  .0.. .... = O: Not set
                  ..1. .... = (DC) Demand Circuits: Supported
                  ...0 .... = (L) LLS Data block: Not Present
                  .... 0... = (N) NSSA: Not supported
                  .... .0.. = (MC) Multicast: Not capable
                  .... ..1. = (E) External Routing: Capable
                  .... ...0 = (MT) Multi-Topology Routing: No
              LS Type: Summary-LSA (IP network) (3)
              Link State ID:
              Advertising Router:
              Sequence Number: 0x80000001
              Checksum: 0xd55a
              Length: 28
          LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
              .000 0000 0011 1010 = LS Age (seconds): 58
              0... .... .... .... = Do Not Age Flag: 0
              Options: 0x22, (DC) Demand Circuits, (E) External Routing
                  0... .... = DN: Not set
                  .0.. .... = O: Not set
                  ..1. .... = (DC) Demand Circuits: Supported
                  ...0 .... = (L) LLS Data block: Not Present
                  .... 0... = (N) NSSA: Not supported
                  .... .0.. = (MC) Multicast: Not capable
                  .... ..1. = (E) External Routing: Capable
                  .... ...0 = (MT) Multi-Topology Routing: No
              LS Type: Summary-LSA (IP network) (3)
              Link State ID:
              Advertising Router:
              Sequence Number: 0x80000001
              Checksum: 0xad7e
              Length: 28
          LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
              .000 0000 0011 1010 = LS Age (seconds): 58
              0... .... .... .... = Do Not Age Flag: 0
              Options: 0x22, (DC) Demand Circuits, (E) External Routing
                  0... .... = DN: Not set
                  .0.. .... = O: Not set
                  ..1. .... = (DC) Demand Circuits: Supported
                  ...0 .... = (L) LLS Data block: Not Present
                  .... 0... = (N) NSSA: Not supported
                  .... .0.. = (MC) Multicast: Not capable
                  .... ..1. = (E) External Routing: Capable
                  .... ...0 = (MT) Multi-Topology Routing: No
              LS Type: Summary-LSA (IP network) (3)
              Link State ID:
              Advertising Router:
              Sequence Number: 0x80000001
              Checksum: 0x8f97
              Length: 28
          LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
              .000 0000 0011 0100 = LS Age (seconds): 52
              0... .... .... .... = Do Not Age Flag: 0
              Options: 0x22, (DC) Demand Circuits, (E) External Routing
                  0... .... = DN: Not set
                  .0.. .... = O: Not set
                  ..1. .... = (DC) Demand Circuits: Supported
                  ...0 .... = (L) LLS Data block: Not Present
                  .... 0... = (N) NSSA: Not supported
                  .... .0.. = (MC) Multicast: Not capable
                  .... ..1. = (E) External Routing: Capable
                  .... ...0 = (MT) Multi-Topology Routing: No
              LS Type: Summary-LSA (IP network) (3)
              Link State ID:
              Advertising Router:
              Sequence Number: 0x80000002
              Checksum: 0x3de0
              Length: 28
          LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
              .000 0000 0011 1010 = LS Age (seconds): 58
              0... .... .... .... = Do Not Age Flag: 0
              Options: 0x22, (DC) Demand Circuits, (E) External Routing
                  0... .... = DN: Not set
                  .0.. .... = O: Not set
                  ..1. .... = (DC) Demand Circuits: Supported
                  ...0 .... = (L) LLS Data block: Not Present
                  .... 0... = (N) NSSA: Not supported
                  .... .0.. = (MC) Multicast: Not capable
                  .... ..1. = (E) External Routing: Capable
                  .... ...0 = (MT) Multi-Topology Routing: No
              LS Type: Summary-LSA (IP network) (3)
              Link State ID:
              Advertising Router:
              Sequence Number: 0x80000001
              Checksum: 0xd644
              Length: 28
          LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
              .000 0000 0011 0100 = LS Age (seconds): 52
              0... .... .... .... = Do Not Age Flag: 0
              Options: 0x22, (DC) Demand Circuits, (E) External Routing
                  0... .... = DN: Not set
                  .0.. .... = O: Not set
                  ..1. .... = (DC) Demand Circuits: Supported
                  ...0 .... = (L) LLS Data block: Not Present
                  .... 0... = (N) NSSA: Not supported
                  .... .0.. = (MC) Multicast: Not capable
                  .... ..1. = (E) External Routing: Capable
                  .... ...0 = (MT) Multi-Topology Routing: No
              LS Type: Summary-LSA (IP network) (3)
              Link State ID:
              Advertising Router:
              Sequence Number: 0x80000002
              Checksum: 0xc44d
              Length: 28
          LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
              .000 0000 0011 1010 = LS Age (seconds): 58
              0... .... .... .... = Do Not Age Flag: 0
              Options: 0x22, (DC) Demand Circuits, (E) External Routing
                  0... .... = DN: Not set
                  .0.. .... = O: Not set
                  ..1. .... = (DC) Demand Circuits: Supported
                  ...0 .... = (L) LLS Data block: Not Present
                  .... 0... = (N) NSSA: Not supported
                  .... .0.. = (MC) Multicast: Not capable
                  .... ..1. = (E) External Routing: Capable
                  .... ...0 = (MT) Multi-Topology Routing: No
              LS Type: Summary-LSA (IP network) (3)
              Link State ID:
              Advertising Router:
              Sequence Number: 0x80000001
              Checksum: 0x7c97
              Length: 28
          LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
              .000 0000 0001 0010 = LS Age (seconds): 18
              0... .... .... .... = Do Not Age Flag: 0
              Options: 0x22, (DC) Demand Circuits, (E) External Routing
                  0... .... = DN: Not set
                  .0.. .... = O: Not set
                  ..1. .... = (DC) Demand Circuits: Supported
                  ...0 .... = (L) LLS Data block: Not Present
                  .... 0... = (N) NSSA: Not supported
                  .... .0.. = (MC) Multicast: Not capable
                  .... ..1. = (E) External Routing: Capable
                  .... ...0 = (MT) Multi-Topology Routing: No
              LS Type: Summary-LSA (IP network) (3)
              Link State ID:
              Advertising Router:
              Sequence Number: 0x80000001
              Checksum: 0x988b
              Length: 28
          LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
              .000 0000 0011 1010 = LS Age (seconds): 58
              0... .... .... .... = Do Not Age Flag: 0
              Options: 0x22, (DC) Demand Circuits, (E) External Routing
                  0... .... = DN: Not set
                  .0.. .... = O: Not set
                  ..1. .... = (DC) Demand Circuits: Supported
                  ...0 .... = (L) LLS Data block: Not Present
                  .... 0... = (N) NSSA: Not supported
                  .... .0.. = (MC) Multicast: Not capable
                  .... ..1. = (E) External Routing: Capable
                  .... ...0 = (MT) Multi-Topology Routing: No
              LS Type: Summary-LSA (IP network) (3)
              Link State ID:
              Advertising Router:
              Sequence Number: 0x80000001
              Checksum: 0xc963
              Length: 28
          LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
              .000 0000 0011 1010 = LS Age (seconds): 58
              0... .... .... .... = Do Not Age Flag: 0
              Options: 0x22, (DC) Demand Circuits, (E) External Routing
                  0... .... = DN: Not set
                  .0.. .... = O: Not set
                  ..1. .... = (DC) Demand Circuits: Supported
                  ...0 .... = (L) LLS Data block: Not Present
                  .... 0... = (N) NSSA: Not supported
                  .... .0.. = (MC) Multicast: Not capable
                  .... ..1. = (E) External Routing: Capable
                  .... ...0 = (MT) Multi-Topology Routing: No
              LS Type: Summary-LSA (IP network) (3)
              Link State ID:
              Advertising Router:
              Sequence Number: 0x80000001
              Checksum: 0xa583
              Length: 28
          LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
              .000 0000 0011 1010 = LS Age (seconds): 58
              0... .... .... .... = Do Not Age Flag: 0
              Options: 0x22, (DC) Demand Circuits, (E) External Routing
                  0... .... = DN: Not set
                  .0.. .... = O: Not set
                  ..1. .... = (DC) Demand Circuits: Supported
                  ...0 .... = (L) LLS Data block: Not Present
                  .... 0... = (N) NSSA: Not supported
                  .... .0.. = (MC) Multicast: Not capable
                  .... ..1. = (E) External Routing: Capable
                  .... ...0 = (MT) Multi-Topology Routing: No
              LS Type: Summary-LSA (IP network) (3)
              Link State ID:
              Advertising Router:
              Sequence Number: 0x80000001
              Checksum: 0x73b2
              Length: 28
          OSPF LLS Data Block
              Checksum: 0xfff6
              LLS Data Length: 12 bytes
              Extended options TLV
                  TLV Type: 1
                  TLV Length: 4
                  Options: 0x00000001, (LR) LSDB Resynchronization
                      .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..0. = (RS) Restart Signal: Not set
                      .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ...1 = (LR) LSDB Resynchronization: Set

      The DBD packet contains the following fields:

      • Interface MTU: indicates the largest-sized IP datagram that is allowed on a link. It is one of the fields that must match between potential neighbors as part of the adjacency formation criteria.
      • Options: Relays the same information as the hello packet options field specifically; device capability information.
      • DB Description: I,M, and MS bits: Used to communicate information on the the flow of DBD messages between neighbors:
        • I (Init bit): indicates that this is the first bit in a series.
        • M (More): indicates that additional DBD packets will be sent subsequently.
        • MS (Master - Slave): indicates which of the devices becomes the master of the neighbor formation process and controls the exchange of database information. When the MS bit is set to 1, it indicates that the device is the master.
      • Sequence: Used by devices to ensure the correct ordering of information between them. The determined master controls the sequence that will be used.
      • List of summaries of LSAs contained in the device's LSDB.

    3. Link State Request (LSR) Packet

      The LSR packet is used to request for additional information on specific networks from neighbors. When an OSPF device receives a DBD packet from a neighbor and it does not have some or all of the prefixes advertised in the DBD in its LSDB, it sends an LSR requesting for complete information of the prefixes that are missing in its LSDB.

      » Frame 97: 346 bytes on wire (2768 bits), 346 bytes captured (2768 bits) on interface -, id 0
      » Ethernet II, Src: ca:07:06:4e:00:1c (ca:07:06:4e:00:1c), Dst: ca:01:05:e7:00:1c (ca:01:05:e7:00:1c)
      » Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:
      ⋄ Open Shortest Path First
          ⋄ OSPF Header
              Version: 2
              Message Type: LS Request (3)
              Packet Length: 312
              Source OSPF Router:
              Area ID:
              Checksum: 0xa50f [correct]
              Auth Type: Null (0)
              Auth Data (none): 0000000000000000
          ⋄ Link State Request
              LS Type: Router-LSA (1)
              Link State ID:
              Advertising Router:
          ⋄ Link State Request
              LS Type: Summary-LSA (IP network) (3)
              Link State ID:
              Advertising Router:
          ⋄ Link State Request
              LS Type: Summary-LSA (IP network) (3)
              Link State ID:
              Advertising Router:
          ⋄ Link State Request
               LS Type: Summary-LSA (IP network) (3)
               Link State ID:
               Advertising Router:
          ⋄ Link State Request
               LS Type: Summary-LSA (IP network) (3)
               Link State ID:
               Advertising Router:
          ⋄ Link State Request
               LS Type: Summary-LSA (IP network) (3)
               Link State ID:
               Advertising Router:
          ⋄ Link State Request
               LS Type: Summary-LSA (IP network) (3)
               Link State ID:
               Advertising Router:
          ⋄ Link State Request
               LS Type: Summary-LSA (IP network) (3)
               Link State ID:
               Advertising Router:
          » Link State Request
          » Link State Request
          » Link State Request
          » Link State Request
          » Link State Request
          » Link State Request
          » Link State Request
          » Link State Request
          » Link State Request
          » Link State Request
          » Link State Request
          » Link State Request
          » Link State Request
          » Link State Request
          » Link State Request
          » Link State Request

      The LSR packet contains the following fields:

      • Link State Type: The type of LSA being requested from a neighbor.
      • Link State ID: The LSA ID of the LSA being requested.
      • Advertising Router: RID of the OSPF device that originated the requested LSA.

    4. Link State Update (LSU) Packet

      The link state update packet (OSPF packet Type 4) contains details of one or more networks and is usually sent in response to an LSR. This packet type is the envelop into which OSPF's link state Advertisements(LSAs) are enclosed. An LSU can contain one or many LSAs.

      The following output shows a Wireshark packet capture of an LSU packet. Some of details of two LSAs contained in the LSU have been displayed:

      » Frame 98: 742 bytes on wire (5936 bits), 742 bytes captured (5936 bits) on interface -, id 0
      » Ethernet II, Src: ca:01:05:e7:00:1c (ca:01:05:e7:00:1c), Dst: ca:07:06:4e:00:1c (ca:07:06:4e:00:1c)
      » Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:
      ⋄ Open Shortest Path First
          OSPF Header
              Version: 2
              Message Type: LS Update (4)
              Packet Length: 708
              Source OSPF Router:
              Area ID:
              Checksum: 0x2b22 [correct]
              Auth Type: Null (0)
              Auth Data (none): 0000000000000000
          ⋄ LS Update Packet
              Number of LSAs: 24
              ⋄ LSA-Type 1 (Router-LSA), len 36
                  .000 0000 0100 0101 = LS Age (seconds): 69
                  0... .... .... .... = Do Not Age Flag: 0
                  Options: 0x22, (DC) Demand Circuits, (E) External Routing
                      0... .... = DN: Not set
                      .0.. .... = O: Not set
                      ..1. .... = (DC) Demand Circuits: Supported
                      ...0 .... = (L) LLS Data block: Not Present
                      .... 0... = (N) NSSA: Not supported
                      .... .0.. = (MC) Multicast: Not capable
                      .... ..1. = (E) External Routing: Capable
                      .... ...0 = (MT) Multi-Topology Routing: No
                  LS Type: Router-LSA (1)
                  Link State ID:
                  Advertising Router:
                  Sequence Number: 0x80000001
                  Checksum: 0xc45e
                  Length: 36
                  Flags: 0x01, (B) Area border router
                      0... .... = (H) flag: No
                      ...0 .... = (N) flag: No
                      .... 0... = (W) Wild-card multicast receiver: No
                      .... .0.. = (V) Virtual link endpoint: No
                      .... ..0. = (E) AS boundary router: No
                      .... ...1 = (B) Area border router: Yes
                  Number of Links: 1
                  ⋄ Type: Stub ID: Data: Metric: 1
                      Link ID: - IP network/subnet number
                      Link Data:
                      Link Type: 3 - Connection to a stub network
                      Number of Metrics: 0 - TOS
                      0 Metric: 1
              ⋄ LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
                  .000 0000 0011 1011 = LS Age (seconds): 59
                  0... .... .... .... = Do Not Age Flag: 0
                  ⋄ Options: 0x22, (DC) Demand Circuits, (E) External Routing
                      0... .... = DN: Not set
                      .0.. .... = O: Not set
                      ..1. .... = (DC) Demand Circuits: Supported
                      ...0 .... = (L) LLS Data block: Not Present
                      .... 0... = (N) NSSA: Not supported
                      .... .0.. = (MC) Multicast: Not capable
                      .... ..1. = (E) External Routing: Capable
                      .... ...0 = (MT) Multi-Topology Routing: No
                  LS Type: Summary-LSA (IP network) (3)
                  Link State ID:
                  Advertising Router:
                  Sequence Number: 0x80000001
                  Checksum: 0xe543
                  Length: 28
                  TOS: 0
                  Metric: 3
              » LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
              » LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
              » LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
              » LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
              » LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
              » LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
              » LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
              » LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
              » LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
              » LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
              » LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
              » LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
              » LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
              » LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
              » LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
              » LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
              » LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
              » LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
              » LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
              » LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
              » LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
              » LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28

      LSU is a unicast packet and is sent in response to an LSR. It contains two fields:

      • Number of LSA's: Lists the number of LSAs that are included with the update.
      • LSA's: contains all the LSA information. This field can be repeated.

      OSPF packets containing prefix information are referred to as link state advertisements (LSAs). LSAs contain prefixes and their associated metric and are sent to neighboring routers. LSAs are stored, unaltered, in a local link state database in the form in which the originating router sent them. All routers in the same area have identical LSDBs for that area. The Shortest Path Tree (SPT) differs for each router as each sees itself at the root of the SPT.

    5. Link State Acknowledgement(LSAck) Packet

      The link state acknowledgement packet (OSPF packet Type 5) is sent in response to an LSR and LSU. It contains the sequence number of the LSU/LSR that it is acknowledging. It is used to acknowledge receipt of LSR and LSU packets. Its format is similar to the DBD packet.

      » Frame 104: 558 bytes on wire (4464 bits), 558 bytes captured (4464 bits) on interface -, id 0
      » Ethernet II, Src: ca:07:06:4e:00:1c (ca:07:06:4e:00:1c), Dst: IPv4mcast_05 (01:00:5e:00:00:05)
      » Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:
      ⋄ Open Shortest Path First
          OSPF Header
              Version: 2
              Message Type: LS Acknowledge (5)
              Packet Length: 524
              Source OSPF Router:
              Area ID:
              Checksum: 0x2518 [correct]
              Auth Type: Null (0)
              Auth Data (none): 0000000000000000
          LSA-Type 1 (Router-LSA), len 36
              .000 0000 0100 0101 = LS Age (seconds): 69
              0... .... .... .... = Do Not Age Flag: 0
              Options: 0x22, (DC) Demand Circuits, (E) External Routing
                  0... .... = DN: Not set
                  .0.. .... = O: Not set
                  ..1. .... = (DC) Demand Circuits: Supported
                  ...0 .... = (L) LLS Data block: Not Present
                  .... 0... = (N) NSSA: Not supported
                  .... .0.. = (MC) Multicast: Not capable
                  .... ..1. = (E) External Routing: Capable
                  .... ...0 = (MT) Multi-Topology Routing: No
              LS Type: Router-LSA (1)
              Link State ID:
              Advertising Router:
              Sequence Number: 0x80000001
              Checksum: 0xc45e
              Length: 36
          LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
              .000 0000 0011 1011 = LS Age (seconds): 59
              0... .... .... .... = Do Not Age Flag: 0
              Options: 0x22, (DC) Demand Circuits, (E) External Routing
                  0... .... = DN: Not set
                  .0.. .... = O: Not set
                  ..1. .... = (DC) Demand Circuits: Supported
                  ...0 .... = (L) LLS Data block: Not Present
                  .... 0... = (N) NSSA: Not supported
                  .... .0.. = (MC) Multicast: Not capable
                  .... ..1. = (E) External Routing: Capable
                  .... ...0 = (MT) Multi-Topology Routing: No
              LS Type: Summary-LSA (IP network) (3)
              Link State ID:
              Advertising Router:
              Sequence Number: 0x80000001
              Checksum: 0xe543
              Length: 28
          » LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
          » LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
          » LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
          » LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
          » LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
          » LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
          » LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
          » LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
          » LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
          » LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
          » LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
          » LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
          » LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
          » LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
          » LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
          » LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
          » LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
          » LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
          » LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
          » LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
          » LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
          » LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
          » LSA-Type 1 (Router-LSA), len 36

    OSPF Adjacency States

    When OSPF devices are forming neighbor relationships with each other, the adjacency state transitions through up to nine phases depending on the OSPF network type; these include DOWN, ATTEMPT, WAIT, INIT, 2-WAY, EXSTART, EXCHANGE, LOADING, FULL. In some OSPF network types, the number of stages may be less:

    1. DOWN: Initial state of any neighborship. It indicates that no OSPF packets have been sent or received from any neighbor. Additionally, the OSPF-enabled interface of the local router may be shutdown.
    2. ATTEMPT: A unicast hello packet has been sent to a neighbor but no hello packet has been received back. This state applies to an OSPF neighborship that is manually configured using the OSPF process command neighbor <ip_address> in NBMA environments.
    3. WAIT: This state exists before the INIT state and it prevents the unnecessary election of a DR and BDR on broadcast and non-broadcast networks. Routers spend the duration of the dead-interval in this state.
    4. INIT: A hello packet has been received from the neighbor but no bi-directional relationship has been established. The neighbor has not yet acknowledged the local router as a neighbor by including its RID in its hello packet header's 'Active Neighbor' field.
    5. 2-WAY: Hello received from neighbor and neighbor has acknowledged the local router as a neighbor by including the local router RID in its 'Active Neighbor' field of the hello packet header.
      • In broadcast and non-broadcast networks, DROther routers complete their adjacency formation with each other at the 2-Way stage.
      • Election of the DR/BDR roles is also started:
        1. The router with the highest priority becomes master during DR election.
        2. If there is a tie, then the router with the highest RID becomes the DR.
      • Need for adjacency determined: the need for an adjacency is determined and whether the formation of an adjacency is also possible.
      • At this point, no link state information has been exchanged yet.
    6. EXSTART: This state is reached by devices that have determined that they need to reach the FULL state of adjacency such as the devices on point-to-point links. On broadcast links, the DR and BDR are the only devices whose adjacency reach this stage and continue to the FULL stage with each other as well as with DROthers.
      • Devices begin the process to exchange complete link state information.
      • The master/slave relationship is developed with the master being the router with the higher RID.
      • The interface priority is not used in the determination of the master/slave relationship.
      • The master controls aspects of the adjacency formation by choosing the starting sequence number for the database descriptor packets (DDP or DBD) that are used for actual exchange.
      • The master is the only device that is permitted to retransmit database descriptor packets.
      • The slave only sends acknowledgements for the DBD packets received from the master. These packets contain the matching link state sequence number of the packets from the master.
      • The master/slave role applies only to the local network segment between the neighbors and does not influence the DR, BDR, DROther roles.
      • Unicast hello packets are exchanged with devices in the 'Active Neighbor' field.
    7. EXCHANGE: DDP or DBD packets are sent in unicast. A summary of the LSDB is exchanged through DBD packets. DBD sequence number is used for acknowledgment or re-transmission.
      • Link state information is compared between devices.
      • Database descriptor packets are used to exchange link state summary information.
      • If no new information is required from the neighbor, the state transitions to the FULL state.
      • If new information will be added to the request list, then this list is sent to the neighbor and the device transitions to LOADING.
    8. LOADING: In this stage:
      • LSRs are sent requesting for additional information about particular LSAs that the local router does not have.
      • Unicast LSUs are sent in reply to the LSRs packets.
      • LSAcks are sent in acknowledgement for received LSUs.
    9. FULL: LSDBs of the routers in the same area are fully synchronized.
      • Hello packets are exchanged until a network change occurs.
      • The SPF algorithm is run against the LSDB to generate the SPT.
      • In OSPF network types requiring the presence of DR and BDR:
        • All DROthers reach the FULL state only with the DR and BDR.
        • DROthers remain at the 2WAY state with each other.
        • DR and BDR reach FULL state with each other.

    To view the OSPF adjacency stages in real-time, run the privileged-exec command debug ip ospf adj:

    R1#debug ip ospf adj
    OSPF adjacency debugging is on
    *Aug 11 20:39:07.311: OSPF-1 ADJ Gi0/0: Send with youngest Key 0
    *Aug 11 20:39:07.375: OSPF-1 ADJ Gi0/0: 2 Way Communication to, state 2WAY
    *Aug 11 20:39:07.375: OSPF-1 ADJ Gi0/0: Neighbor change event
    *Aug 11 20:39:07.375: OSPF-1 ADJ Gi0/0: DR/BDR election
    *Aug 11 20:39:07.379: OSPF-1 ADJ Gi0/0: Elect BDR
    *Aug 11 20:39:07.379: OSPF-1 ADJ Gi0/0: Elect DR
    *Aug 11 20:39:07.379: OSPF-1 ADJ Gi0/0: DR: (Id) BDR: (Id)
    *Aug 11 20:39:07.383: OSPF-1 ADJ Gi0/0: Nbr Prepare dbase exchange
    *Aug 11 20:39:07.387: OSPF-1 ADJ Gi0/0: Send DBD to seq 0x24C9 opt 0x52 flag 0x7 len 32
    *Aug 11 20:39:07.387: OSPF-1 ADJ Gi0/0: Send with youngest Key 0
    *Aug 11 20:39:07.391: OSPF-1 ADJ Gi0/0: Neighbor change event
    *Aug 11 20:39:07.391: OSPF-1 ADJ Gi0/0: DR/BDR election
    *Aug 11 20:39:07.391: OSPF-1 ADJ Gi0/0: Elect BDR
    *Aug 11 20:39:07.395: OSPF-1 ADJ Gi0/0: Elect DR
    *Aug 11 20:39:07.395: OSPF-
    R1#1 ADJ Gi0/0: DR: (Id) BDR: (Id)
    *Aug 11 20:39:07.399: OSPF-1 ADJ Gi0/0: Neighbor change event
    *Aug 11 20:39:07.399: OSPF-1 ADJ Gi0/0: DR/BDR election
    *Aug 11 20:39:07.403: OSPF-1 ADJ Gi0/0: Elect BDR
    *Aug 11 20:39:07.403: OSPF-1 ADJ Gi0/0: Elect DR
    *Aug 11 20:39:07.403: OSPF-1 ADJ Gi0/0: DR: (Id) BDR: (Id)
    *Aug 11 20:39:07.411: OSPF-1 ADJ Gi0/0: Rcv DBD from seq 0x22D5 opt 0x52 flag 0x7 len 32 mtu 1500 state EXSTART
    *Aug 11 20:39:07.411: OSPF-1 ADJ Gi0/0: NBR Negotiation Done. We are the SLAVE
    *Aug 11 20:39:07.415: OSPF-1 ADJ Gi0/0: Nbr Summary list built, size 2
    *Aug 11 20:39:07.415: OSPF-1 ADJ Gi0/0: Send DBD to seq 0x22D5 opt 0x52 flag 0x2 len 72
    *Aug 11 20:39:07.419: OSPF-1 ADJ Gi0/0: Send with youngest Key 0
    *Aug 11 20:39:07.531: OSPF-1 ADJ Gi0/0: Rcv DBD from seq 0x22D6 opt 0x52 flag 0x1 len 52 mtu 1500 state EXCHANGE
    *Aug 11 20:39:07.531: OSPF-1 ADJ Gi0/0: Exchange Done with
    *Aug 11 20:39:07.535: OSPF-1 ADJ Gi0/0: Send with youngest Key 0
    *Aug 11 20:39:07.535: OSPF-1 ADJ Gi0/0: Send LS REQ to length 36 LS
    R1#A count 1
    *Aug 11 20:39:07.539: OSPF-1 ADJ Gi0/0: Send DBD to seq 0x22D6 opt 0x52 flag 0x0 len 32
    *Aug 11 20:39:07.539: OSPF-1 ADJ Gi0/0: Send with youngest Key 0
    *Aug 11 20:39:07.643: OSPF-1 ADJ Gi0/0: Rcv LS UPD from length 88 LSA count 1
    *Aug 11 20:39:07.647: OSPF-1 ADJ Gi0/0: Synchronized with, state FULL
    *Aug 11 20:39:07.647: %OSPF-5-ADJCHG: Process 1, Nbr on GigabitEthernet0/0 from LOADING to FULL, Loading Done
    *Aug 11 20:39:07.651: OSPF-1 ADJ Gi0/0: Rcv LS REQ from length 48 LSA count 2

    It is important to note that once the routers in an area have converged i.e., they have the same LSDB, by default, the LSDB is flooded by OSPF every 30 minutes. This process can the modified or disabled completely if so desired.

    Neighbor Table

    A router running OSPF builds and maintains two data structures or databases from which it develops an accurate picture of the network: neighbor table and link state database (LSDB).

    The OSPF neighbor table contains directly connected neighbors that share network information. To view the neighbor table, issue the commands in the following sections. Below are the interface IP addresses of the local OSPF device:

    R1#show ip interface brief | exclude unassigned
    Interface                  IP-Address      OK? Method Status                Protocol
    GigabitEthernet0/0      YES manual up                    up
    GigabitEthernet1/0    YES NVRAM  up                    up
    GigabitEthernet2/0      YES NVRAM  up                    up
    FastEthernet3/0       YES NVRAM  up                    up
    GigabitEthernet4/0   YES NVRAM  up                    up

    show ip ospf neighbor

    R1#show ip ospf neighbor

    Neighbor ID     Pri   State           Dead Time   Address         Interface           1   FULL/BDR        00:00:32      GigabitEthernet0/0           1   FULL/DROTHER    00:00:32     FastEthernet3/0           1   FULL/DROTHER    00:00:33     FastEthernet3/0           1   FULL/BDR        00:00:39     FastEthernet3/0           1   FULL/BDR        00:00:39      GigabitEthernet2/0           1   FULL/BDR        00:00:31    GigabitEthernet1/0       1   FULL/BDR        00:00:33   GigabitEthernet4/0

    From the output, the following can be learned:

    • Neighbor ID: The RID of the neighbor. From the command output, it can be noted that the local OSPF router has formed an adjacency with devices with RID and over two interfaces.
    • Pri: the priority of the interface of the neighbor through which this neighbor relationship was formed. The priority of the neighbors has the default value of 1 (one).
    • State: Adjacency state and DR/BDR/DROTHER role of the neighbor on the link. On links that do not require formation of DR/BDR, such as point-to-point links, this field is blank. From the above output, it can be determined that OSPF device R1 is a DR to all its neighbors on all interfaces.
    • Dead Time: Count-down timer to zero (0). This value gets reset to the value of the dead-interval timer when a hello packet is received. On an Ethernet link with default dead-interval and hello timer values, the dead time value will range from 31 - 39.
    • Address: IP address of the interface of the neighbor through which this neighborship was formed.
    • Interface: the interface of the local device through which the adjacency with the neighbor was formed.

    show ip ospf neighbor <RID>

    The command show ip ospf neighbor <RID> can be used to view details of the neighborship that a router has with its neighbor.

    R1#show ip ospf neighbor
    Neighbor, interface address
       In the area via interface FastEthernet3/0
       Neighbor priority is 1, State is FULL, 6 state changes
       DR is BDR is
       Options is 0x12 in Hello (E-bit, L-bit)
       Options is 0x52 in DBD (E-bit, L-bit, O-bit)
       LLS Options is 0x1 (LR)
       Dead timer due in 00:00:37
       Neighbor is up for 05:50:19
       Index 1/1, retransmission queue length 0, number of retransmission 1
       First 0x0(0)/0x0(0) Next 0x0(0)/0x0(0)
       Last retransmission scan length is 1, maximum is 1
       Last retransmission scan time is 0 msec, maximum is 0 msec
    Neighbor, interface address
       In the area via interface GigabitEthernet2/0
       Neighbor priority is 1, State is FULL, 6 state changes
       DR is BDR is
       Options is 0x12 in Hello (E-bit, L-bit)
       Options is 0x52 in DBD (E-bit, L-bit, O-bit)
       LLS Options is 0x1 (LR)
       Dead timer due in 00:00:37
       Neighbor is up for 05:49:56
       Index 2/2, retransmission queue length 0, number of retransmission 0
       First 0x0(0)/0x0(0) Next 0x0(0)/0x0(0)
       Last retransmission scan length is 0, maximum is 0
       Last retransmission scan time is 0 msec, maximum is 0 msec

    From the above output, the following information can be learned about the neighborship:

    • Interfaces through which neighborship was formed: Router R1 has formed a neighborship with OSPF device with RID over two interfaces FastEthernet3/0 and GigabitEthernet2/0.
    • Duration of the neighborship: In this instance, the neighborship has been up for 5 hours and 50 minutes through the interface FastEthernet3/0 and 05 hours and 49 minutes via interface GigabitEthernet2/0.
    • DR/BDR/DROther role: on broadcast and non-broadcast networks that require a DR/BDR, the role or the OSPF neighbor can be learned. In this instance, the local device is a DR on network segment through interface FastEthernet 3/0 and GigabitEthernet2/0. Additionally, the local device transitioned through six adjacency state changes with its neighbor
    • Options: options have been set on the Hello packets and DBD packets:
      • E-bit: the neighbor is capable of redistribution.
      • L-bit: the neighbor has enabled LLS (link-local signaling). LLS allows for the extension of existing OSPF packets in order to provide additional bit space. The additional bit space enables greater information per packet exchange between OSPF neighbors. This functionality is used, for example, by the OSPF Nonstop Forwarding (NSF) Awareness feature that allows customer premises equipment (CPE) routers that are NSF-aware to help NSF-capable routers perform nonstop forwarding of packets. With the LLS option enabled, the LLS data block contains NSF relevant options. In this instance, the neighbor has enabled LSDB Resynchronization (LR) enabled on both interfaces. NSF is discussed in some detail in the subsequent sections.
    • Priority: the neighbor priority is set to 1 (default) on both interfaces.
    • Area: the local device interfaces GigabitEthernet2/0 and FastEthernet3/0 and its neighbor are in area 0 (backbone).

    show ip ospf neighbor <interface-id>

    The above command is used to view the neighborships formed through the specified interface. The optional detail keyword can be appended to the command to view detailed OSPF related information regarding the neighbor.

    R1#show ip ospf neighbor FastEthernet3/0

    Neighbor ID     Pri   State           Dead Time   Address         Interface           1   FULL/DROTHER    00:00:38     FastEthernet3/0           1   FULL/DROTHER    00:00:31     FastEthernet3/0           1   FULL/BDR        00:00:35     FastEthernet3/0

    OSPF Media Dependencies and Network Types

    OSPF Network Types

    OSPF defines different network types to handle packet exchange with neighbors connected through different types of network media and their different associated characteristics. OSPF network types control:
    • When hello packets and updates are sent i.e., using timers.
    • How updates are sent i.e., directly or to the DR.
    • Who forms an adjacency
    • How the next-hop is calculated.

    By default, adjacency formation criteria requires that OSPF neighbors be connected through the same OSPF network type. Technically, the OSPF network type does not need to match to form an adjacency but it does need to be compatible such as;

    • Common need for a DR/BDR for the segment
    • Same hello and dead interval timers
    OSPF network types include the following:
    • Broadcast networks: default network type on multi-access broadcast media such as Ethernet. The broadcast network type has the following features:
      • Dynamic neighbor discovery is supported through the use of multicast hello packets.
      • Requires the election of a designated router (DR) and back-up designated router (BDR).
      • Hello packets from DROthers are sent as multicast to (AllDRouters) using the destination MAC address 01:00:5E:00:00:06. The DR and BDR process packets sent to this address. The DR acknowledges the packet with a unicast LSAck and sends a multicast update to all other routers (AllSPFRouters) with a destination address of and MAC address 01:00:5E:00:00:05.
      • The hello interval is 10 seconds, dead interval 40 seconds, wait time 40 seconds.
      • The hello packets are sent in multicast. A hello packet may be sent in unicast when a hello packet is received from a neighbor for the first time during adjacency formation. This hello packet will usually include this new neighbor's RID in the active neighbor's field of the hello packet.
      • LSAck and DBD are sent in unicast. LSU packets are sent in multicast to DROthers by DR.
    • Nonbroadcast: default network type on NBMA networks such as frame-relay, DMVPN topologies.
      • Interfaces do not support broadcast or multicast as a result, dynamic neighbor discovery is not supported.
      • Neighbors are manually configured using the router OSPF command neighbor <neighbor-ip-address>.
      • Hello packets are sent in unicast. Information flooding is not supported
      • DR and BDR election is required for this network type.
      • The hello interval is 30 seconds, dead-interval 120 seconds, wait timer 120 seconds.
    • Point-to-point: default on point-to-point media such as HDLC, PPP, GRE.
      • Supports dynamic neighbor discovery with hello packets sent in multicast to address
      • Supports only two neighbors on the link.
      • The hello interval is 10 seconds, dead interval 40 seconds.
      • A DR and BDR election is not required for this network.
    • Point-to-multipoint: Typically used on a spoke-hub topology.
      • This network type can be treated as a collection of point-to-point links.
      • It assumes that all the devices on the shared network are individually reachable to each other essentially like an Ethernet network lacking broadcast capability.
      • Supports dynamic neighbor discovery.
      • Hello packets are sent to multicast address
      • Special next-hop processing takes place with the next hop being set to the neighbor's IP address that sent the LSU.
      • Point-to-multipoint network type is usually the best design option for partial mesh NBMA networks.
      • The interface's IP address is advertised as /32 host route.
      • Point-to-multipoint is not a default for any medium type.
      • The hello interval is 30 seconds, dead-interval 120 seconds.
      • DR and BDR election does not happen in this network type.
    • Point-to-multipoint Non-Broadcast:
      • Similar to point-to-multipoint but neighbors are statically configured using the OSPF command neighbor <neighbor-ip-address>.
      • Hello packets are sent in unicast.
      • Allows for per-VC OSPF cost over NBMA.
      • Special next-hop processing.
    • Loopback: Special case for loopback and looped-back interfaces.
      • Advertises link with /32 subnet mask as a host route.
      • The Hello timer is 30 seconds and dead-interval timer is 120 seconds.

    The use of Type 2 LSA packets determines whether OSPF network types can be compatible or not. Network types that use Type 2 LSAs include: broadcast and non-broadcast. Others do not support Type 2 LSA packets.

    The OSPF network type of an interface can be changed from its default using the interface mode command: ip ospf network <network-type> where network-type can be any of these values: broadcast, non-broadcast, point-to-point, point-to-multipoint.

    R1(config)#interface fa3/0
    R1(config-if)#ip ospf network point-to-point
    R1(config-if)#do show ip ospf interface fa3/0
    FastEthernet3/0 is up, line protocol is up
      Internet Address, Area 0, Attached via Interface Enable
      Process ID 1, Router ID, Network Type POINT_TO_POINT, Cost: 1
      Enabled by interface config, including secondary ip addresses
      Transmit Delay is 1 sec, State POINT_TO_POINT
      Timer intervals configured, Hello 250 msec, Dead 1, Wait 1, Retransmit 5
        oob-resync timeout 40
        Hello due in 73 msec

    Broadcast networks with only two OSPF peers can be converted to point-to-point network type. This makes the adjacency complete faster eliminating the unnecessary DR/BDR election and OSPF Type 2 LSA advertisements.

    OSPF Interfaces

    To view interfaces on which OSPF has been activated i.e., interfaces whose IP addresses or networks are being advertised by OSPF, issue the following commands:

    show ip ospf interface brief

    The brief keyword formats the output to display a list of the interfaces on which OSPF is enabled.

    R4#show ip ospf interface brief
    Interface    PID   Area            IP Address/Mask    Cost  State Nbrs F/C
    Lo1          4        1     LOOP  0/0
    Lo2          4        1     LOOP  0/0
    Lo3          4        1     LOOP  0/0
    Lo4          4        1     LOOP  0/0
    Fa3/0        4     1     BDR   3/3
    Gi1/0        4     1     DR    1/1

    From the above output the following is displayed:

    • Interface: the interface on which OSPF is enabled.
    • PID: the OSPF process ID under which the interface network is being advertised. An interface can only operate under one OSPF process. Advertising the network in which the interface resides, OSPF process X, in another OSPF process Y results in the interface being reassigned to the OSPF process Y and its removal from OSPF process X.
    • Area: the area that the interface is assigned to. In this instance, all interfaces are in the backbone area.
    • IP Address/Mask: the interface IP address and subnet mask.
    • Cost: the metric cost. The cost is calculated using the formula reference bandwidth ÷ interface bandwidth The default reference bandwidth value is 100mbps.
    • State: the DR/BDR/DROther state of the interface.
    • Nbrs F/C: number of neighbors that are in the FULL adjacency state and the number of OSPF devices detected through the interface.

    NOTE: When viewing interfaces, the command show ip ospf interface displays both passive and active interfaces.

    show ip ospf interface

    R4#show ip ospf interface
    Loopback2 is up, line protocol is up
      Internet Address, Area, Attached via Network Statement
      Process ID 4, Router ID, Network Type LOOPBACK, Cost: 1
      Topology-MTID    Cost    Disabled    Shutdown      Topology Name
            0           1         no          no            Base
      Loopback interface is treated as a stub Host
    Loopback3 is up, line protocol is up
      Internet Address, Area, Attached via Network Statement
      Process ID 4, Router ID, Network Type LOOPBACK, Cost: 1
      Topology-MTID    Cost    Disabled    Shutdown      Topology Name
            0           1         no          no            Base
      Loopback interface is treated as a stub Host
    Loopback4 is up, line protocol is up
      Internet Address, Area, Attached via Network Statement
      Process ID 4, Router ID, Network Type LOOPBACK, Cost: 1
      Topology-MTID    Cost    Disabled    Shutdown      Topology Name
            0           1         no          no            Base
      Loopback interface is treated as a stub Host
    Loopback1 is up, line protocol is up
      Internet Address, Area, Attached via Interface Enable
      Process ID 4, Router ID, Network Type LOOPBACK, Cost: 1
      Topology-MTID    Cost    Disabled    Shutdown      Topology Name
            0           1         no          no            Base
      Enabled by interface config, including secondary ip addresses
      Loopback interface is treated as a stub Host
    FastEthernet3/0 is up, line protocol is up
      Internet Address, Area, Attached via Interface Enable
      Process ID 4, Router ID, Network Type BROADCAST, Cost: 1
      Topology-MTID    Cost    Disabled    Shutdown      Topology Name
            0           1         no          no            Base
      Enabled by interface config, including secondary ip addresses
      Transmit Delay is 1 sec, State DROTHER, Priority 1
      Designated Router (ID), Interface address
      Backup Designated router (ID), Interface address
      Timer intervals configured, Hello 10, Dead 40, Wait 40, Retransmit 5
        oob-resync timeout 40
        Hello due in 00:00:03
      Supports Link-local Signaling (LLS)
      Cisco NSF helper support enabled
      IETF NSF helper support enabled
      Index 2/2, flood queue length 0
      Next 0x0(0)/0x0(0)
      Last flood scan length is 1, maximum is 10
      Last flood scan time is 0 msec, maximum is 4 msec
      Neighbor Count is 3, Adjacent neighbor count is 2
        Adjacent with neighbor (Backup Designated Router)
        Adjacent with neighbor (Designated Router)
      Suppress hello for 0 neighbor(s)
    GigabitEthernet1/0 is up, line protocol is up
      Internet Address, Area, Attached via Interface Enable
      Process ID 4, Router ID, Network Type BROADCAST, Cost: 1
      Topology-MTID    Cost    Disabled    Shutdown      Topology Name
            0           1         no          no            Base
      Enabled by interface config, including secondary ip addresses
      Transmit Delay is 1 sec, State BDR, Priority 1
      Designated Router (ID), Interface address
      Backup Designated router (ID), Interface address
      Timer intervals configured, Hello 10, Dead 40, Wait 40, Retransmit 5
        oob-resync timeout 40
        Hello due in 00:00:03
      Supports Link-local Signaling (LLS)
      Cisco NSF helper support enabled
      IETF NSF helper support enabled
      Index 1/1, flood queue length 0
      Next 0x0(0)/0x0(0)
      Last flood scan length is 1, maximum is 7
      Last flood scan time is 4 msec, maximum is 4 msec
      Neighbor Count is 1, Adjacent neighbor count is 1
        Adjacent with neighbor (Designated Router)
      Suppress hello for 0 neighbor(s)

    The following can be learned about the configuration and operational mode of OSPF interfaces:

    • OSPF network type
    • RID of the local OSPF device
    • Cost on the interface
    • How OSPF was enabled on the interface i.e., through the interface mode command ip ospf <process-id> area <area-id> or using the OSPF router mode command network <network-address wilcard> area <area-id> .
    • OSPF process ID that the interface is associated with.
    • Hello and dead-interval timer values.
    • Non-stop forwarding (NSF) support. Additionally, link-local signaling support is confirmed.
    • IP addresses and router IDs of the DR and BDR on that segment for broadcast and nonbroadcast OSPF network types.
    • Number of adjacencies established through the interface.
    • OSPF priority for the interface.
    • The flood queue length.
    • Number of hello packets suppressed from neighbors.

    Designated Router(DR) and Backup Designated Router(BDR)

    If multiple routers in multi-access networks are to form adjacencies with every other router in the network, the total number of adjacencies established is determined by the formula: Total Adjacencies = n * (n - 1)/2 All these routers will be sending hello and update packets to each and every one of them. In order to reduce the number of adjacencies (and OSPF packets) on a segment in a multi-access network, OSPF elects one router to be a designated router and another to act as a backup designated router to replace the designated router in the event of its failure.

    DR/BDR Election

    A router initialising OSPF on an interface waits the duration of the wait timer listening for the presence of other OSPF routers announcing their DR status before declaring its DR status (if more favourable). In broadcast networks, the wait timer is 40 seconds, nonbroadcast networks 120 seconds. DR election is based on interface priority and router ID (RID). Usually, the first router to initialize OSPF on an interface within a given number of seconds on a segment becomes the DR regardless of its interface priority or RID. OSPF deems a router more preferrable for DR election if:

    1. The interface of the router has the highest priority for that segment. The priority is any value between 0 - 255. The default priority is one (1).

      To change the router interface priority to 200:

      R1(config)#interface g0/0
      R1(config-if)#ip ospf priority ?
      <0-255> Priority
      R1(config-if)#ip ospf priority 200
      R1(config-if)#do show ip ospf interface g0/0
      GigabitEthernet0/0 is up, line protocol is up
        Internet Address, Area 0, Attached via Network Statement
        Process ID 1, Router ID, Network Type BROADCAST, Cost: 1
        Transmit Delay is 1 sec, State BDR, Priority 200

      An interface priority value of zero makes the router ineligible for DR/BDR election through that interface.

    2. The router has the highest OSPF RID in that segment. The RID of a router is determined by:
      1. Manual configuration of the RID using the OSPF process command: router-id <rid>
      2. If configured, the highest IP address configured on any "up" loopback interfaces.
      3. The highest physical interface IP address

      Unlike BGP, the OSPF RID is not a routable address. It is possible to have a valid RID such as

    The DR and BDR roles can not be preempted by a router with higher interface priority or RID values. The election of a DR/BDR can be forced by clearing the OSPF process of the DR and BDR. This can be done using the following command:

    R1#clear ip ospf process
    Reset ALL OSPF processes? [no]: yes
    *Aug 11 22:03:11.495: %OSPF-5-ADJCHG: Process 1, Nbr on GigabitEthernet0/0 from FULL to DOWN, Neighbor Down: Interface down or detached
    *Aug 11 22:03:11.767: %OSPF-5-ADJCHG: Process 1, Nbr on GigabitEthernet0/0 from LOADING to FULL, Loading Done

    DR Operation

    A DR is used in broadcast and non-broadcast networks and its primary role consists of the following:

    • It originates updates for the network segment.
    • It facilitates synchronization
    A DR controls information exchange.

    The DR acts as a pseudonode in the network segment. This pseudonode is a virtual network node that forms point-to-point relationships with all the other devices on that node. It acts as a central point forming multiple virtual point-to-point links with all the OSPF peers on that node. These virtual links have a cost of zero(0) so that they do not alter the cost of the physical link. The SPF algorithm calculates paths based on the point-to-point links.

    A Designated Router forms a FULL adjacency with all routers on the link. The other routers (DROthers) form 2-WAY adjacencies with each other. The BDR forms FULL adjacencies with all other routers as well. The DR (and BDR) listens for LSUs on the multicast address A router (DROther) with an update sends it to the multicast address After receiving an LSU, the DR sends a unicast LSAck to that router to acknowledge receiving the update. The DR then floods the LSU(s) to the segment using AllSPFRouters address The DR does not modify the next-hop value of this LSU.

    The BDR is used for redundancy; if the DR fails, the BDR becomes the DR and a new BDR is elected from the available DROther routers. The election of a new BDR from the DROthers follows the same pattern as the election of the DR. The BDR does not flood any updates but receives all updates sent to the DR.

    The operation of a DR can be inefficient if only two devices are connected in a segment. On networks that require DR operation (such as broadcast) and only two devices are present, it may be more efficient to statically configure the interfaces with a network type that does not require a DR for example a point-to-point network type. This reduces the time to form an adjacency as well as elimination of the Type 2 LSA resulting in a smaller LSDB.

    Link State Database (LSDB) and Link State Advertisements (LSAs)

    Multiple types of LSAs exist and the ones used depend on the design of the network. LSAs are used to share link state information in an OSPF domain. LSAs contain a sequence number as a form of version control to overcome problems that might be caused during LSA propagation. All LSAs are stored in the link state database (LSDB). A summary of the LSAs in the LSDB and can be viewed by running the command show ip ospf database.

    The originating router floods an LSA after every 1800 seconds (30 minutes). OSPF continually monitors the LSDB; LSAs with LSAge of 3600 seconds (1hr) are deemed invalid and purged from the LSDB. OSPF, also, uses this as a method of route withdrawal.

    Link State Database (LSDB)

    Every OSPF device has a link state database (LSDB). OSPF devices inside the same area have the same LSDB. The LSDB stores LSAs with the link state information in the local area and summary information about the link states in other areas and external networks. LSDBs are populated by LSAs of different types: Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, Type 4, Type 5 and Type 7 LSAs.

    An OSPF router receiving an LSA, checks its integrity before placing it into the LSDB. This process continues domain-wide until the LSDB of all routers in the same area are the same i.e., are synchronized.

    To view a summary of the LSDB, use the command show ip ospf database.

    R1#show ip ospf database

               OSPF Router with ID ( (Process ID 1)

                   Router Link States (Area 0)

    Link ID        ADV Router      Age        Seq#       Checksum Link count         477        0x8000000A 0x00C502 2         247        0x8000000A 0x0066CD 3         3514       0x80000004 0x00F749 4         3    (DNA) 0x80000002 0x00BDFD 1

                   Net Link States (Area 0)

    Link ID        ADV Router       Age        Seq#       Checksum          725        0x80000005 0x00A468          247        0x80000005 0x000FDC

                   Summary Net Link States (Area 0)

    Link ID        ADV Router       Age        Seq# Checksum          874        0x80000003 0x00E621          13   (DNA) 0x80000001 0x0054B6          477        0x8000000A 0x00C64A          1130       0x80000001 0x0024DE          1130       0x80000001 0x00FA09

                   Router Link States (Area 10)

    Link ID        ADV Router       Age        Seq#       Checksum Link count          1134       0x80000005 0x0015AC 2          1135       0x80000002 0x00A193 4

                   Summary Net Link States (Area 10)

    Link ID        ADV Router       Age        Seq#        Checksum          720        0x80000003 0x00FD1F          477        0x80000005 0x00CD49          229        0x80000007 0x00BF41          229        0x80000007 0x007DCF          229        0x80000007 0x00897D          229        0x80000007 0x00E3C4

    The ultimate goal of any OSPF network design is to make the LSDB as stable as possible.

    The output of the command show ip ospf database displays a summary of the LSDB. To view the details of any LSDB entry, one has to open up the LSAs that are stored in the LSDB. LSDB entries are sorted according to the areas that the OSPF device is operating in; from the lowest area ID to the highest.

    If a router has interfaces in more than one area, it will maintain separate LSDBs for each area. All routers in an area must have identical LSDBs. To create a loop-free domain, OSPF requires a synchronised LSDB and a loop-free calculation; this calculation is implemented by SPF using Dijkstra's algorithm.

    For OSPF devices in multiple areas:

    • Per-area database contains:
      • intra and inter-area routes
      • NSSA external routes
    • Per-domain database (excluding NSSA, stub areas): external routes

    Querying the LSDB

    The LSDB contains a lot of information that can be used to gain insights into the OSPF domain. Most of the commands used for querying the LSDB involve viewing stored LSA information. A few other commands provide an overview of the state of the LSDB.

    To view the summary of the LSDB, use the command show ip ospf database database-summary

    R1#show ip ospf database database-summary

                OSPF Router with ID ( (Process ID 1)

    Area database summary
      LSA Type      Count    Delete   Maxage
      Router        6        0        0
      Network       6        0        0
      Summary Net   51       0        0
      Summary ASBR  4        0        0
      Type-7 Ext    0        0        0
        Prefixes redistributed in Type-7  0
      Opaque Link   0        0        0
      Opaque Area   0        0        0
      Subtotal      67       0        0

    Area database summary
      LSA Type      Count    Delete   Maxage
      Router        6        0        0
      Network       4        0        0
      Summary Net   53       0        0
      Summary ASBR  5        0        0
      Type-7 Ext    0        0        0
        Prefixes redistributed in Type-7  0
      Opaque Link   0        0        0
      Opaque Area   0        0        0
      Subtotal      68       0        0

    Area 10 database summary
      LSA Type      Count    Delete   Maxage
      Router        4        0        0
      Network       3        0        0
      Summary Net   48       0        0
      Summary ASBR  1        0        0
      Type-7 Ext    0        0        0
        Prefixes redistributed in Type-7  0
      Opaque Link   0        0        0
      Opaque Area   0        0        0
      Subtotal      56       0        0

    Process 1 database summary
      LSA Type      Count    Delete   Maxage
      Router        16       0        0
      Network       13       0        0
      Summary Net   152      0        0
      Summary ASBR  10       0        0
      Type-7 Ext    0        0        0
      Opaque Link   0        0        0
      Opaque Area   0        0        0
      Type-5 Ext    6        0        0
          Prefixes redistributed in Type-5  0
      Opaque AS     0        0        0
      Non-self      130               
      Total         197      0        0

    When viewing the details of the LSAs in the LSDB, the phrase "Routing Bit Set" on an LSA indicates that the route information learned from that LSA has been installed in the routing table from the LSDB. This can be observed in the following output where both paths are installed into the routing table:

    R7#show ip ospf database summary

                  OSPF Router with ID ( (Process ID 7)

                    Summary Net Link States (Area 7)

      Routing Bit Set on this LSA in topology Base with MTID 0
      LS age: 228
      Options: (No TOS-capability, DC, Upward)
      LS Type: Summary Links(Network)
      Link State ID: (summary Network Number)
      Advertising Router:
      LS Seq Number: 80000006
      Checksum: 0xE53F
      Length: 28
      Network Mask: /24
            MTID: 0         Metric: 3
      Routing Bit Set on this LSA in topology Base with MTID 0
      LS age: 289
      Options: (No TOS-capability, DC, Upward)
      LS Type: Summary Links(Network)
      Link State ID: (summary Network Number)
      Advertising Router:
      LS Seq Number: 80000005
      Checksum: 0xBF63
      Length: 28
      Network Mask: /24
            MTID: 0         Metric: 2
      Routing Bit Set on this LSA in topology Base with MTID 0
      LS age: 1819
      Options: (No TOS-capability, DC, Upward)
      LS Type: Summary Links(Network)
      Link State ID: (summary Network Number)
      Advertising Router:
      LS Seq Number: 80000004
      Checksum: 0xF80E
      Length: 28
      Network Mask: /24
            MTID: 0         Metric: 3
    R7#show ip route
    Routing entry for
      Known via "ospf 7", distance 110, metric 4, type inter area
      Last update from on GigabitEthernet1/0, 00:58:31 ago
      Routing Descriptor Blocks:
      *, from, 01:38:29 ago, via POS5/0
          Route metric is 4, traffic share count is 1, from, 00:58:31 ago, via GigabitEthernet1/0
          Route metric is 4, traffic share count is 1, from, 01:56:44 ago, via GigabitEthernet0/0
          Route metric is 4, traffic share count is 1

    The command show ip route confirms that the paths have been installed into the routing table.

    Link State Advertisements

    LSA types 1, 3, 5 and 7 are used to advertise prefixes while LSA types 2 and 4 advertise router IDs. Which LSA types are present on a network segment depends on the router's type, OSPF network type and area type.

    1. Type 1 Router LSA: advertises a router's OSPF enabled networks within an area.
    2. Type 2 Network LSA: advertises a multi-access network segment attached to a DR.
    3. Type 3 Summary: advertises network prefixes that originated from a different area.
    4. Type 4 ASBR-Summary: advertises a summary LSA for a specific ASBR.
    5. Type 5 External: advertises external redistributed routes.
    6. Type 7 NSSA External: advertises redistributed routes in Not-So-Stubby Areas (NSSA).

    LSA types 1,2 are intra-area LSAs while LSA 3, 4 are inter-area LSAs. LSA Type 5, 7 advertise external routes. In single area topologies, Type 1, 2 and 5 are utilized.

    Regardless of the type of LSA used, some fields are common to all LSAs such as the following:

    • LSA age
    • LSA Type: used to indicate the type of LSA to follow in the same packet and the way it should be intepreted.
    • Link State ID: Content of LS ID differs depending on the type of LSA being described.
      • Type 1 LSA: origin router ID
      • Type 2 LSA: DR interface IP address
      • Type 3 LSA: network address
      • Type 4 LSA: ASBR router ID
      • Type 5 LSA: External network address
      • Type 7 LSA: External network address
    • Advertising router
    • Link state sequence number
    • Checksum: used to verify the integrity of the LSA.
    • Length

    Each LSA is uniquely identified by the following parameters:

    • LSA Identifier (LSA ID): the LSA ID value depends on the LSA type; refer to LSA ID above.
    • Advertising Router: router that injected a particular LSA (originator). It is identified by the router ID. The advertising router in an LSA is maintained in an LSA in its flooding scope. No router may modify or filter any data or LSA itself.
    • Other: various flags: border, edge, downstream, tags
    If the network contains multiple versions/copies of an LSA, the link state age and sequence number are used to determine the version of LSA with the most up-to-date link state information. If multiple copies of the same LSA exist, the one with the newest information is used.

    Type 1 Router LSA

    A Type 1 LSA contains networks of all OSPF-enabled interfaces on a router and their associated cost. It is originated by all OSPF devices in the network. It is used to describe the networks that a device is attached to and the device's placement in the network. Links advertised in a Type 1 LSA include stub links, point-to-point links, transit links. Type 1 LSAs can be used to describe one or many interfaces and networks. A Type 1 LSA is capable of advertising multiple links in one LSA. The originator of Type 1 LSAs is all OSPF routers and flooding scope is an area.

    The type of connection is indicated in the Type field. The type field contains one of four different values: Link Type 1, Link Type 2, Link Type 3 and Link Type 4.

    Link Type 1: Point to Point Link

    This represents a connection to a point to point link such as a serial connection. A point-to-point link, is represented by two entries in the LSDB:

    1. Point-to-point link: the link ID and link data fields contain the following data:
      • Link ID: Neighbor router-ID.
      • Link Data: Local router interface IP address.
    2. Stub network: Stub link entry for this point-to-point link;
      • Link ID: network address of the point-to-point link.
      • Link Data: subnet mask of the point-to-point network.

    The following shows how point-to-point link state information is stored in the LSDB:

    R2#show ip ospf database router

                OSPF Router with ID ( (Process ID 2)


                   Router Link States (Area 7)

     LS age: 1629
     Options: (No TOS-capability, DC)
     LS Type: Router Links
     Link State ID:
     Advertising Router:
     LS Seq Number: 80000005
     Checksum: 0x16B7
     Length: 48
     Area Border Router
     Number of Links: 2
       Link connected to: another Router (point-to-point)
        (Link ID) Neighboring Router ID:
        (Link Data) Router Interface address:
         Number of MTID metrics: 0
          TOS 0 Metrics: 1
       Link connected to: a Stub Network
        (Link ID) Network/subnet number:
        (Link Data) Network Mask:
         Number of MTID metrics: 0
          TOS 0 Metrics: 1

    Point-to-point links do not necessarily require IP addressing. IP unnumbered can be used. With IP unnumbered configuration, the IP address is borrowed from another interface of the router to represent the point-to-point link in the LSDB. In this scenario, the point-to-point link is represented in the LSDB with a single entry. The following output shows an LSA of a point-to-point interface configured as IP unnumbered.

    R9#show ip ospf database router self-originate
    . . .
      LS age: 543
      Options: (No TOS-capability, DC)
      LS Type: Router Links
      Link State ID:
      Advertising Router:
      LS Seq Number: 80000007
      Checksum: 0xA01E
      Length: 36
      Area Border Router
      Number of Links: 1
        Link connected to: another Router (point-to-point)
         (Link ID) Neighboring Router ID:
         (Link Data) Router Interface address:
          Number of MTID metrics: 0
           TOS 0 Metrics: 1

    Link Type 2: Transit Network

    Link Type 2 defines a transit network. For a transit network, neither the source nor the destination of the packets is on the link. Traffic on this link is in transit. A transit network indicates the presence of a Designated Router (DR) on the segment/link.

    • Link ID: DR interface IP address.
    • Link Data: origin router interface IP address.

    If the link ID and link data values are the same, then the advertising router is the DR. The subnet mask of a transit link is contained in a Type 2 LSA that is advertised by the DR in that segment. If the transit link has one neighbor and that neighbor becomes unavailable, the local router changes the type of link from transit to stub. Transit links imply the existence of a neighbor and that the network type is broadcast or non-broadcast.

    R9#show ip ospf database router self-originate
    . . .
     LS age: 1753
      Options: (No TOS-capability, DC)
      LS Type: Router Links
      Link State ID:
      Advertising Router:
      LS Seq Number: 80000003
      Checksum: 0xD15
      Length: 60
      Area Border Router
      Number of Links: 3
        Link connected to: a Transit Network
         (Link ID) Designated Router address:
         (Link Data) Router Interface address:
          Number of MTID metrics: 0
           TOS 0 Metrics: 1
    . . .

    Link Type 3: Stub Network

    Link Type 3 indicates a connection to a stub network. These are networks that have no other OSPF device such as an access LAN. With a stub network, the traffic in this segment is either originating from this segment or has its destination in this segment. In addition, stub networks along with a point-to-point router LSA describe the subnet that the point-to-point links occupy (Link Type 1 LSA).

    • Link ID: network address
    • Link Data: subnet mask

    The following output shows a link Type 3 router LSA in the LSDB:

    R5#sho ip ospf datab router self-originate
       LS age: 17
      Options: (No TOS-capability, DC)
      LS Type: Router Links
      Link State ID:
      Advertising Router:
      LS Seq Number: 80000008
      Checksum: 0x3F34
      Length: 96
      Number of Links: 6
        Link connected to: a Stub Network
         (Link ID) Network/subnet number:
         (Link Data) Network Mask:
          Number of MTID metrics: 0
           TOS 0 Metrics: 1
        Link connected to: a Stub Network
         (Link ID) Network/subnet number:
         (Link Data) Network Mask:
          Number of MTID metrics: 0
           TOS 0 Metrics: 1
        Link connected to: a Stub Network
         (Link ID) Network/subnet number:
         (Link Data) Network Mask:
          Number of MTID metrics: 0
           TOS 0 Metrics: 1

    Link Type 4: Virtual Link

    Link Type 4 indicates a virtual link. Virtual links are used to connect OSPF areas that are unable to connect to the backbone area.

    • Link ID: neighbor router ID.
    • Link data: connecting device IP address.

    The following is the output of the LSDB showing an entry of the Type 1 LSA with link Type 4:

    R1#show ip ospf database router self-originate
                OSPF Router with ID ( (Process ID 1)
                    Router Link States (Area
      LS age: 236
      Options: (No TOS-capability, DC)
      LS Type: Router Links
      Link State ID:
      Advertising Router:
      LS Seq Number: 80000004
      Checksum: 0x78D1
      Length: 72
      Area Border Router
      AS Boundary Router
      Number of Links: 4
        Link connected to: a Virtual Link
         (Link ID) Neighboring Router ID:
         (Link Data) Router Interface address:
          Number of MTID metrics: 0
           TOS 0 Metrics: 2
        Link connected to: a Transit Network
         (Link ID) Designated Router address:
         (Link Data) Router Interface address:
          Number of MTID metrics: 0
           TOS 0 Metrics: 1

    A Type 1 LSA link Type 4 is sent in a unicast LSU with the source and destination IP addresses being the IP addresses of the virtual-link end points.

    Type 1 LSA Body

    The Link ID value identifies the object that the link connects to, which could be: the router ID, IP address of the interface of the DR, network address. Type 1 LSAs can be viewed by running the command show ip ospf database router.

    The router LSA contains three different flags that indicate the role that a router has in a network:

    1. E Bit: used to indicate whether a device is a boundary router with another routing domain usually using redistribution.
    2. B Bit: used to indicate whether a device is an area border router.
    3. V Bit: used to indicate whether a device is an end-point for a virtual-link. A virtual-link implies an area border router.

    In multi-area OSPF domains, the ABRs and ASBRs flip a bit in the OSPF packet (hello) to indicate their role as an ABR and/or ASBR.

    In the global/VRF routing table, Type 1 LSAs received from other routers in the same area appear as intra-area routers with the code "O"

    R1#show ip ospf database router
               OSPF Router with ID ( (Process ID 1)
                  Router Link States (Area 0)
      LS age: 73
      Options: (No TOS-capability, DC)
      LS Type: Router Links
      Link State ID:
      Advertising Router:
      LS Seq Number: 80000001
      Checksum: 0x8F5C
      Length: 48
      Area Border Router
      AS Boundary Router
      Number of Links: 2
        Link connected to: a Transit Network
         (Link ID) Designated Router address:
         (Link Data) Router Interface address:
          Number of MTID metrics: 0
           TOS 0 Metrics: 1
        Link connected to: a Stub Network
         (Link ID) Network/subnet number:
         (Link Data) Network Mask:
          Number of MTID metrics: 0
           TOS 0 Metrics: 1

      Adv Router is not-reachable in topology Base with MTID 0
      LS age: 2
      Options: (No TOS-capability, DC)
      LS Type: Router Links
      Link State ID:
      Advertising Router:
      LS Seq Number: 80000002
      Checksum: 0xA7BD
      Length: 60
      Number of Links: 3
        Link connected to: a Stub Network
          (Link ID) Network/subnet number:
          (Link Data) Network Mask:
           Number of MTID metrics: 0
            TOS 0 Metrics: 1
        Link connected to: a Transit Network
          (Link ID) Designated Router address:
          (Link Data) Router Interface address:
           Number of MTID metrics: 0
            TOS 0 Metrics: 100
        Link connected to: a Stub Network
          (Link ID) Network/subnet number:
          (Link Data) Network Mask:
           Number of MTID metrics: 0
            TOS 0 Metrics: 10

                  Router Link States (Area 10)

      LS age: 73
      Options: (No TOS-capability, DC)
      LS Type: Router Links
      Link State ID:
      Advertising Router:
      LS Seq Number: 80000001
      Checksum: 0x3FC3
      Length: 36
      Area Border Router
      AS Boundary Router
      Number of Links: 1

        Link connected to: a Stub Network
         (Link ID) Network/subnet number:
         (Link Data) Network Mask:
          Number of MTID metrics: 0
           TOS 0 Metrics: 1

    Type 2 LSA Network

    The DR is the only router on a multi-access segment that advertises the Type 2 LSA. A Type 2 LSA identifies all the routers attached to that network segment. This shared network segment is of broadcast and non-broadcast type. The flooding scope for a Type 2 LSA is the local area. The Type 2 LSA lists the routers that are adjacent to the DR. When a DR is not used, this type of information is listed in a Type 1 LSA. It is important to note that Type 2 LSA does not propagate prefix information.

    It is used to reduce redundant information in database and flooding scalability issues. Type 1 LSAs Link Type 2 advertise transit networks without subnet mask information. Type 2 LSAs include subnet mask information for transit links. The DR advertises its IP address, subnet mask and attached routers including itself. If a DR is not elected, a Type 2 LSA is not present.

    To view Type 2 LSAs: issue the privileged command show ip ospf database network.

    R9#show ip ospf database network self-originate
                OSPF Router with ID ( (Process ID 9)
                    Net Link States (Area
      Routing Bit Set on this LSA in topology Base with MTID 0
      LS age: 1925
      Options: (No TOS-capability, DC)
      LS Type: Network Links
      Link State ID: (address of Designated Router)
      Advertising Router:
      LS Seq Number: 80000003
      Checksum: 0x16C7
      Length: 32
      Network Mask: /30
            Attached Router:
            Attached Router:
      Routing Bit Set on this LSA in topology Base with MTID 0
      LS age: 1925
      Options: (No TOS-capability, DC)
      LS Type: Network Links
      Link State ID: (address of Designated Router)
      Advertising Router:
      LS Seq Number: 80000004
      Checksum: 0x5A4C
      Length: 40
      Network Mask: /29
            Attached Router:
            Attached Router:
            Attached Router:
            Attached Router:
                    Net Link States (Area 10)
      Routing Bit Set on this LSA in topology Base with MTID 0
      LS age: 1467
      Options: (No TOS-capability, DC)
      LS Type: Network Links
      Link State ID: (address of Designated Router)
      Advertising Router:
      LS Seq Number: 80000001
      Checksum: 0xD5E4
      Length: 32
      Network Mask: /30
            Attached Router:
            Attached Router:

    The following information is contained in a Type 2 LSA:

    • Link state ID: IP address of the DR interface in the segment.
    • Advertising Router: RID of the DR.
    The Type 2 LSA body contains the following:
    • Network mask: the prefix length of the segment.
    • Attached routers: lists all the devices that are fully adjacent with the DR.

    Type 1 and Type 2 LSAs are used for building the routing topology within an area.

    Type 3 LSA - Summary

    Type 3 LSAs are generated by an area border router(ABR) and flooded into another area. ABRs act as a sort of default gateway between the backbone area and a neighboring non-backbone area. Type 3 LSAs contain networks that are reachable in other areas through the ABR based on info from Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3 LSAs. Type 3 LSAs include the route cost but hide the ABR's actual path to the destination. One Type 3 LSA is generated per prefix. If a Type 1 LSA contains five prefixes, the ABR will create five Type 3 LSAs with one for each prefix.

    When a network change occurs in an area, SPF is not run for ABR advertised type 3 LSA routes. This is because the ABR has already run SPF for those routes (in their area of origin) from itself to the originating routers when they were received as Type 1 LSAs. Additionally, the local routers have already run SPF for the route from themselves to the ABR. LSA Type 3 are used to advertise summaries of link state information to other areas.

    ABRs follow three fundamental rules when creating Type 3 LSAs:

    1. Type 1 LSAs received from any area, the ABR creates a Type 3 LSA for the backbone area and non-backbone area.
    2. Type 3 LSAs received from area 0, the ABR creates a new Type 3 LSA for only non-backbone areas.
    3. Type 3 LSAs received from a non-backbone area are only inserted into the LSDB of the origin area. ABRs do not create a Type 3 LSA for the other areas (including a segmented area 0). This enforces the two-tier hierarchy of OSPF.
    The advertising router of a Type 3 LSA is the last ABR that advertises the prefix.

    LSA types 1,2 do not cross borders to other areas. An ABR extracts prefix information from Type 1 and Type 2 LSAs and inserts them into a Type 3 LSA for advertisement into another area. If an ABR receives a Type 3 LSA (sourced from a non-backbone area and injected to the backbone area), it changes the advertising router to itself and forwards the LSA to the second non-backbone area.

    Unlike a Type 5 LSA, a Type 3 LSA is modified at every ABR.

    A Type 3 LSA is advertised into the neighboring area by the ABR. If a second ABR is to advertise the Type 3 LSA into a third area (after receiving it through the backbone), only the advertising router field is updated by the second ABR.

    To view Type 3 LSAs, issue the following command: show ip ospf database summary.

    R2#show ip ospf database summary

               OSPF Router with ID ( (Process ID 2)
                   Summary Net Link States (Area 0)
      Routing Bit Set on this LSA in topology Base with MTID 0
      LS age: 69
      Options: (No TOS-capability, DC, Upward)
      LS Type: Summary Links(Network)
      Link State ID: (summary Network Number)
      Advertising Router:
      LS Seq Number: 80000002
      Checksum: 0xE820
      Length: 28
      Network Mask: /29
             MTID: 0      Metric: 10
      Routing Bit Set on this LSA in topology Base with MTID 0
      LS age: 172
      Options: (No TOS-capability, DC, Upward)
      LS Type: Summary Links(Network)
      Link State ID: (summary Network Number)
      Advertising Router:
      LS Seq Number: 80000003
      Checksum: 0xD443
      Length: 28
      Network Mask: /30
             MTID: 0      Metric: 1
      Routing Bit Set on this LSA in topology Base with MTID 0
      LS age: 1571
      Options: (No TOS-capability, DC, Upward)
      LS Type: Summary Links(Network)
      Link State ID: (summary Network Number)
      Advertising Router:
      LS Seq Number: 80000001
      Checksum: 0x24DE
      Length: 28
      Network Mask: /32
             MTID: 0     Metric: 2
      Routing Bit Set on this LSA in topology Base with MTID 0
      LS age: 1571
      Options: (No TOS-capability, DC, Upward)
      LS Type: Summary Links(Network)
      Link State ID: (summary Network Number)
      Advertising Router:
      LS Seq Number: 80000001
      Checksum: 0xFA09
      Length: 28
      Network Mask: /30
             MTID: 0      Metric: 2  

    The following is a Wireshark packet capture of a Type 3 LSA:

    ⋄LSA-Type 3 (Summary-LSA (IP network)), len 28
        .000 0000 1010 1110 = LS Age (seconds): 174
        0... .... .... .... = Do Not Age Flag: 0
        Options: 0x22, (DC) Demand Circuits, (E) External Routing
            0... .... = DN: Not set
            .0.. .... = O: Not set
            ..1. .... = (DC) Demand Circuits: Supported
            ...0 .... = (L) LLS Data block: Not Present
            .... 0... = (N) NSSA: Not supported
            .... .0.. = (MC) Multicast: Not capable
            .... ..1. = (E) External Routing: Capable
            .... ...0 = (MT) Multi-Topology Routing: No
        LS Type: Summary-LSA (IP network) (3)
        Link State ID:
        Advertising Router:
        Sequence Number: 0x80000005
        Checksum: 0xce48
        Length: 28
        TOS: 0
        Metric: 2

    A Type 3 LSA contains the following information:

    • Link state ID: the advertised summary network
    • Advertising Router: RID of the last ABR advertising the LSA.
    • Netmask: subnet mask value for the summary network.
    Type 3 LSAs appear as inter-area routes with the code "O IA" in the global / VRF RIB.

    R2#show ip route ospf
    Codes: L - local, C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP
           D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area
           N1 - OSPF NSSA external Type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external Type 2
           E1 - OSPF external Type 1, E2 - OSPF external Type 2
           i - IS-IS, su - IS-IS summary, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2
           ia - IS-IS inter area, * - candidate default, U - per-user static route
           o - ODR, P - periodic downloaded static route, H - NHRP, l - LISP
           + - replicated route, % - next hop override

    Gateway of last resort is not set

 is variably subnetted, 11 subnets, 4 masks
    O [110/101] via, 00:57:46, GigabitEthernet0/0
    O IA [110/20] via, 00:47:06, GigabitEthernet1/0
    O IA [110/101] via, 00:57:46, GigabitEthernet0/0
    O IA [110/102] via, 00:42:34, GigabitEthernet0/0
    O IA [110/102] via, 00:42:34, GigabitEthernet0/0
 is subnetted, 1 subnets
    O E2 [110/20] via, 00:19:44, GigabitEthernet0/0
 is subnetted, 3 subnets
    O E2 [110/20] via, 00:19:35, GigabitEthernet0/0
    O E2 [110/20] via, 00:19:35, GigabitEthernet0/0
    O E2 [110/20] via, 00:19:35, GigabitEthernet0/0
    O [110/20] via, 00:47:06, GigabitEthernet1/0

    Type 5 External LSA

    Type 5 LSAs are used to advertise prefixes that were redistributed from another routing domain i.e., redistributed external routes. Type 5 LSAs are generated by an Autonomous-System Boundary Router (ASBR) to advertise the routes that the ASBR is redistributing. Type 5 LSAs are flooded throughout the OSPF domain to non-stubby areas. Only the LSAge parameter is modified during this flooding. Type 5 LSAs do not belong to any specific area. In the LSDB, Type 5 LSAs are listed at the bottom of the output and are not associated with any area.

    Fields included with an external LSA:

    • Network mask: subnet mask of external network.
    • Metric: Indicates the cost to reach the destination. Its calculation and use is determined by the external metric type bit.
    • External metric type: determines metric interpretation and calculation; two available types include:
      1. Type 1: advertises a route with a seed metric. As the LSA is propagated in the network, OSPF then adds additional path metric to it.
      2. Type 2: advertises a route with a static cost. This cost does not change within the OSPF network. This metric type is the default Type 5 LSA with most vendors. It often works fine with a single connection to the OSPF domain. If there are multiple connection points, the Type 1 external metric type is preferred.
    • Forwarding address: indicates where traffic is forwarded to reach the advertised destination. Often set to indicating that traffic to the external network should be forwarded to the advertising router.

    Type 5 LSAs can be viewed in greater detail using the privileged mode command: show ip ospf database external.

    R8#show ip ospf database external
                OSPF Router with ID ( (Process ID 8)
                    Type-5 AS External Link States
      Routing Bit Set on this LSA in topology Base with MTID 0
      LS age: 1218
      Options: (No TOS-capability, DC, Upward)
      LS Type: AS External Link
      Link State ID: (External Network Number )
      Advertising Router:
      LS Seq Number: 80000002
      Checksum: 0x6C3C
      Length: 36
      Network Mask: /24
            Metric Type: 2 (Larger than any link state path)
            MTID: 0
            Metric: 20
            Forward Address:
            External Route Tag: 0
      Routing Bit Set on this LSA in topology Base with MTID 0
      LS age: 1218
      Options: (No TOS-capability, DC, Upward)
      LS Type: AS External Link
      Link State ID: (External Network Number )
      Advertising Router:
      LS Seq Number: 80000002
      Checksum: 0x6146
      Length: 36
      Network Mask: /24
            Metric Type: 2 (Larger than any link state path)
            MTID: 0
            Metric: 20
            Forward Address:
            External Route Tag: 0
      Routing Bit Set on this LSA in topology Base with MTID 0
      LS age: 1218
      Options: (No TOS-capability, DC, Upward)
      LS Type: AS External Link
      Link State ID: (External Network Number )
      Advertising Router:
      LS Seq Number: 80000002
      Checksum: 0x5650
      Length: 36
      Network Mask: /24
            Metric Type: 2 (Larger than any link state path)
            MTID: 0
            Metric: 20
            Forward Address:
            External Route Tag: 0
      Routing Bit Set on this LSA in topology Base with MTID 0
      LS age: 1218
      Options: (No TOS-capability, DC, Upward)
      LS Type: AS External Link
      Link State ID: (External Network Number )
      Advertising Router:
      LS Seq Number: 80000002
      Checksum: 0x4B5A
      Length: 36
      Network Mask: /24
            Metric Type: 2 (Larger than any link state path)
            MTID: 0
            Metric: 20
            Forward Address:
            External Route Tag: 0
      Routing Bit Set on this LSA in topology Base with MTID 0
      LS age: 1218
      Options: (No TOS-capability, DC, Upward)
      LS Type: AS External Link
      Link State ID: (External Network Number )
      Advertising Router:
      LS Seq Number: 80000002
      Checksum: 0xC306
      Length: 36
      Network Mask: /30
            Metric Type: 2 (Larger than any link state path)
            MTID: 0
            Metric: 20
            Forward Address:
            External Route Tag: 0

    By default, external routes are redistributed as Type 2 external routes (with code "O E2" in the routing table) with a metric of 20. A Type 5 LSA includes a forwarding address field that directs where traffic should be routed towards to reach the advertised link. Usually, this is the ASBR but it could be set to another router in some network designs. A route tag is included in this LSA. A forwarding address of implies that traffic to the external routes should be forwarded to the ASBR that is the advertising router for the external routes. If the forwarding address is not, and this address is not configured on the advertising router, then one implication is that the advertising router is implementing Type 7 to Type 5 LSA translation and is there an ABR to an NSSA area. In this case, this ABR will double as an ASBR because of the Type 7/Type 5 LSA translation.

    From the routing table, Type 5 LSAs have the code "O E1" or "O E2" to denote OSPF external Type 1 LSA and external Type 2 LSAs respectively.

    R8#show ip route ospf
    Codes: L - local, C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP
           D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area
           N1 - OSPF NSSA external Type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external Type 2
           E1 - OSPF external Type 1, E2 - OSPF external Type 2
           i - IS-IS, su - IS-IS summary, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2
           ia - IS-IS inter area, * - candidate default, U - per-user static route
           o - ODR, P - periodic downloaded static route, H - NHRP, l - LISP
           + - replicated route, % - next hop override

    Gateway of last resort is not set

 is variably subnetted, 36 subnets, 6 masks
    O IA [110/4] via, 01:34:59, GigabitEthernet1/0
    O IA [110/4] via, 01:15:26, GigabitEthernet1/0
    O IA [110/4] via, 01:15:16, GigabitEthernet1/0
    O IA [110/4] via, 01:15:16, GigabitEthernet1/0
    O [110/2] via, 01:12:44, GigabitEthernet1/0
    O [110/2] via, 01:12:44, GigabitEthernet1/0
    O [110/2] via, 01:12:34, GigabitEthernet1/0
    O IA [110/6] via, 01:11:59, GigabitEthernet1/0
    O IA [110/6] via, 01:11:55, GigabitEthernet1/0
    O IA [110/6] via, 01:30:32, GigabitEthernet1/0
    O IA [110/6] via, 01:11:06, GigabitEthernet1/0
    O IA [110/3] via, 01:34:59, GigabitEthernet1/0
    O IA [110/4] via, 01:34:59, GigabitEthernet1/0
    O IA [110/3] via, 01:34:59, GigabitEthernet1/0
    O IA [110/4] via, 01:34:59, GigabitEthernet1/0
    O IA [110/3] via, 01:34:59, GigabitEthernet1/0
    O IA [110/4] via, 01:34:59, GigabitEthernet1/0
    O IA [110/3] via, 01:34:59, GigabitEthernet1/0
    O [110/2] via, 01:50:45, GigabitEthernet1/0
    O IA [110/5] via, 01:30:32, GigabitEthernet1/0
    O [110/11] via, 01:50:40, GigabitEthernet0/0
              [110/1563] via, 01:50:40, GigabitEthernet0/0
    O IA [110/4] via, 01:34:59, GigabitEthernet1/0
    O [110/2] via, 03:50:43, GigabitEthernet1/0
 is subnetted, 4 subnets
    O E2 [110/20] via, 01:00:46, GigabitEthernet1/0
    O E2 [110/20] via, 01:00:46, GigabitEthernet1/0
    O E2 [110/20] via, 01:00:46, GigabitEthernet1/0
    O E2 [110/20] via, 01:00:46, GigabitEthernet1/0
 is subnetted, 1 subnets
    O E2 [110/20] via, 01:00:46, GigabitEthernet1/0

    External Type 1 vs Type 2

    External routes are classified as Type 1 or Type 2. The main differences between Type 1 and Type 2 external OSPF routes are as follows:
    • The Type 1 metric equals the redistribution metric plus the total path metric to the ASBR. In other words, as the LSA propagates away from the originating ASBR, the metric increases.
    • The Type 2 metric equals only the redistribution metric (by default 20). The metric is the same for the router next to the ASBR as the router 30 hops away from the originating ASBR. This is the default external metric type used by OSPF.
    When making a path selection decision, an external Type 1 path is preferred to an external Type 2 path. If there's a tie in Type 2 routes, then the cost to reach the ASBR (forwarding metric) is the tie-breaker.

    When making design considerations on whether to configure external routes as external Type 1 or Type 2 routes:

    • If the external metric is more important than the internal metric, then choose Type 2 metric.
    • External Type 2 metric can also be used if there is only one redistribution point for the specific redistributed prefixes.
    • Use external Type 1 metric if the internal metric is more important to the external redistribution metric.

    Type 4 LSA (ASBR-Summary)

    Type 4 LSAs are generated by the ABR of the area with ASBR(s). Type 4 LSAs provide a way for routers to locate the ASBR when the router is in a different area from the ASBR. They provide information on the ABR's reachability to the ASBR in other areas. It includes the cost but does not include the ABR's actual path to the destination. SPF is not run for Type 4 LSAs when a network change occurs. It is created by the first ABR in the area where the ASBR is resident and provides a summary route strictly for the ASBR of a Type 5 LSA.

    The ASBR generates a Type 1 LSA with a flipped E-bit to identify as an ASBR. ABRs in the same area as the ASBR will notice the flipped bit triggering the generation of Type 4 LSA to enable routers forward traffic to external networks towards the ASBR. Type 4 LSAs have the advertising router field updated by the ABR as the advertising router.

    The structure of Type 3 and Type 4 LSAs are identical. The only difference is how the information is populated. The LS ID is set to the ASBR router-ID. The network mask is set to indicating that a single address is being advertised.

    To view Type 4 LSAs: show ip ospf database asbr-summary

    R8#show ip ospf database asbr-summary
                OSPF Router with ID ( (Process ID 8)
                    Summary ASB Link States (Area 7)
      Routing Bit Set on this LSA in topology Base with MTID 0
      LS age: 3345
      Options: (No TOS-capability, DC, Upward)
      LS Type: Summary Links(AS Boundary Router)
      Link State ID: (AS Boundary Router address)
      Advertising Router:
      LS Seq Number: 80000001
      Checksum: 0x7594
      Length: 28
      Network Mask: /0
            MTID: 0         Metric: 2
      Routing Bit Set on this LSA in topology Base with MTID 0
      LS age: 1399
      Options: (No TOS-capability, DC, Upward)
      LS Type: Summary Links(AS Boundary Router)
      Link State ID: (AS Boundary Router address)
      Advertising Router:
      LS Seq Number: 80000002
      Checksum: 0x5FA4
      Length: 28
      Network Mask: /0
            MTID: 0         Metric: 3
      LS age: 1461
      Options: (No TOS-capability, DC, Upward)
      LS Type: Summary Links(AS Boundary Router)
      Link State ID: (AS Boundary Router address)
      Advertising Router:
      LS Seq Number: 80000002
      Checksum: 0x8266
      Length: 28
      Network Mask: /0
            MTID: 0         Metric: 2

    The following output shows a Wireshark packet capture of an LSU containing a Type 4 LSA.

    » Frame 9166: 90 bytes on wire (720 bits), 90 bytes captured (720 bits) on interface -, id 0
    » Ethernet II, Src: ca:05:06:30:00:38 (ca:05:06:30:00:38), Dst: IPv4mcast_05 (01:00:5e:00:00:05)
    » Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:
    ⋄ Open Shortest Path First
        OSPF Header
            Version: 2
            Message Type: LS Update (4)
            Packet Length: 56
            Source OSPF Router:
            Area ID:
            Checksum: 0xa4f9 [correct]
            Auth Type: Null (0)
            Auth Data (none): 0000000000000000
        LS Update Packet
            Number of LSAs: 1
            LSA-Type 4 (Summary-LSA (ASBR)), len 28
                .000 0000 0000 0011 = LS Age (seconds): 3
                0... .... .... .... = Do Not Age Flag: 0
                Options: 0x22, (DC) Demand Circuits, (E) External Routing
                    0... .... = DN: Not set
                    .0.. .... = O: Not set
                    ..1. .... = (DC) Demand Circuits: Supported
                    ...0 .... = (L) LLS Data block: Not Present
                    .... 0... = (N) NSSA: Not supported
                    .... .0.. = (MC) Multicast: Not capable
                    .... ..1. = (E) External Routing: Capable
                    .... ...0 = (MT) Multi-Topology Routing: No
                LS Type: Summary-LSA (ASBR) (4)
                Link State ID:
                Advertising Router:
                Sequence Number: 0x80000002
                Checksum: 0x8266
                Length: 28
                TOS: 0
                Metric: 2

    The Type 4 LSA does not contain prefix information but router ID information on how the ASBR can be accessed from another area. Therefore, Type 4 LSA information does not appear in the RIB.

    Type 7 LSA NSSA

    Stubby areas prevent Type 5 LSA propagation. Route redistribution is therefore not possible in a stubby area. However, local redistribution can be implemented in a not-so-stubby area (NSSA) while still preventing Type 5 LSAs from being propagated into the NSSA. An NSSA is a stubby area that is tweaked to permit redistribution through a Type 7 LSA while still enforcing the filtering of Type 5 LSAs.

    An ASBR advertises networks external to OSPF into NSSA as Type 7 LSAs. Type 7 LSAs cannnot be advertised outside the NSSA. This LSA includes a route tag. The ASBR advertises the Type 7 LSA with the P-bit set. This P-bit instructs the ABR of the NSSA to convert the Type 7 LSA to a Type 5 LSA. This makes the ABR have dual role of ABR and ASBR for other areas. This second ABR generates a Type 4 LSA. To view Type 7 LSAs: show ip ospf database nssa-external

    R3#show ip ospf database nssa-external
                   OSPF Router with ID ( (Process ID 3)
                        Type-7 AS External Link States (Area 10)
      Routing Bit Set on this LSA in topology Base with MTID 0
      LS age: 415
      Options: (No TOS-capability, Type 7/5 translation, DC, Upward)
      LS Type: AS External Link
      Link State ID: (External Network Number )
      Advertising Router:
      LS Seq Number: 80000006
      Checksum: 0x5EF5
      Length: 36
      Network Mask: /30
             Metric Type: 2 (Larger than any link state path)
             MTID: 0
             Metric: 20
             Forward Address:
             External Route Tag: 0
      Routing Bit Set on this LSA in topology Base with MTID 0
      LS age: 414
      Options: (No TOS-capability, Type 7/5 translation, DC, Upward)
      LS Type: AS External Link
      Link State ID: (External Network Number )
      Advertising Router:
      LS Seq Number: 80000006
      Checksum: 0xE68C
      Length: 36
      Network Mask: /24
             Metric Type: 2 (Larger than any link state path)
             MTID: 0
             Metric: 20
             Forward Address:
             External Route Tag: 0
      Routing Bit Set on this LSA in topology Base with MTID 0
      LS age: 414
      Options: (No TOS-capability, Type 7/5 translation, DC, Upward)
      LS Type: AS External Link
      Link State ID: (External Network Number )
      Advertising Router:
      LS Seq Number: 80000006
      Checksum: 0xDB96
      Length: 36
      Network Mask: /24
             Metric Type: 2 (Larger than any link state path)
             MTID: 0
             Metric: 20
             Forward Address:
             External Route Tag: 0
      Routing Bit Set on this LSA in topology Base with MTID 0
      LS age: 415
      Options: (No TOS-capability, Type 7/5 translation, DC, Upward)
      LS Type: AS External Link
      Link State ID: (External Network Number )
      Advertising Router:
      LS Seq Number: 80000006
      Checksum: 0xD0A0
      Length: 36
      Network Mask: /24
             Metric Type: 2 (Larger than any link state path)
             MTID: 0
             Metric: 20
             Forward Address:
             External Route Tag: 0

    The default NSSA route type advertisement is NSSA LSA Type 2 and appear in the RIB as "O N2" routes.

    R3#show ip route ospf
    Codes: L - local, C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP
           D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area
           N1 - OSPF NSSA external Type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external Type 2
           E1 - OSPF external Type 1, E2 - OSPF external Type 2
           i - IS-IS, su - IS-IS summary, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2
           ia - IS-IS inter area, * - candidate default, U - per-user static route
           o - ODR, P - periodic downloaded static route, H - NHRP, l - LISP
           + - replicated route, % - next hop override

    Gateway of last resort is not set

 is variably subnetted, 11 subnets, 4 masks
    O IA [110/2] via, 04:39:36, GigabitEthernet1/0
    O IA [110/2] via, 04:39:36, GigabitEthernet1/0
    O IA [110/12] via, 04:39:36, GigabitEthernet1/0
    O IA [110/3] via, 04:39:36, GigabitEthernet1/0
    O IA [110/12] via, 04:38:30, GigabitEthernet1/0
 is subnetted, 1 subnets
    O N2 [110/20] via, 00:16:51, GigabitEthernet0/0
 is subnetted, 3 subnets
    O N2 [110/20] via, 00:16:51, GigabitEthernet0/0
    O N2 [110/20] via, 00:16:51, GigabitEthernet0/0
    O N2 [110/20] via, 00:16:51, GigabitEthernet0/0
    O IA [110/12] via, 04:38:30, GigabitEthernet1/0

    Other LSAs include:

    • Type 6 LSA - Group membership: Not supported by IOS. can be gracefully ignored using the command router ospf 1
      ignore lsa mospf
    • Type 9 LSA - Link-local Opaque: used by NSF extensions
    • Type 10 LSA - Area-local Opaque: used by MPLS-TE for constrained SPF in service provider networks. In metric calculation it includes: Link attributes (affinity or "color"), and bandwidth.
    • Type 11 LSA - Domain-local opaque:

    OSPF Hierarchy

    OSPF Areas

    An OSPF area is used to segment a large OSPF domain. An area defines a flooding domain. All devices in the area agree on the topology with features such as authentication type, area ID, area type i.e. normal, stubby, not-so-stubby area (NSSA). Changes inside the area require LSA flooding and full SPF execution. All routers in an area execute SPF algorithm when the network changes for example; when links fail, when failed links are restored, new routes added, existing routes withdrawn.

    It is important to note that a router becomes a member of an area if any one of its interfaces is participating in the area.

    To determine the OSPF areas that a router is participating in, issue the commands show ip ospf interface brief and show ip ospf:

    R1#show ip ospf interface brief
    Interface   PID     Area     IP Address/Mask     Cost     State     Nbrs F/C
    Gi0/0       1       0        1       DR        1/1
    Fa3/0       1       0        1       P2P       0/0
    Gi1/0       1       10       1       P2P       0/0
    R1#show ip ospf
    Routing Process "ospf 1" with ID
    Start time: 00:00:32.764, Time elapsed: 01:57:36.228
    Supports only single TOS(TOS0) routes
    Supports opaque LSA
    Supports Link-local Signaling (LLS)
    Supports area transit capability
    Supports NSSA (compatible with RFC 3101)
    Event-log enabled, Maximum number of events: 1000, Mode: cyclic
    It is an area border and autonomous system boundary router
    Redistributing External Routes from,
    Router is not originating router-LSAs with maximum metric
    Initial SPF schedule delay 5000 msecs
    Minimum hold time between two consecutive SPFs 10000 msecs
    Maximum wait time between two consecutive SPFs 10000 msecs
    Incremental-SPF disabled
    Minimum LSA interval 5 secs
    Minimum LSA arrival 1000 msecs
    LSA group pacing timer 240 secs
    Interface flood pacing timer 33 msecs
    Retransmission pacing timer 66 msecs
    Number of external LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x000000
    Number of opaque AS LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x000000
    Number of DCbitless external and opaque AS LSA 0
    Number of DoNotAge external and opaque AS LSA 0
    Number of areas in this router is 2. 1 normal 0 stub 1 nssa
    Number of areas transit capable is 0
    External flood list length 0
    IETF NSF helper support enabled
    Cisco NSF helper support enabled
    Reference bandwidth unit is 100 mbps
        Area BACKBONE(0)
           Number of interfaces in this area is 2
           Area has message digest authentication
           SPF algorithm last executed 00:58:20.520 ago
           SPF algorithm executed 3 times
           Area ranges are
           Number of LSA 4. Checksum Sum 0x03233A
           Number of opaque link LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x000000
           Number of DCbitless LSA 0
           Number of indication LSA 0
           Number of DoNotAge LSA 0
           Flood list length 0
        Area 10
           Number of interfaces in this area is 1
           It is a NSSA area
           Perform type-7/type-5 LSA translation
           Area has no authentication
           SPF algorithm last executed 01:57:24.284 ago
           SPF algorithm executed 2 times
           Area ranges are
           Number of LSA 5. Checksum Sum 0x035534
           Number of opaque link LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x000000
           Number of DCbitless LSA 0
           Number of indication LSA 0
           Number of DoNotAge LSA 0
           Flood list length 0


    If the output of the command show ip ospf shows that the router is participating in more than one area, then the router is an ABR.

    As more routers are added to the OSPF domain, the flooding domain increases along with the size of the LSDB. To control the size of the OSPF flood domain, it is necessary to modify the flat OSPF topology (referred to as single-area OSPF), into a two hierarchical topology (usually referred to as multi-area OSPF).

    Multi-area OSPF

    Multi-area OSPF involves the deployment of a two-tier hierarchical topology that consists of the backbone area (area 0) and non-backbone area(s). Multi-area OSPF topology is usually deployed to cater for network scalability geographically as well was increasing numbers of routers, prefixes. A combination of the following factors may influence the decision to deploy a multi-area OSPF topology:

    • High processor utilization in routers in the OSPF area.
    • High number of SPF executions.
    • Large number of prefixes in the RIB.
    • Large number of routers in the OSPF domain.
    • Presence of low-capacity routers i.e., low memory, processing power, in the OSPF domain.
    • Inherent challenges with optimizing OSPF when using single area topology such as inability to implement route summarization and filtering.

    OSPF Design Decisions

    Scaling is determined by the utilization of three router resources: memory, CPU, and interface bandwidth. The workload that OSPF imposes on a router depends on these factors:
    • Number of adjacent neighbors for any one router: OSPF floods all link state changes to all routers in an area. Routers with many neighbors have the most work to do when link state changes occur. In general, any one router should have no more than 60 neighbors.
    • Number of adjacent routers in an area: OSPF uses a CPU-intensive algorithm. The number of calculations that must be performed given n link state packets is proportional to n log n. As a result, the larger and more unstable the area, the greater the likelihood for performance problems associated with routing protocol recalculation. Generally, an area should have no more than 50 routers. Areas that suffer with unstable links should be smaller.
    • Number of areas supported by any one router: A router must run the link state algorithm for each link state change that occurs for every area in which the router resides. Every ABR is in at least two areas (the backbone and one adjacent area). In general, to maximize stability, one router should not be in more than three areas.
    • Designated router (DR) selection: In general, the DR and backup designated router (BDR) on a multiaccess link (for example, Ethernet) have the most OSPF work to do. It is a good idea to select routers that are not already heavily loaded with CPU-intensive activities to be the DR and BDR. In addition, it is generally not a good idea to select the same router to be the DR on many multiaccess links simultaneously.

    The first and most important decision when designing an OSPF network is to determine which routers and links are to be included in the backbone area and which are to be included in each adjacent area.

    When configuring single area OSPF, any area ID can be used and prefix exchange will take place. In multi-area OSPF networks, area zero (0) must be configured with inter-area traffic transiting area 0.

    Inter-area routing is similar to distance vector because routers in another area do not have a detailed view of the local area. So they rely on the Type 3 network summary LSAs. Changes such as the addition of a new network, link flapping/failure outside the area don't always require LSA flooding or SPF limiting the impact on router resources.

    Backbone Area (Area 0)

    At the center of an OSPF hierarchy is area 0 also known as the backbone area. It is used to summarize topology information from other areas. Traffic from one area to another must transit area 0. Area 0 must be contiguous. The only exception to this is the use of a virtual link.

    Multi-area OSPF domains are governed by the following OSPF design guides:

    • In any multi-area OSPF domain, a backbone area must exist.
    • All other areas must connect to the backbone area.
    • The backbone area must be contiguous; there must be one single OSPF area zero.

    Non-backbone Area

    Non-backbone areas are OSPF areas that connect to the backbone area. There are two types of non-backbone areas: normal areas and stub areas. All non-backbone areas must connect to the backbone area which can act as a sort of transit hub area interconnecting non-backbone areas. If a scenario occurs where a non-backbone area cannot connect directly to the backbone area, then a virtual link must be configured to connect the non-backbone area to the backbone area.

    Non-backbone areas configured as stub areas affect the way link state information is shared between the different areas and the types of LSAs used. The types of stub areas include: stubby area, not-so-stubby-area (NSSA), totally stubby area and totally NSSA. To configure a stub area, every router in the stub area needs to be configured as a stub. Stub areas are identified by the stub area flag in the hello packet. Stubby areas and not-so-stubby-areas are based on RFC 2328 while totally stubby and totally NSSA are non-standard (vendor specific) area types.

    Stubby Area

    Stubby areas prohibit Type 5 LSAs and thereby preventing Type 4 LSAs from being propagated. When a Type 5 LSA reaches the ABR of a stubby area, it generates a Type 3 default route for the stubby area. All external routes (originated from outside the stubby area) are replaced with a single entry, a default route.

    Configuration of stubby areas reduces the processing and memory load on low-end or heavily-loaded routers as the number of SPF executions reduces as well as the size of the LSDB.

    Stub areas are often used when there is a single exit point from an area into the backbone. If multiple exit points exist, suboptimal routing may result if an area is configured as a stub area.

    The three rules of stubby areas:

    1. Area 0 cannot be a stubby area.
    2. A stubby area can not be transit area for a virtual link.
    3. An ASBR can not be present in a stubby area.
    Configuration of a stubby area is accomplished using the OSPF mode command area <area-id> stub. As the stub area flag must match on all routers in the area; all routers in the stub area should have the above command configured.

    When troubleshooting stubby area mismatches, use the debugging commands debug ip ospf hello and debug ip ospf adjacencies.

    Totally Stubby Area

    A totally stubby area is similar to a stubby area. However, in addition to prohibiting Type 4 and Type 5 LSAs, totally stubby areas prohibit Type 3 LSAs. The ABR generates a Type 3 default route after receiving Type 3 and 5 LSAs. Totally stubby areas do not allow redistribution inside of them implying that ASBRs are not allowed in stub or totally stubby areas.

    To configure a totally stubby area, on the ABR of the totally stubby area, enter the following configuration; area <area-id> stub no-summary. The other routers in the totally stubby area can be configured with the stub area command area <area-id> stub and the adjacency will still be formed. However, to ensure consistency in configuration, it may be preferrable to enter the same totally stubby area configuration command on all the routers in the totally stubby area.

    Totally stubby areas are suitable for areas with a single exit point to the backbone i.e., one ABR. Multiple ABRs for a totally stubby area runs the risk of introducing suboptimal external and inter-area route paths.

    Not-So-Stubby Area (NSSA)

    NSSAs provide a way to get around the restriction of redistribution in stubby areas and totally stubby areas. Like stubby areas, NSSA areas apply stub area rules such as prohibiting Type 5 LSA from entering the area at the ABR. However, NSSAs allow for local redistribution. The ASBR advertises external networks with Type 7 LSAs (NSSA LSA). Type 7 LSAs carry information common to Type 5 LSAs. The format of a Type 7 LSA is almost identical to a Type 5 LSA. The only exceptions are:

    • Link state type is different
    • Additional propagate(P) flag is added. The P bit tells the ABR to translate Type 7 LSA to Type 5 LSA (Type 7/5 translation) and advertise it to the rest of the OSPF domain. This effectively makes this ABR have the dual role of ABR and ASBR from the perspective of the routers in the other OSPF areas.
    • For propagation, the forwarding address must be set in this type of LSA. If it is not set, the ABR does not process the translation. If this happens, then the Type 7 LSA link state information is limited to being advertised only within the NSSA.

    To configure an area as NSSA the command is area <area-id> nssa.

    The ABR does not automatically advertise a default route when a Type 5 LSA is blocked. The ABR of an NSSA area can be configured to advertise a default route using the command: area <area-id> nssa default-information-originate. The optional default-information-originate keyword triggers the ABR to generate a Type 7 default route into the NSSA.


    The commands to verify the configuration of an NSSA area are:

    show ip ospf
    show ip protocols

    A Type 7 LSA can only be flooded in its source area. A Type 7 LSA is conceptually similar to LSA Types 1 and 2 in terms of how it is flooded. The ABR of an NSSA translates a Type 7 LSA to Type 5 LSA for area 0. While an NSSA cannot be a transit area, it can host an ASBR.

    NSSAs are often seen with service providers.

    Totally Not-So-Stubby Area (Totally NSSA)

    NSSAs prohibit Type 4 and Type 5 LSAs. Totally NSSAs prohibit LSA type 3, 4, and, 5 but allow for local redistribution. When the ABR in a totally NSSA receives a Type 3 or 5 LSA, it generates a default route automatically on Cisco devices. Not all implementations of OSPF generate this default route automatically. This default route is a Type 3 LSA route. The Type 7 LSA arriving at the ABR of a totally NSSA is translated into a Type 5 LSA.

    To configure a totally NSSA, on the ABR, enter the following command: area <area-id> nssa no-summary. Other routers in the totally NSSA area can be configured with the command area <area-id> nssa and adjacency will be formed. However, to maintain consistency in the configuration, some prefer to configure the same command across all routers in the totally NSSA area with the same command area <area-id> nssa no-summary.

    Discontiguous areas arise when a non-backbone area is not directly connected to the backbone. Another scenario where discontiguous areas exist is where the backbone area is split-up into two or more sections with each section separated by a non-backbone area. Discontiguous areas cause the ABR of the discontiguous area not to be reachable via SPT. An ABR can only advertise routes between areas when one of the areas it is connected to is the backbone(area 0). Some preconditions of virtual-links include the following:

    • End-points must be reachable via a normal area (not a stub area). OSPF stubby areas cannot be a transit area for a virtual-link.
    • Transit area must not have filtering applied i.e. LSA Type 3 filters, distribute-lists.
    • The virtual link end-points are members of the transit area.

    Discontiguous areas are eliminated by adding new area 0 links and adjacencies. The links could be either physical or virtual for example GRE. OSPF virtual-links are a form of virtual area 0 adjacencies. They are used to form multi-hop unicast area 0 adjacency. Virtual-links follow the already built shortest path first tree (SPT) between ABRs to connect to the backbone.

    As part of a two-tier hierarchy, area zero (0) must be contiguous. As indicated earlier, ABRs follow three fundamental rules when creating Type 3 LSAs:

    1. Type 1 LSAs received from any area, the ABR creates a Type 3 LSA for the backbone area and non-backbone area.
    2. Type 3 LSAs received from area 0, the ABR creates a new Type 3 LSA for only non-backbone areas.
    3. Type 3 LSAs received from a non-backbone area are only inserted into the LSDB of the source area. ABRs do not create a Type 3 LSA for the other areas (including a segmented area 0).

    A virtual link is characterized by the following features:

    • It is considered as a point-to-point unnumbered interface; it will not have an IP address.
    • Virtual link interfaces are part of area 0 or backbone area.
    • Only OSPF overhead traffic transits the virtual link; this includes OSPF packets such as Hello, DBD, LSR, LSU and LSAck. OSPF adjacencies can therefore be formed through the virtual link.
    • The virtual-link terminal end-points (routers where the virtual terminal is configured):
      • Virtual terminal endpoints become ABRs.
      • belong to the same non-backbone area.
    The tunnel (of a virtual-link) belongs to the backbone area and therefore the router terminating the virtual link becomes an ABR. The area in which the virtual-link endpoints are established is known as the transit area. Each router identifies the remote router by its RID. The virtual-link can span one hop or multiple hops from the remote virtual-link endpoint.

    The virtual link is built using Type 1 LSAs with link-Type 4.

    A virtual-link inherits costs from SPT cost between end-points. The cost must be below 65535 otherwise the virtual link will enter a down state.

    A virtual-link runs as a demand circuit so errors in configuration could be hidden until flooding occurs. As a demand circuit, when making configurations to the virtual link such as authentication, the virtual link will have to be cleared first before the configurations take effect.

    The following configurations illustrate how to configure virtual-link endpoints:

    R8(config)#router ospf 8
    R8(config-router)#area 7 virtual-link


    R1(config)#router ospf 1
    R1(config-router)#area 7 virtual-link
    *Aug 15 14:59:34.035: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
    R1#show ip ospf virtual-links
    Virtual Link OSPF_VL0 to router is up
      Run as demand circuit
      DoNotAge LSA allowed.
      Transit area 7, via interface GigabitEthernet0/0
     Topology-MTID     Cost     Disabled     Shutdown     Topology Name
          0              2           no          no           Base
      Transmit Delay is 1 sec, State POINT_TO_POINT,
      Timer intervals configured, Hello 10, Dead 40, Wait 40, Retransmit 5
        Hello due in 00:00:03
        Adjacency State FULL (Hello suppressed)
        Index 1/2, retransmission queue length 0, number of retransmission 0
        First 0x0(0)/0x0(0) Next 0x0(0)/0x0(0)
        Last retransmission scan length is 0, maximum is 0
        Last retransmission scan time is 0 msec, maximum is 0 msec
      Message digest authentication enabled
        Youngest key id is 1

    The commands show ip ospf virtual-link and show ip ospf interface can be used to verify the operational state of the virtual-link.

    Virtual Link Interfaces

    When a virtual link is configured, a virtual link interface is created through which the virtual link is maintained.

    R1#show ip ospf interface
    OSPF_VL0 is up, line protocol is up
      Internet Address, Area 0, Attached via Not Attached
      Process ID 1, Router ID, Network Type VIRTUAL_LINK, Cost: 2
      Topology-MTID     Cost     Disabled     Shutdown     Topology Name
           0              2           no          no           Base
      Configured as demand circuit
      Run as demand circuit
      DoNotAge LSA allowed
      Transmit Delay is 1 sec, State POINT_TO_POINT
      Timer intervals configured, Hello 10, Dead 40, Wait 40, Retransmit 5
        oob-resync timeout 40
        Hello due in 00:00:02
      Supports Link-local Signaling (LLS)
      Cisco NSF helper support enabled
      IETF NSF helper support enabled
      Index 1/2, flood queue length 0
      Next 0x0(0)/0x0(0)
      Last flood scan length is 1, maximum is 1
      Last flood scan time is 0 msec, maximum is 0 msec
      Neighbor Count is 1, Adjacent neighbor count is 1
       Adjacent with neighbor (Hello suppressed)
      Suppress hello for 1 neighbor(s)
      Message digest authentication enabled
        Youngest key id is 1

    The following are the characteristics of a virtual link interface:

    • The IP address of the virtual link is referenced from the IP address of the exit interface of the local router through which the router at the remote end of the virtual link is reached.
    • The OSPF network type of the virtual link is virtual link but the operational state is point-to-point.
    • Hello packets are suppressed for virtual-links.

    OSPF Router Types

    • Internal Routers: all links of the router exist in one non-backbone area.
    • Backbone Router: these are routers that have at least one interface in area 0 (backbone). It can be an internal router as well as an ABR
    • Area Border Router (ABR): router has links in the backbone area and a non-backbone area. The ABR interconnects the two areas. The ABR is the point at which summarization and filtering is implemented in an OSPF domain.
    • Autonomous System Boundary Router (ASBR): has at least one link in the OSPF domain and another link in a non-OSPF domain for example IS-IS, EIGRP, BGP, RIP domain. The ASBR redistributes routes to and/or from other routing domains and OSPF. ASBRs can be connected to any OSPF area except the stubby and totally stubby area.

    The router type can be verified by using the following commands:

    • show ip protocols
    • show ip ospf
    • show ip ospf border-routers

    R1#show ip protocols
    *** IP Routing is NSF aware ***

    Routing Protocol is "ospf 1"
       Outgoing update filter list for all interfaces is not set
       Incoming update filter list for all interfaces is not set
       Router ID
       It is an area border and autonomous system boundary router
      Redistributing External Routes from,
       Number of areas in this router is 2. 1 normal 0 stub 1 nssa
       Maximum path: 4
       Routing for Networks: area 0

    To view all ABRs and ASBRs in the OSPF domain, run the command show ip ospf border-routers with the optional keyword detail appended for additional information.

    R1#show ip ospf border-routers

                OSPF Router with ID ( (Process ID 1)

                    Base Topology (MTID 0)

    Internal Router Routing Table
    Codes: i - Intra-area route, I - Inter-area route

    i [1] via, FastEthernet3/0, ABR, Area, SPF 8
    i [1] via, GigabitEthernet0/0, ABR, Area, SPF 8
    i [2] via, GigabitEthernet4/0, ABR, Area 10, SPF 8
    i [2] via, GigabitEthernet1/0, ABR, Area, SPF 6
    i [1] via, FastEthernet3/0, ABR, Area, SPF 8
    i [1] via, GigabitEthernet2/0, ABR, Area, SPF 8
    i [3] via, GigabitEthernet1/0, ABR, Area, SPF 6
    i [2] via, GigabitEthernet4/0, ASBR, Area 10, SPF 8

    R1#show ip ospf border-routers detail

                OSPF Router with ID ( (Process ID 1)

                    Base Topology (MTID 0)

    Internal Router Routing Table
    Codes: i - Intra-area route, I - Inter-area route

    i [1] via, FastEthernet3/0, ABR, Area, SPF 10
         Source, PDB SPF 31, path flag: none
         Flags: PathList
    i [1] via, GigabitEthernet0/0, ABR, Area, SPF 10
         Source, PDB SPF 31, path flag: none
         Flags: PathList
    i [2] via, GigabitEthernet4/0, ABR, Area 10, SPF 8
         Source, PDB SPF 25, path flag: none
         Flags: PathList
    i [2] via, GigabitEthernet1/0, ABR, Area, SPF 6
         Source, PDB SPF 25, path flag: none
         Flags: PathList
    i [1] via, FastEthernet3/0, ABR, Area, SPF 10
         Source, PDB SPF 31, path flag: none
         Flags: PathList
    i [1] via, GigabitEthernet2/0, ABR, Area, SPF 10
         Source, PDB SPF 31, path flag: none
         Flags: PathList
    i [3] via, GigabitEthernet1/0, ABR, Area, SPF 6
         Source, PDB SPF 25, path flag: none
         Flags: PathList
    i [2] via, GigabitEthernet4/0, ASBR, Area 10, SPF 8
         Source, PDB SPF 25, path flag: none
         Flags: PathList R1#

    Area Border Routers (ABRs)

    An area border router connects the backbone area to one or more non-backbone areas. This definition is extremely important; a router that connects two non-backbone areas and is not connected to the backone area will have separate LSDBs for each area but will not allow traffic from one non-backbone area to cross to the other non-backbone area.

    ABRs have the following features:

    • ABR is a suitable point for filtering and summarization of inter-area routes.
    • ABRs maintain separate LSDBs for each area that their interfaces are part of. The number of LSDBs maintained by an ABR is equal to the number of distinct areas that it is participating in.
    • In the Type 1 LSA header of an ABR, the B-bit is set to 1. This is how other routers know that a router is an ABR.

    Assuming that an ABR, R2, is connected to the backbone area and another area (say Area 2); when this ABR, R2, receives Type 1 and Type 2 LSAs from Area 2, it generates a Type 3 LSA which is a summary of the Type 1 and Type 2 LSA information from Area 2. The cost of this Type 3 LSA will be the cost of the path from the ABR to the originating router in Area 2. This Type 3 LSA is then flooded into the backbone area with the cost being the cost from the ABR to the originating router in Area 2.

    If another ABR, R3, in the backbone area receives this Type 3 LSA flooded by R2, it floods this Type 3 LSA into the non-backbone area, Area 3. R3 will calculate the cost of its path to R2 and add this cost to the cost of the Type 3 LSA that was calculated by R2. R3 will then flood this Type 3 LSA into non-backbone area Area 3 with this new cummulative cost.

    In a multi-area OSPF topology where a non-backbone area is connected to the backbone area through two or more ABRs, if a Type 3 LSA is flooded into the non-backbone area of ABR R1, ABR R2 which is connected to the same non-backbone area will receive this Type 3 LSA from its interface(s) in the non-backbone area. R2 will install these Type 3 LSAs into its LSDB but will not transfer the route information from these LSAs to the routing table.

    Autonomous System Boundary Router

    An ASBR is a router that connects the OSPF domain to a non-OSPF domain. It redistributes routes from the non-OSPF domain into the OSPF domain.

    An ABR that is connected to an NSSA by default also becomes an ASBR as it generates a Type 5 LSA and floods it into the backbone area.

    OSPF Route Types and Preferences

    OSPF routes are classified based on how they are sourced. These OSPF route types include: intra-area routes, inter-area routes and external routes.

    • Intra-area: these are routes that are sourced within an area. In OSPF, the LSDB of single-area networks contain only intra-area routes.
    • Inter-area: route sourced from one area X that appears in another area Y.
    • External routes: routes redistributed into OSPF from another routing protocol or static routes. These are advertised as Type 5 LSAs and appear as external Type 1 and external Type 2 routes.

    Shortest Path First (SPF) Operation

    Shortest path first (SPF) uses Dijkstra's algorithm; it takes the link state database as input to generate the loop-free shortest path tree (SPT) which is the shortest path to any destination in the network. During a change in the network topology, the SPT is rebuilt and the SPF algorithm runs again to calculate new shortest paths from the changed network topology. These shortest paths are then presented to the routing table for installation. If the path presented by OSPF is the most specific or has the lowest administrative distance, they are installed into the routing table. If multiple paths are discovered and there is a tie in cost, then these paths are installed into the routing table, a concept known as Equal Cost Multiple Paths (ECMP).

    The SPF algorithm runs many complex calculations which may be recursive. These calculations are resource intensive consuming more processor time and memory. In OSPF areas that experience many network changes such as flapping links, a significant amount of processor time is spent on SPF execution. This may affect other functions of the router. If the number of SPF calculations for an area is high, then it is a sign of an unstable network. Care should be taken to ensure a proper design of the OSPF domain and configuration of OSPF optimization features to ensure a stable network with few SPF executions.

    Neighbor and Topology Maintenance

    Once adjacencies have been established and SPT built, the OSPF state machine tracks neighbor and topology changes. Hello packets are used to monitor the availability of neighbors. LSUs are used to update neighbors of network changes.

    Tracking Topology Changes

    When a new LSA is received, it is checked against the LSDB for changes such as:

    • Sequence number: used to differentiate same LSAs containing same network information. The sequence number is usally used to differentiate LSAs containing new topology information from the LSAs containing previous topology information.
    • Age: used to keep information updated and withdraw old information. Periodic flooding occurs every 30 minutes (1800 secs). LSAs whose LSA age is equal to the MaxAge value of 3600 seconds are purged from the LSDB as they are considered invalid.
    • Checksum: used to verify that transmission and memory corruption have not affected the integrity of the packet.

    LSA Flooding

    When a change is detected in the network, a new LSA is generated and flooded out all OSPF links in the area. OSPF does not use split-horizon. Self-originated LSAs are simply dropped.

    The method used for flooding will depend on the following factors:

    • The state of a device's LSDB.
    • Specific network types used on a device's network interfaces
    If new information is found within the contents of a database descriptor packet, the local device sends an LSR requesting for the missing updates. The determination of whether information should be updated if a copy already exists in the LSDB is primarily based on the link state sequence number. The sequence number of an LSA is updated when new information is received through an LSU. It is this sequence number that is used for comparison by OSPF where multiple copies of the same LSA exist. If OSPF finds an LSA that is up-to-date compared to the same LSA in its LSDB, then the local OSPF device includes it in the LSR sent to the originator of the LSA.

    If multiple devices use the same sequence number when flooding an LSA:

    • First, the checksum is verified.
    • The link state age is used to break any tie.

    Flooding method depends on the network type:

    • Multicast is used if multiple devices are being updated at the same time. This is often seen on broadcast and non-broadcast networks that use a DR. The DR sends the update to the address
    • For OSPF network types where multicast is not supported, OSPF packets are transmitted in unicast. Here, OSPF adjacencies are usually configured statically using the neighbor command.

    OSPF Path Selection


    The decision on the path to the destination for traffic is based on the path metric. Metric is the cumulative OSPF cost along the path. The OSPF metric is called cost. The cost is calculated based on the bandwidth of the exit interface. The cost is calculated as follows;

    cost = reference bandwidth ÷ interface bandwidth

    The default OSPF reference bandwidth is 100mbps. With this default reference bandwidth, OSPF is unable to differentiate the cost of Fast Ethernet (100mbps), Gigabit Ethernet (1000mbps), Ten Gigabit Ethernet (10000mbps) interfaces. All interfaces from Fast Ethernet or higher will have an OSPF cost of one (1). It is imperative to modify the default reference bandwidth in network environments with interfaces having Gigabit Ethernet or higher capacity interfaces so that OSPF can make more accurate path selection decisions.

    This default reference bandwidth can be modified with the OSPF router mode command: auto-cost reference-bandwidth <1-4294967>. The bandwidth value is in megabits per second. It is recommended that the reference bandwidth be an order of magnitude higher than the largest bandwidth link in the OSPF domain. If the network has Ten Gigabit Ethernet links, then set the reference bandwidth to 100Gbps.

    R8(config-router)#auto-cost reference-bandwidth 10000
    % OSPF: Reference bandwidth is changed.
          Please ensure reference bandwidth is consistent across all routers.
    R8(config-router)#do show ip ospf
     Routing Process "ospf 8" with ID
     Start time: 00:00:40.364, Time elapsed: 01:49:26.920
     Supports only single TOS(TOS0) routes
     Number of DoNotAge external and opaque AS LSA 0
     Number of areas in this router is 2. 2 normal 0 stub 0 nssa
     Number of areas transit capable is 1
     External flood list length 0
     IETF NSF helper support enabled
     Cisco NSF helper support enabled
     Reference bandwidth unit is 10000 mbps

        Area BACKBONE(0)
            Number of interfaces in this area is 1
            Area has no authentication
            SPF algorithm last executed 01:49:00.076 ago
            SPF algorithm executed 2 times

    The reference bandwidth should be set to the same value for all routers in the OSPF domain, otherwise the risk of introducing suboptimal routing to the OSPF domain may be high. Type 1 LSAs include the cost of each link which is in the range 1 - 65535.

    The OSPF cost of a path is calculated based on the outgoing interface of a router.

    Best Path Selection

    When an OSPF device receives an LSA with the same link state information but different properties, the best path selection process determines which path is selected for installation into the routing table. OSPF uses the following criteria for selecting the best path (in order of preference);

    1. Intra-area path with the lowest metric
    2. Inter-area path with the lowest metric
    3. External Type 1 path with the lowest metric
    4. NSSA Type 1 path with the lowest metric
    5. External Type 2 paths with the lowest metric
    6. External Type 2 paths with the lowest forwarding metric
    7. NSSA Type 2 path with the lowest metric.

    It is important to note that the existence of N1 or N2 routes implies that E1 and E2 routes will not be existent in that area.

    The above listed best path selection criteria supersedes the path metric; an intra-area route will always be preferred to an inter-area route regardless of the route cost of the intra-area route. This is OSPF's loop-prevention technique in addition to the hub and spoke topology of the OSPF hierarchy which inherently creates a loop-free topology.

    In a proper network design, the above mentioned path criteria should not be used in path selection. Ideally, routes should only be advertised from a single source. The path selection criteria should only be used as a tie-breaker in a network with extraordinary design considerations.

    Virtual-links inherit their cost from cost between the virtual-link endpoints. A virtual-link must have a cost below 65535 (maximum metric) to initialize. Link costs higher than 65535 could occur if reference bandwidth is higher and virtual-link transits legacy links.

    OSPF Optimization

    OSPF optimization aims to achieve the following objectives:

    • To reduce convergence time
    • To minimise SPF executions
    • To improve traffic patterns
    • To reduce LSDB size
    The default settings of OSPF work. However, network conditions may require tweaking OSPF to improve performance while minimizing the load on the routers. There are a variety of configurations that can improve the performance of OSPF. These can be categorized into the following:
    • Accelerating OSPF convergence through:
      • Modifying default dead-interval and hello interval timers
      • BFD
    • Controlling LSA generation and propagation through:
      • LSA throttling
      • LSA flood pacing
      • LSA group pacing
      • LSA retransmission pacing
    • Altering Shortest Path First behaviour through:
      • SPF throttling
      • Enabling incremental SPF (iSPF)
    • Reducing the size of the LSDB through:
      • Prefix summarization
      • Creation of OSPF areas
      • Filtering
    • Reducing the effects of restarts on OSPF through:
      • Grace LSAs
      • NSF
    • Traffic engineering through:
      • Altering the administrative distance
      • Interface bandwidth and link cost
      • Default route propagation

    Accelerating OSPF Convergence

    The process of network convergence can be categorized into a set of discreet events:

    • Failure detection: the speed at which a device on the network can detect and react to a failure of one of its own components, or the failure of a peer.
    • Information dissemination: the speed at which a detected failure can be communicated to all OSPF devices in an area.
    • Recovery: the speed at which all devices on the network having been notified of the failure calculate an alternate path through which network traffic can flow.
    An improvement in any one of these stages lowers the convergence time. The first of these stages, failure detection, can be the most problematic and inconsistent:
    • Different routing protocols use varying methods and timers to detect the loss of a routing adjacency with a peer.
    • Link-layer failure detection times can vary widely depending on the physical media and the Layer 2 encapsulation used.
    • Intervening devices (eg. layer 2 switch) can hide link-layer failures from routing protocol peers.

    OSPF failure detection time can be decreased through:

    1. Modification of default hello and dead interval timer values
    2. Use of Bi-Directional Forward Detection (BFD)

    Hello and Dead Interval Timers

    In today's converged high-bandwidth networks, the 40 second dead interval timer to detect a failed neighbor are considered unacceptable. Default OSPF timer values are not often the best method to rely on for failure detection. The hello and dead-interval timers can be modified to lower values to increase the speed of failure detection.

    To modify the hello interval, use the interface mode command ip ospf hello-interval <seconds> and the dead interval ip ospf dead-interval <seconds>. Modifying the default hello interval timer, results in the dead interval timer being automatically modified to four times the value of the hello-interval.

    The following configuration sets the hello interval timer value to 5 seconds and dead interval to 20 seconds:

    R1(config)#interface Te3/0
    R1(config-if)#ip ospf hello-interval 5
    R1(config-if)#ip ospf dead-interval 20

    An interface can be configured to send hello packets in sub-second intervals using the interface command ip ospf dead-interval minimal hello-multiplier <3-20>. The multiplier value is the number of hello packets sent per second;

    R1(config)#interface fa3/0
    R1(config-if)#ip ospf dead-interval minimal hello-multiplier 4
    R1#show ip ospf interface fa3/0
    FastEthernet3/0 is up, line protocol is up
      Internet Address, Area 0, Attached via Interface Enable
      Process ID 1, Router ID, Network Type BROADCAST , Cost: 1
      . . . .
      Enabled by interface config, including secondary ip addresses
      Transmit Delay is 1 sec, State DR, Priority 1
      Designated Router (ID), Interface address
      No backup designated router on this network
      Timer intervals configured, Hello 250 msec, Dead 1, Wait 1, Retransmit 5
        oob-resync timeout 40
        Hello due in 58 msec
      Supports Link-local Signaling (LLS)
      Cisco NSF helper support enabled
      IETF NSF helper support enabled

    Where 4 implies four hello packets are to be sent per second.

    Configuration of a lower hello interval timer value to detect neighbor failure considerably improves neighbor failure detection. However, it increases OSPF overhead traffic considerably particularly if many OSPF devices exist on the network segment. BFD is a preferred option for failure detection.


    BFD is a light-weight protocol designed for rapid failure detection while maintaining low overhead. BFD is not specific to OSPF and can be used as a single failure detection mechanism by other IP routing protocols that support it such as BGP. BFD operates at the line-card level with little involvement of the processor. This implies that BFD operates primarily at the data plane and not at the control plane.

    BFD operates at layer 1 and layer 2 of the OSI model.

    For BFD to be used for failure detection in OSPF domains, OSPF must first be configured with adjacencies established. Client protocols such as OSPF register with BFD to receive notifications when failures are detected. Failure detection takes place usually in sub-seconds.

    BFD supports two operating modes: asynchronous and demand modes.

    • Asynchronous mode: supporting systems send packets back and forth to one another. If BFD control packets are not detected, then client protocol is notified and the session drops. Asynchronous mode is generally used in production networks.
    • Demand Mode: BFD assumes that another method is used to verify connectivity.

    Echo Function

    Echo function can be used in either BFD demand mode or asynchronous mode. If the BFD echo function is enabled, devices are configured to send echo packets towards a remote system with the expectation of having them loopback. This verifies the path to the remote system as well as the forwarding path of the remote system. BFD sessions can be configured independently in both directions.


    Configuration of BFD takes two steps: enabling BFD on the interface and registering failure detection using BFD in OSPF.

    1. BFD Configuration: BFD is configured on the interface through which the OSPF adjacency is formed using the interface command bfd interval <50-999> min_rx <50-999> multiplier <3-50>:
      • interval: determines how frequently (in milliseconds) BFD packets will be sent to BFD peers.
      • min_rx: determines how frequently (in milliseconds) BFD packets will be expected to be received from BFD peers.
      • multiplier: The number of consecutive BFD packets which must be missed from a BFD peer before declaring that peer unavailable, and informing the higher-layer protocols of the failure.
    2. OSPF BFD Configuration:
      • All OSPF-enabled interfaces: In the OSPF process, register BFD as the failure detection mechanism using the command bfd all-interfaces to configure BFD on all OSPF enabled interfaces.
      • Specific interfaces: To configure BFD on individual interfaces, use the interface configuration command ip ospf bfd.


    BFD operation and statistics can be verified using the commands: show bfd summary

    Controlling LSA Generation and Propagation

    LSA generation and propagation in OSPF are controlled by the following features:

    • LSA throttling
    • LSA Pacing
      • LSA flood pacing
      • LSA group pacing
      • LSA retransmisssion pacing

    LSA Throttling

    LSA throttling provides a way of limiting the generation of LSAs specifically the generation of repeat same LSAs (with same LSA ID, LSA type and advertising router ID) during network instability. Prior to LSA throttling, LSA generation was rate-limited to 5 seconds because of the default LSA wait timer interval. When an initial LSU is sent, it is rate limited and can't be resent for another five seconds. A similar condition occurs on received updates. Waiting for 5 seconds slows convergence and sub-second network convergence was not possible.

    LSA throttling alters how OSPF handles the generation of OSPF update packets. This is done through the modification of the LSA start-interval, LSA hold-interval and LSA max-interval:

    1. LSA start-interval: initial wait interval for LSA generation. The default value is 0 milliseconds resulting in the first LSA being generated immediately.
    2. LSA hold-interval: minimum interval between the generation of another same LSA. The default value is 5000 milliseconds. This value doubles every time the same LSA is regenerated.
    3. LSA max-interval: the maximum wait time interval between LSA generation. The LSA hold-interval cannot become greater than the max-interval. The default value is 5000 milliseconds. If the max-interval is the same as the hold-interval, then the hold-interval cannot double when an LSA is regenerated.

    An initial LSA is sent immediately a network change is detected. The generation of the second LSA is determined by the LSA start-interval. If an event occurs and OSPF needs to send an additional update packet, it waits until the OSPF start interval expires. At this point, the OSPF hold interval begins. If an event occurs during this hold interval, the device waits to send that update packet till that hold interval expires. If this happens, the next LSA hold interval is doubled. This means that at the end of the initial hold interval, the update is sent but the next update packet is held until the twice the hold interval unless the LSA max-interval is reached. The LSA max-interval in this case is used as a ceiling controlling how long the hold-interval could eventually become. This doubling happens everytime an additional event occurs within the current hold interval. When the max-interval is reached, it is used as the hold-interval to delay LSA update packet generation until it expires. This remains true until no events occur within two hold-intervals or max-intervals depending on the situation. At this point, the process repeats and the start interval is used if an event occurs.

    LSA throttling sub-second values improves convergence and slows down update generation time during periods of instability in the network.


    LSA throttling is enabled by default. The default LSA start-interval, hold-interval and max-interval can be modified using the command timers throttle lsa <0-600000> <0-600000> <0-600000>. These values are in milliseconds. The following example sets the LSA start-interval, hold-interval and max-interval to 0, 5 seconds and 60 seconds respectively:

    R1#configure terminal
    Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
    R1(config)#router ospf 1
    R1(config-router)#timers throttle lsa 0 5000 60000
    *Nov 5 11:18:30.007: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
    R1#show ip ospf
     Routing Process "ospf 1" with ID
     Start time: 00:00:52.732, Time elapsed: 01:06:26.896
     Supports only single TOS(TOS0) routes
     Supports opaque LSA
     Supports Link-local Signaling (LLS)
     Supports area transit capability
     Supports NSSA (compatible with RFC 3101)
     Event-log enabled, Maximum number of events: 1000, Mode: cyclic
     It is an area border and autonomous system boundary router
     Redistributing External Routes from,
     Router is not originating router-LSAs with maximum metric
     Initial SPF schedule delay 5000 msecs
     Minimum hold time between two consecutive SPFs 10000 msecs
     Maximum wait time between two consecutive SPFs 10000 msecs
     Incremental-SPF disabled
     Initial LSA throttle delay 0 msecs
     Minimum hold time for LSA throttle 5000 msecs
     Maximum wait time for LSA throttle 60000 msecs
     Minimum LSA arrival 1000 msecs
     LSA group pacing timer 240 secs
     Interface flood pacing timer 33 msecs

    It is recommended to set the minimum interval for accepting the same LSA. If the same LSA is received earlier than the configured interval, it is dropped. It is recommended that the arrival interval be less than or equal to the LSA hold interval timer. To control the receipt of the same LSA packets, use the command timers lsa arrival <0-600000>.

    Update Packet Pacing

    This is different from LSA throttling because it affects the behaviour of OSPF packets that are not locally generated. Three different update timers that can be modified include: flood pacing, retransmission pacing, group pacing.

    • Flood pacing: controls the packet spacing between consecutive update packets in the OSPF transmission queue. By default, on Cisco equipment, if multiple packets exist in the transmission queue, they are sent every 33ms. This can be modified using the command timers pacing flood <5-100>. The value is in milliseconds.
    • Retransmission pacing: feature is similar to flood pacing feature but it affects the retransmission queue. By default, on Cisco equipment, if multiple packets exist in the retransmission queue, they are sent every 66ms. The retransmission pacing can be configured using the OSPF command timers pacing retransmission <5-200>. The value is in milliseconds.
    • Group pacing: controls how LSAs are refreshed by an OSPF device. The typical LSA refresh rate is 30 minutes. If each individual LSA works on its own independent timer, then packets could be transmitted all the time especially in large networks. To mitigate this, LSA group pacing was introduced. Group pacing allows LSAs that are expiring within the same general time to be sent simultaneously. On Cisco equipment, the default is set to 240 seconds. All LSAs expiring within 240 seconds are updated at the same time. This increases efficiency and lowers demand. To configure group pacing value, use the OSPF command timers pacing lsa-group <1-1800>. The value is in seconds.

    The default values of the pacing timers generally work well; it is not recommended to modify them. Modification will require extensive testing to ensure that the intended result is accomplished. To view the LSA pacing values, use the command show ip ospf:

    R1#show ip ospf
     Routing Process "ospf 1" with ID
     Start time: 00:00:52.732, Time elapsed: 03:02:31.124
     Supports only single TOS(TOS0) routes
     Supports opaque LSA
     Supports Link-local Signaling (LLS)
     Supports area transit capability
     Supports NSSA (compatible with RFC 3101)
     Event-log enabled, Maximum number of events: 1000, Mode: cyclic
     It is an area border and autonomous system boundary router
     Redistributing External Routes from,
     Router is not originating router-LSAs with maximum metric
     Initial SPF schedule delay 5000 msecs
     Minimum hold time between two consecutive SPFs 10000 msecs
     Maximum wait time between two consecutive SPFs 10000 msecs
     Incremental-SPF disabled
     Initial LSA throttle delay 0 msecs
     Minimum hold time for LSA throttle 5000 msecs
     Maximum wait time for LSA throttle 60000 msecs
     Minimum LSA arrival 1000 msecs
     LSA group pacing timer 240 secs
     Interface flood pacing timer 33 msecs
     Retransmission pacing timer 66 msecs
     Number of external LSA 1. Checksum Sum 0x007B7D
     Number of opaque AS LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x000000
     Number of DCbitless external and opaque AS LSA 0
     Number of DoNotAge external and opaque AS LSA 0
     Number of areas in this router is 3. 3 normal 0 stub 0 nssa
     Number of areas transit capable is 0
     External flood list length 0
     IETF NSF helper support enabled
     Cisco NSF helper support enabled
     Reference bandwidth unit is 100 mbps
        Area BACKBONE(

    Altering SPF Algorithm Behaviour

    Processing of SPF algorithm can be altered using SFP throttling and incremental SPF. Altering the SPF behaviour may lower the processor load. However, it may result in an increase in convergence time.

    SPF Throttling

    SPF throttling operates similar to LSA throttling. It controls when SPF is run after an event occurs. This is done through the configuration of three parameters: SPF start-interval, SPF hold-interval and SPF max-interval.

    • SPF start-interval: the initial SPF schedule delay. By default, the SPF-start timer is 5000 milliseconds.
    • SPF hold-interval: the minimum hold time between two consecutive SPF calculations. By default, the SPF-hold timer is 10000 milliseconds.
    • SPF max-interval: the maximum wait time between two consecutive SPF calculations. By default, the SPF-maximum timer is 10000 milliseconds.
    When an event initially occurs, the start-interval begins, once it expires, SPF is run using the new information. At this point, the hold-interval starts to count down. If any new event occurs during this hold-interval, then the SPF process is run once it expires. A new hold-interval begins but with twice the configured hold-interval time. If no event occurs within two hold-intervals, then the process resets and is governed by the start-interval. The process of doubling the hold-interval when additional events occur continues until the hold-interval timer reaches the max-interval time. The max-interval acts as a timer ceiling. Once it is reached, SPF runs every max-interval as long as additional events continue to occur. If no events occur within two max-intervals, then the process resets. By default, on Cisco equipment, the start-interval is 5 seconds and max-interval 10 seconds.

    SPF throttling can be configured using the command timers throttle spf <start-interval> <hold-interval> <max-interval> . The three interval values range from 1-600000 milliseconds.

    R1(config-router)#timers throttle spf 10000 20000 60000
    R1(config-router)#do show ip ospf
     Routing Process "ospf 1" with ID
     Start time: 00:00:52.732, Time elapsed: 03:45:13.896
     Supports only single TOS(TOS0) routes
     Supports opaque LSA
     Supports Link-local Signaling (LLS)
     Supports area transit capability
     Supports NSSA (compatible with RFC 3101)
     Event-log enabled, Maximum number of events: 1000, Mode: cyclic
     It is an area border and autonomous system boundary router
     Redistributing External Routes from,
     Router is not originating router-LSAs with maximum metric
     Initial SPF schedule delay 10000 msecs
     Minimum hold time between two consecutive SPFs 20000 msecs
     Maximum wait time between two consecutive SPFs 60000 msecs
     Incremental-SPF disabled
     Initial LSA throttle delay 0 msecs
     Minimum hold time for LSA throttle 5000 msecs
     Maximum wait time for LSA throttle 60000 msecs
     Minimum LSA arrival 1000 msecs
     LSA group pacing timer 240 secs
     Interface flood pacing timer 33 msecs
     Retransmission pacing timer 66 msecs
     Number of external LSA 1. Checksum Sum 0x00797E

    Incremental SPF (iSPF)

    When enabled, iSPF changes when and how SPF is run. Normally, when a Type 1 or Type 2 LSA is generated due to a topology change, all devices within an area process it and SPF is run. Often this is not required as it may not affect the SPT for every device. This results in many nodes running SPF when they do not need to.

    iSPF changes the rules making the running of SPF conditional based on three conditions:

    • Addition of a new leaf node: Events such as the addition of a new leaf node do not affect SPT on existing devices. Additional full SPF run is not needed. iSPF prevents full SPF run on non-local devices. On local devices however, a full SPF run is still required.
    • Change alters the SPT of a device: If a link failure occurs on a path that is not the shortest path, then full SPF run is not required. iSPF steps in and limits it.
    • Whether a limited change happens to the current SPT: iSPF limits the devices that fully run SPF to only the local devices and devices that are downstream from the failure. Upstream devices do not need to run SPF.

    To configure iSPF, use the command ispf in OSPF router mode.

    R1(config)#router ospf 1
    R1(config-router)#do show ip ospf
     Routing Process "ospf 1" with ID
     Start time: 00:00:52.732, Time elapsed: 04:01:26.532
     Supports only single TOS(TOS0) routes
     Supports opaque LSA
     Supports Link-local Signaling (LLS)
     Supports area transit capability
     Supports NSSA (compatible with RFC 3101)
     Event-log enabled, Maximum number of events: 1000, Mode: cyclic
     It is an area border and autonomous system boundary router
     Redistributing External Routes from,
     Router is not originating router-LSAs with maximum metric
     Initial SPF schedule delay 10000 msecs
     Minimum hold time between two consecutive SPFs 20000 msecs
     Maximum wait time between two consecutive SPFs 60000 msecs
     Incremental-SPF enabled
     Initial LSA throttle delay 0 msecs
     Minimum hold time for LSA throttle 5000 msecs
     Maximum wait time for LSA throttle 60000 msecs
     Minimum LSA arrival 1000 msecs
     LSA group pacing timer 240 secs
     Interface flood pacing timer 33 msecs
     Retransmission pacing timer 66 msecs
     Number of external LSA 1. Checksum Sum 0x00777F
     Number of opaque AS LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x000000
     Number of DCbitless external and opaque AS LSA 0
     Number of DoNotAge external and opaque AS LSA 0

    iSPF reduces the load on the router processor.

    Reducing the Size of the LSDB

    Reducing the size of the LSDB can be accomplished through the following features:

    • Stub areas
    • Summarization
    • Filtering
    • Prefix suppression

    Stub Areas

    Stub areas limit Type 4 and 5 LSAs. These are replaced with a summary Type 3 LSA. Totally stubby areas extend this restriction to include Type 3 LSAs. These features reduce the size of the LSAs. Stub areas need to be configured for areas that have a single exit to the backbone area. Network layer reachability information removed is replaced with a default route. All routers in the area must agree on the stub area flag.


    OSPF scalability is achieved by minimising the number of routers (topology summarization) and number of prefixes (prefix summarization). Topology summarization is achieved through implementation of OSPF areas. Prefix summarization reduces the number of routes in the RIB.

    OSPF prefix summarization can only occur at the border between areas and at the OSPF domain boundary with an external domain. The two types of prefix summarization in OSPF are: area summarization and external summarization.

    Area Summarization

    Area summarization is configured between areas on the ABR. Area summarization filters Type 3 LSAs containing component routes and only the Type 3 LSA containing the summary route is permitted across the ABR. When performing area summarization;

    • Only intra-area routes are summarized. Inter-area routes in the area are regenerated as normal.
    • Summarization is configured on the ABR connected to the area with the source component routes. An ABR must be part of the area where the component prefixes to be summarised are sourced.
    • The metric of the summary route is the lowest metric of the component routes of the summary. In some circumstances, it may be better to configure a static summary metric to reduce SPF executions if the metric of the lowest cost component route changes.
    • If multiple ABRs exist to a given area, summarization should be implemented on all the ABRs that connect to the area whose routes are to be summarized.
    Area summarization performed by ABR summarizes Type 1 LSAs into a Type 3 LSA. Area summarization reduces the number of Type 3 LSAs in the LSDB. This provides protection from processing remote network changes as they occur in other areas. Link flaps in aggregate prefixes do not trigger SPF calculations in other areas. Area summarization can be configured using the command area <area-id> range <summary-address> <netmask>

    R9(config-router)#area 0 range

    A summary discard route is installed in the RIB of the ABR as a loop prevention mechanism. The default metric for the summary LSA is the smallest metric associated with any component prefix in the summary route. The summary route can have a static metric configured to reduce CPU load or as part of traffic engineering by appending the keyword cost <metric> to the area summarization command.

    R9(config-router)#area 0 range cost 10

    External summarization

    External summarization is configured on the ASBR for external routes being redistributed into the OSPF domain. It is a good idea to limit the number of individual routes being redistributed. This summary can be configured at the ASBR. If the IP addressing of the external routes is not contiguous, external summarization may introduce suboptimal routing problems. External summarization summarizes Type 5 into Type 5 and Type 7 into Type 7 LSAs by ASBR.

    External summarization is performed on the redistributing ASBR. In the OSPF process summary-address <network-address> <subnet-mask>. A discard route is installed.

    R11(config-router)#summary-address tag 172300

    The summary-address command includes the following options:

    • not-advertise: filter external prefixes from being redistributed.
    • nssa-only: limit the summary route to NSSA area only.
    • tag: to add a route-tag, advertise the summary address. This tag can be matched in a route-map in a downstream router.

    Summary Discard Route

    When creating a summary route using the area range and summary-address commands, a discard route is installed into the routing table with an exit interface of Null0. The goal is to drop traffic if longest match is summary or the destination network is a component prefix of the summary address but matches no specific network. The idea is that the router carrying out the summarization should not fall back to default route if a component network is not found in the routing table. The administrative distance of the discard route for redistributed routes and internal routes can be modified using the OSPF discard-route command.

    The following configuration modifies the administrative distance of the discard route to 30 for intra-area routes and 40 for redistributed routes.

    R11(config-router)#discard-route internal 30 external 40

    Discard route can be disabled with the command: no discard-route


    OSPF filtering can be implemented at the following locations:

    • Internal i.e., between the LSDB and the routing table.
    • Inter-area filtering: inter-area filtering is implemented at the Area border router. Inter-area filtering can also be implemented by changing the area type to one of the stub types.
    • External filtering: this can be implemented at the ASBR. Changing the area type can also apply filtering.

    Type 3 LSA Filtering

    Type 3 LSA filtering provides for granular control of the Type 3 LSAs that can be advertised into an area or advertised out of an area at the ABR. The commands to filter Type 3 LSAs are area ... filter-list and area ... range.

    area ... filter-list command

    An ABR is able to filter Type 3 LSAs from areas that it is not directly connected to using the filter-list keyword to the area command. Using the filter list, Type 3 LSAs can be filtered as they leave an area or as they enter an area.

    Filtering routes using a filter list at the ABR is a two-step process that involves creation of a prefix list and referencing the prefix-list using filter-list keyword of the area command.

    R9(config)#ip prefix-list PL_10.255.1.0 deny le 32
    R9(config)#ip prefix-list PL_10.255.1.0 permit le 32
    R9(config)#router ospf 9
    R9(config-router)#area 10 filter-list prefix PL_10.255.1.0 in

    area ... range command

    Type 3 LSAs can be filtered using the area summarization command by preventing Type 3 LSAs from being advertised into another area by appending the not-advertise keyword. The above filtering can alternatively be accomplished using the following configuration:

    R9(config-router)#area 0 range not-advertise

    Unlike filtering using the area ... filter-list command, filtering routes using the not-advertise keyword only works on ABRs that are directly connected to the area whose networks are to the filtered.

    Prefix Suppression

    Implemented in Cisco's version of OSPF, prefix suppression provides for the suppression of all connected prefixes. This can be implemented globally using the OSPF mode command prefix-suppression or at the interface using the command ip ospf prefix-suppression. When configured globally, all connected prefixes that are not configured on loopback interfaces, configured as secondary, or configured on passive interfaces are suppressed. When configured this way, individual interfaces can have prefix suppression disabled to allow their configured prefixes advertised. When prefix suppression is configured on a local interface, all addresses configured are suppressed including secondary addresses.

    Prefix suppression is very handy especially on large networks to reduce the size of the LSDB with a large number of transit links whose addresses are not often used. The suppression of these addresses domain-wide can considerably reduce the size of the LSDB. Such prefix suppression, though, does complicate troubleshooting because these intermediate links cannot be accessed.

    Local OSPF Route Filtering

    Local OSPF route filtering involves preventing a router from installing a network from the LSDB into the RIB. This involves two steps:

    1. Identification of the route (using an ACL, prefix-list, route-map)
    2. Applying the filtering using the distribute-list command

    R7(config)#ip access-list standard ACL_10.3.4.0
    R7(config-std-nacl)#permit any
    R7(config)#router ospf 7
    R7(config-router)#distribute-list ACL_10.3.4.0 in

    The filtered route still exists in the LSDB. It is advertised to other routers in LSUs. However, it is not installed into the global/VRF RIB from the LSDB.

    OSPF Network Types

    Some OSPF network types utilize additional LSAs. It is a good idea to comprehensively assess whether, it is efficient from a network design perspective, to maintain the OSPF network type defaults. This is often seen with Ethernet used to connect only two devices. Broadcast networks require the use of Type 2 LSAs, perform a master/slave election; processes which increase the duration of the neighbor adjacency formation and also increase the size of the LSDB. In such cases, a broadcast network type can be replaced with a point-to-point link to reduce the LSDB size and reduce the number of stages in the neighbor formation process.

    External Filtering: Filtering at ASBR

    Filtering can be applied on the ASBR during redistribution or "special treatment" of routes can be implemented such as configuration of a seed metric, metric type for specific routes using a route-map. It involves the following steps:

    1. Step 1: Identify the "interesting prefixes" using an ACL or prefix list.
      access-list 1 permit

    2. Step 2: Create a route-map:
      route-map no16 deny 10
      match ip address 1
      route-map no16 permit 20
      set metric 6789
      set metric-type type-1

    3. Step 3: Apply the route-map
      redistribute static subnets route-map no16

    Filtering of redistributed routes can also be implemented using the command summary-address with the keyword no-advertise.

    Troubleshooting Filtering

    When troubleshooting filtering errors, beware of the following:

    • Type 3 LSA Filtering:
      • Check that the prefix-list is correct.
      • Be sure that the filtering is applied to the correct area.
      • Ensure that the filtering is applied in the right direction.
      • Ensure that filtering is applied to the appropriate ABRs. If an area has more than one ABR, then filtering may need to be applied to all ABRs unless traffic engineering is being applied.

    Reducing the Effects of Restarts on OSPF

    Graceful restart allows for the restarting of OSPF without affecting the forwarding of traffic. This is done by tweaking normal OSPF operation. These actions are covered in RFC 3623 through graceful restart.

    In normal operation, a device is restarted through a hard restart (powered off and on using the power switch) or a soft restart (through software). In a hard restart, there is no way to avoid dropping adjacencies as no Hello packets will be received. This type of restart is not recommended in production networks.

    In a soft restart, the OSPF devices alert neighbors of an impending restart by flushing all LSAs that it originated and sending out empty Hello packets that result in neighborships being dropped immediately. With this type of shutdown, neighbors know immediately that a device is going to become unavailable and are able to make the appropriate adjustments to the link state database and eventually the routing table. Regardless of the restart option selected, traffic is interrupted especially if the routing device does not separately implement duties of the control plane and data plane. Many routing devices offload data-plane functions to the line cards and the processor handles the control-plane functions.

    With graceful restart, the control-plane can be restarted without affecting the data plane (traffic). For this to function, the data-plane and control-plane functions must be separated. The device must modify the normal behaviour of OSPF when a restart occurs.

    Normally, a device notifies its neighbors of a shutdown by advertising LSAs with a max age. The neighbors re-run SPF affecting normal traffic. With graceful restart:

    • The restarting device communicates with its neighbors and lets them know that a restart is imminent.
    • If the neighbors support this, they lock the neighborship between them and the restarting device and maintain the appearance of a full adjacency.
    • The neighbors continue to send traffic to the device as normal even though the normal OSPF messages expected to be received are not.
    • The communications between the restarting device and its neighbors are made possible through the use of the Grace LSA. This LSA is sent out all the OSPF interfaces with a link-local scope and lets its neighbors prepare for a restart. It also includes an expected grace period. This period indicates the amount of time that these neighboring devices should expect to maintain the illusion of a full adjacency.
    • Grace LSAs continue to be sent until they are acknowledged. If no acknowledgement is received, then the restarting device terminates the graceful restart and restarts normally.
    • On restart, the restarting device does not originate or flush any LSAs. It continues to use its re-restart routing tables until all neighborships come back into normal operation. Part of this process is similar to a device coming up normally. When successful, the data-path through the device remains uninterrupted.
    • Once this process is complete, the restarting router flushes the Grace LSA, runs through the normal SPF process and re-originates its LSAs.

    The graceful restart feature defines duties for two modes of operation: one for the restarting device and another for the neighboring devices (helper devices). The mode for these devices is typically referred to as helper mode. On Cisco devices, the functions of graceful restart are referred to as non-stop forwarding (NSF). Devices that support NSF directly are referrred to as NSF-capable. Those devices that support helper mode are referred to as NSF-aware

    OSPF Traffic Engineering

    Traffic engineering involves modification of OSPF default settings to affect traffic patterns. Traffic engineering involves making the following configurations:

    • Interface cost
    • Administrative distance
    • Default route propagation

    Interface Cost

    The link cost considered in the metric calculation is always of the exit interface. This cost can be modified using the interface command bandwidth or ip ospf cost:

    • Interface bandwidth: using the interface command bandwidth <value> with the bandwidth value in kilobits per second:

      R8(config)#interface g0/0
      R8(config-if)#bandwidth 10000
      R8(config-if)#do show interface g0/0
      GigabitEthernet0/0 is up, line protocol is up
        Hardware is i82543 (Livengood), address is ca08.05b3.0008 (bia ca08.05b3.0008)
        Internet address is
        MTU 1500 bytes, BW 10000 Kbit/sec, DLY 10 usec,
          reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255
        Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set
        Keepalive set (10 sec)
        Full Duplex, 1Gbps, link type is auto, media type is SX

      However, it is not recommended to modify the OSPF interface cost by modifying the interface bandwidth as this modification affects not only OSPF metric calculation but potentially the metric calculations of other routing protocols.

    • Interface cost: the OSPF cost can be modified using the interface mode command: ip ospf cost <1 - 65535>.

      R8(config-if)#do show ip ospf interface brief
      Interface     PID   Area            IP Address/Mask      Cost    State    Nbrs F/C
      VL0           8     0               1000    P2P      1/1
      Gi0/0         8     7               1000    BDR      1/1
      R8(config-if)#ip ospf cost ?
      <1-65535> Cost

      R8(config-if)#ip ospf cost 1
      R8(config-if)#do show ip ospf interface brief
      Interface     PID    Area            IP Address/Mask    Cost  State Nbrs F/C
      VL0           8      0             1000  P2P   1/1
      Gi0/0         8      7             1     BDR   1/1          

    • Process auto-cost: Modification of the default reference bandwidth implicitly changes the OSPF cost.
    • Process neighbor cost: In NBMA networks, neighbors are statically configured using the OSPF router mode command neighbor <x.x.x.x> cost <cost>. A static cost can be assigned to the link to this neighbor.

    Administrative Distance

    The default administrative distance of OSPF is 110. When implementing traffic engineering, some scenarios may require the modification of the default AD of OSPF so that paths through OSPF are preferred to paths from other routing protocols or paths from other routing protocols are preferred to OSPF sourced routes. This is particularly critical during route redistribution between OSPF and other routing protocols.

    To change the default AD of OSPF, use the router OSPF mode command distance <1 - 255>.

    R1(config)#router ospf 1
    R1(config-router)#distance 80

    To modify the AD of routes from a specific router use the OSPF command distance <AD> <RID> <wildcard> where:

    • <AD>: is the administrative distance
    • <RID>: is the router ID of the originating router
    • <wildcard> is the wildcard mask

    R1(config-router)#distance 89

    The AD of specific routes from a specific router can be modified by appending an access control list (ACL) to the command.

    R1(config)#ip access-list standard ACL_172.30.3.0
    R1(config-std-nacl)#10 permit
    R1(config-std-nacl)#20 deny any
    R1(config)#router ospf 1
    R1(config-router)#distance 60 ACL_172.30.3.0

    Verification of the modification of the AD of the routes identified by the ACL:

    R1#show ip route
    Routing entry for
      Known via "ospf 1", distance 60, metric 20, type extern 2, forward metric 2
      Last update from on GigabitEthernet4/0, 00:05:49 ago
      Routing Descriptor Blocks:
      *, from, 00:05:49 ago, via GigabitEthernet4/0
          Route metric is 20, traffic share count is 1

    The command show ip protocols can also be used to verify modification of the AD:

    R1#show ip protocols
    *** IP Routing is NSF aware ***

    Routing Protocol is "ospf 1"
      Outgoing update filter list for all interfaces is not set
      Incoming update filter list for all interfaces is not set
      Router ID
      It is an area border and autonomous system boundary router
     Redistributing External Routes from,
      Number of areas in this router is 3. 3 normal 0 stub 0 nssa
      Maximum path: 4
      Routing for Networks: area area area area
      Routing on Interfaces Configured Explicitly (Area
      Routing on Interfaces Configured Explicitly (Area 10):
      Routing Information Sources:
        Gateway         Distance      Last Update               80      00:02:44               80      00:02:44               80      00:02:44               80      00:02:44           80      00:02:44           60      00:02:44               80      00:02:44               80      00:02:44               80      00:02:44
      Distance: (default is 80)                  
        Address         Wild mask       Distance  List          60  ACL_172.30.3.0

    Default Route Propagation

    On a router with a default route (usually static), the default route can be propagated through OSPF using the command:

    R1(config)#router ospf 1
    R1(config-router)#default-information originate

    The above command only works if the local router has a default route. To propagate a default route regardless of whether the local router has a default route;

    R1(config-router)#default-information originate always

    By default, the default route gets propagated as a Type 5 external route with metric Type 2 LSA. This makes the router an ASBR.

    R2#show ip route
    Codes: L - local, C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP
           D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area
           N1 - OSPF NSSA external Type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external Type 2
           E1 - OSPF external Type 1, E2 - OSPF external Type 2
           i - IS-IS, su - IS-IS summary, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2
           ia - IS-IS inter area, * - candidate default, U - per-user static route
           o - ODR, P - periodic downloaded static route, H - NHRP, l - LISP
           + - replicated route, % - next hop override

    Gateway of last resort is to network

    O*E2 [110/1] via, 00:00:14, GigabitEthernet4/0
                    [110/1] via, 00:00:14, GigabitEthernet1/0
 is variably subnetted, 35 subnets, 6 masks
    O [110/2] via, 01:00:42, FastEthernet3/0
                        [110/2] via, 01:00:42, GigabitEthernet2/0
    O [110/2] via, 01:00:42, FastEthernet3/0
                       [110/2] via, 01:00:42, GigabitEthernet2/0
    O [110/2] via, 01:00:42, FastEthernet3/0
                        [110/2] via, 01:00:42, GigabitEthernet2/0
    O [110/2] via, 01:00:42, FastEthernet3/0
                         [110/2] via, 01:00:42, GigabitEthernet2/0
    R2#show ip ospf database external
                OSPF Router with ID ( (Process ID 2)
                    Type-5 AS External Link States
      Routing Bit Set on this LSA in topology Base with MTID 0
      LS age: 38
      Options: (No TOS-capability, DC, Upward)
      LS Type: AS External Link
      Link State ID: (External Network Number )
      Advertising Router:
      LS Seq Number: 80000001
      Checksum: 0x1D91
      Length: 36
      Network Mask: /0
            Metric Type: 2 (Larger than any link state path)
            MTID: 0
            Metric: 1
            Forward Address:
            External Route Tag: 1

    To modify characteristics of the default route;

    R1(config-router)#default-information originate metric 50 metric-Type 1

    where 50 is the seed OSPF cost of the default route and the metric type is set to external Type 1.

    In the various stub area types, the default route is propagated as a Type 3 LSA by default by the ABR. In NSSA areas, the default route is not generated by default. To generate the default route, use the command area 10 nssa default-information-originate. This command does not require a default route to exist. Also, this command is entered after the command area 10 nssa. In a totally NSSA, default route is installed by default as a Type 3 LSA.

    OSPF Security

    Security Threat Vectors and Motivations

    A threat vector is a method or mechanism used to attack a specific system. There are ways that OSPF is attacked.

    OSPF is an interior gateway protocol and therefore not directly exposed to the insecure public Internet. In the design of an OSPF network, OSPF devices should not be allowed to communicate directly with devices in the public Internet. Because of this, a layer of security is created that protects the OSPF domain from the Internet. Therefore for an attack on OSPF, some kind of internal access may be required.

    OSPF attacks involve listening to OSPF traffic to understand network traffic patterns and provides the opportunity to modify how this traffic is forwarded. Listening to OSPF traffic can be carried out through packet capture. OSPFv2 traffic does not encrypt traffic. Based on packet captures, it is possible to determine the network design as it offers a comprehensive network view. Through the packet capture, it is possible to determine some of the security mechanisms used to secure OSPF.

    The threats to unauthorized access to OSPF could result in the introduction of false link state information that could affect performance and network traffic in a number of different ways:

    • Traffic re-routing:
      • To overwhelm sections of the OSPF domain with link congestion.
      • Traffic could be re-routed to a longer path to add additional delay.
    • Traffic to nowhere to cause traffic to never reach its destination.
    • Introduce constant recalculations to reduce performance of the routing devices themselves through constant changing of link state information being advertised.

    OSPF Security Mechanisms

    OSPF requires neighborship formation with multiple matching parameters. RFC 7474 introduced possibilities to lower risks of replay attacks. Some OSPF security mechanisms include passive interfaces and authentication.

    Passive Interfaces

    Passive interfaces can be configured on leaf-node OSPF routers and particularly on interfaces that connect to end-user devices such as access points, printers. Configuring these interfaces as passive interfaces prevents the transmission of Hello packets and therefore adjacency formation. This measure also prevents threat actors from sniffing OSPF traffic and learning some information from the hello packets.

    Another additional benefit from passive interfaces is that an OSPF device does not respond to hello packets transmitted to passive interfaces. This prevents the injection of unauthorised OSPF traffic into the OSPF domain.

    Passive interfaces can be configured in two ways:

    • Passive interface: an interface is configured as passive individually using the command passive-interface <interface-id> where <interface-id> is the interface to be configured as passive.
    • Passive interface default: all interfaces are configured as passive interfaces using the OSPF mode command passive-interface default. Each interface through which an adjacency is to be formed should then be made an active interface using the OSPF command no passive-interface <interface-id> where <interface-id> is the interface to be made active.

    OSPF Authentication

    OSPF supports adjacency authentication to protect the control-plane from routing injection attacks. The OSPF packet header includes the authentication method and password for Type 1 authentication and hash for Type 2 authentication.

    OSPF supports three types of authentication:

    • Type 0 null: offers no authentication at all
    • Type 1: Simple password with clear text password
    • Type 2: Cryptographic MD5 or SHA; RFC 5709 introduced SHA authentication which uses SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384 and SHA-512.

    The OSPF authentication type can be configured in two different locations; OSPF area and on the interface.:

    • Area Authentication: area authentication can be configured so that all router interfaces in an area comply with the same type of authentication configured for that area. This is done using the OSPF router mode command area <area-id> authentication . When configuring area level authentication, it is important to note the following:
      • The link level configuration overrides the process level authentication configuration.
      • The password is always configured on the link.
      • Setting area authentication for area zero will require all virtual links to configure that type of authentication as a virtual-link is a member of area zero.
    • Interface Authentication: this is configured at the interface using the interface mode command ip ospf authentication. The adjacent routers need to be configured with the same authentication type and password for them to maintain the adjacency.

    Type 0 Authentication (Null)

    Type 0 authentication is also referred to as null authentication. This is the default type of authentication on all OSPF interfaces. Type 0 authentication is similar to no authentication.

    Type 1 Authentication (Plain-text)

    Type 1 authentication sends the password in plain text in the OSPF header.

    • Type 1 authentication can be configured for an OSPF area using the OSPF process command area <area-id> authentication.
    • At the interface, Type 1 authentication is configured using the interface mode command ip ospf authentication.
    The authentication key is always configured on the interface regardless of whether Type 1 authentication was enabled for the area. This is done using the interface mode command ip ospf authentication-key <key>. The following output is a Wireshark packet capture of the header of an OSPF packet displaying Type 1 authentication:

    OSPF Header
        Version: 2
        Message Type: Hello Packet (1)
        Packet Length: 48
        Source OSPF Router:
        Area ID: (Backbone)
        Checksum: 0xcd96 [correct]
        Auth Type: Simple password (1)
        Auth Data (Simple): cisco

    Type 2 Authentication

    Type 2 authentication uses MD5 or SHA for hashing the password. The hashed password is then included in the OSPF header.

    • Area configuration: to enable Type 2 authentication for an OSPF area, use the OSPF process command area <area-id> authentication message-digest.
    • Interface configuration: Type 2 authentication is enabled at the interface using the interface mode command ip ospf authentication message-digest
    The MD5 key is then configured at the interface using the interface mode command ip ospf message-digest-key <key-id> md5 <password> . The key ID and password must match.

    OSPF supports the following SHA algorithms: HMAC-SHA-1, HMAC-SHA-256, HMAC-SHA-384, HMAC-SHA-512. OSPF supports the use of key chains. When configuring the key chain, the following features are configured for the keychain: the cryptographic algorithm, key ID, key string.

    R1(config)#key chain OSPF_KEY
    R1(config-keychain)#key 1
    R1(config-keychain-key)#key-string cisco
    R1(config-keychain-key)#cryptographic-algorithm HMAC-SHA-384

    To configure the authentication key on the interface:

    R1(config)#interface g1/0
    R1(config)#ip ospf authentication key-chain OSPF_KEY

    The following is the header of an OSPF packet after the configuration of Type 2 authentication using MD5.

    OSPF Header
       Version: 2
       Message Type: DB Description (2)
       Packet Length: 32
       Source OSPF Router:
       Area ID: (Backbone)
       Checksum: 0x0000 (None)
       Auth Type: Cryptographic (2)
       Auth Crypt Key id: 1
       Auth Crypt Data Length: 16
       Auth Crypt Sequence Number: 1667856667
       Auth Crypt Data: a6df33177d1e6cdfc85153e69f1c3087

    Type 2 authentication adds an additional TLV, the crypto authentication TLV:

    Crypto Authentication TLV
        TLV Type: 2
        TLV Length: 20
        Sequence number: 0x636982a9
        Auth Data: 56650cbfc5a38d43dc18702f553ae0fb

    Virtual-link Authentication

    A virtual-link is an area 0 interface. It inherits area 0 authentication configurations. The virtual-link is the interface, the key configuration goes at the interface. The authentication type can be configured globally or at the interface.

    Like any other OSPF interface, virtual-link interface authentication overrides the area 0 configured authentication type.

    The virtual-link runs as a demand circuit. Always clear the virtual-link after configuring authentication.

    • Type 2 authentication: use the following commands:

      R8(config)#router ospf 8
      R8(config-router)#area 7 virtual-link authentication message-digest
      R8(config-router)#area 7 virtual-link message-digest-key 1 md5 cisco


    Authentication can be verified using the following commands:

    show ip ospf

    Command verifies if authentication has been configured for the area.

    R1#show ip ospf
     Routing Process "ospf 1" with ID
     Start time: 00:00:29.024, Time elapsed: 03:38:17.128
     Supports only single TOS(TOS0) routes
     Cisco NSF helper support enabled
     Reference bandwidth unit is 100 mbps
        Area BACKBONE(
            Number of interfaces in this area is 4
            Area has message digest authentication
            SPF algorithm last executed 00:26:30.208 ago
            SPF algorithm executed 17 times
            Area ranges are
    Passive Advertise
            Number of LSA 17. Checksum Sum 0x097919
            Number of opaque link LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x000000
            Number of DCbitless LSA 0
            Number of indication LSA 0
            Number of DoNotAge LSA 0
            Flood list length 0
            Number of interfaces in this area is 1
            Area has no authentication
            SPF algorithm last executed 00:13:57.260 ago
            SPF algorithm executed 19 times
            Area ranges are

    From the above output, Type 2 authentication has been configured for the backbone area. Area authentication has not been configured for area

    show ip ospf interface

    This command verifies the authentication type configured at the interface:

    R1#show ip ospf interface
    OSPF_VL0 is up, line protocol is up
      Internet Address, Area, Attached via Not Attached
      Process ID 1, Router ID, Network Type VIRTUAL_LINK, Cost: 2
      Topology-MTID    Cost    Disabled    Shutdown      Topology Name
            0           2         no          no            Base
      Configured as demand circuit
      Run as demand circuit
      DoNotAge LSA allowed
      Transmit Delay is 1 sec, State POINT_TO_POINT
      Timer intervals configured, Hello 10, Dead 40, Wait 40, Retransmit 5
        oob-resync timeout 40
        Hello due in 00:00:02
      Supports Link-local Signaling (LLS)
      Cisco NSF helper support enabled
      IETF NSF helper support enabled
      Index 4/6, flood queue length 0
      Next 0x0(0)/0x0(0)
      Last flood scan length is 1, maximum is 12
      Last flood scan time is 0 msec, maximum is 4 msec
      Neighbor Count is 0, Adjacent neighbor count is 0
      Suppress hello for 0 neighbor(s)
      Message digest authentication enabled
        Youngest key id is 1

    show ip ospf virtual-links

    This command specifically verifies the operational state of the virtual links including any authentication that may have been configured.

    R1#show ip ospf virtual-links
    Virtual Link OSPF_VL0 to router is up
      Run as demand circuit
      DoNotAge LSA allowed.
      Transit area, via interface GigabitEthernet1/0
     Topology-MTID    Cost    Disabled     Shutdown      Topology Name
            0           2         no          no            Base
      Transmit Delay is 1 sec, State POINT_TO_POINT,
      Timer intervals configured, Hello 10, Dead 40, Wait 40, Retransmit 5
        Hello due in 00:00:03
      Message digest authentication enabled
        Youngest key id is 1

    OSPF Security Recommendations

    • It is recommended to implement the highest authentication level supported on a device.
    • Best to use OSPFv3 to manage IPv4 networks. Though it uses IPv6 for security, it is more secure.
    • Implement the use of passive interfaces. This prevents OSPF communications on an interface lowering the possibility of unwanted traffic injection. All interfaces can be configured as passive by default.

    Verification and Troubleshooting of Authentication

    During verification and troubleshooting of OSPF authentication configuration, take note of the following:

    • Authentication type and password is the same between the OSPF neighbors.
    • The interface mode authentication type overrides the area mode authentication.
    • For Type 2 authentication, the key ID must match on the OSPF neighbors.

    The following commands can the used to verify OSPF authentication configuration:

    • show ip ospf
    • show ip ospf interface
    • show key chain

    With SHA/MD5 authentication, the packet is not encrypted. A digest of the key ID and password is embedded in the packet header.


    Differences between OSPFv2 and OSPFv3

    OSFPv3 is defined in RFC 5340. Like OSPFv2, OSPFv3 uses IP protocol 89. OSPFv3, in many ways functions similar to OSPF with most algorithms for OSPFv2 being preserved. The key differences between OSPFv3 and OSPFv2:

    • Packet format: OSPFv3 runs over IPv6 and the number of fields in the packet header has been reduced:
      • The authentication fields have been removed
      • Hello packet address information has been removed. Instead it contains the interface ID which is used as the network -LSA's Link State ID if the router becomes a DR.
    • Neighbor adjacencies: OSPFv3 inter-router communication is handled by link-local addressing with the source IP address being exclusively a link-local IPv6 address; the only exception being virtual-links where a global prefix is used. The destination address depends on the network type.
    • Support for IPv4 and IPv6: OSPFv3 supports IPv6 and IPv4 address-families. However, to advertise IPv4 prefixes, both IPv4 and IPv6 must be enabled on the link due to OSPFv3 use of link-local addressing for inter-router communication.
    • New LSA types: LSA types 8 (link) and 9 (intra-area prefix) have been introduced while types 3 and 4 have been renamed to inter-area prefix and inter-area router LSA respectively.
    • Removal of addressing semantics: addressing information has been removed from OSPFv3 packets and is now carried as LSA payloads in Link State Update packets. This makes OSPFv3 easily adaptable to new network protocols. The router-LSA and network-LSAs no longer contain network addresses. They express topology information.
    • Security: OSPFv3 does not natively support authentication as does OSPFv2. This is because the authentication related headers have been removed. However it leverages encryption and authentication features of IPSec.

    OSPFv3 LSA Flooding Scope

    OSPFv3 flooding scope is now explicitly coded in the LSA's LS type field:

    1. Link-local scope: limited to the local-link and not beyond. It is used for the link-LSA.
    2. Area scope: LSA flooding to a single area only. It is used for router LSAs, network LSAs, inter-area prefix LSAs, inter-area router LSAs, and intra-area prefix LSAs.
    3. Autonomous System scope: flooding throughout the entire OSPF routing domain. OSPFv3 type 5 LSAs have AS flood-scoping. A router that originates AS-scoped LSAs is considered an AS Boundary Router (ASBR) and will set its E-bit in router-LSAs for regular areas.

    The LS type field has been increased from 8-bits to 16-bits. The three high-order bits of the new LS type field allow for the encoding of flooding information:

    1. The first bit U (unrecognised) indicates how a router should handle an LSA if it is unrecognised.
    2. The second and third bits, both S (scope) bits, indicate how the LSA should be flooded.
    3. The remaining bits of the link-state field indicate the function code of the LSA.

    OSPFv3 uses two multicast addresses to maintain neighbor adjacencies and support route exchange:

    • FF02::5 (AllSPFRouters): In broadcast and non-broadcast network types, the DR sends updates to DROthers using this multicast address and its interface link-local address as the source IPv6 address. In point-to-point and point-to-multipoint network types, routers send updates to the AllSPFRouters multicast address. Where neighbors are configured manually, unicast updates are sent.
    • FF02::6 (AllDRouters): address is configured automatically on a designated router (DR) and backup designated router(BDR) interface in a broadcast and non-broadcast network type after their successful election. DROther routers send updates to this address and the DR updates the rest of the routers on the segment by sending the update to the AllSPFRouters multicast address (FF02::5).
    Presence of any of the OSPFv3 multicast addresses on an interface confirms that the network that interface is participating in is being advertised with OSPFv3. This can be verified by the command show ipv6 interface <interface-id>:

    R7#show ipv6 interface gigabitethernet0/0
    GigabitEthernet0/0 is up, line protocol is up
      IPv6 is enabled, link-local address is FE80::C807:5FF:FE33:8
      No Virtual link-local address(es):
      No global unicast address is configured
      Joined group address(es):
      MTU is 1500 bytes
      ICMP error messages limited to one every 100 milliseconds
      ICMP redirects are enabled
      ICMP unreachables are sent
      ND DAD is enabled, number of DAD attempts: 1
      ND reachable time is 30000 milliseconds (using 30000)
      ND advertised reachable time is 0 (unspecified)
      ND advertised retransmit interval is 0 (unspecified)
      ND router advertisements are sent every 200 seconds
      ND router advertisements live for 1800 seconds
      ND advertised default router preference is Medium
      Hosts use stateless autoconfig for addresses.

    From the output above, R7 is a DR or BDR on the segment that interface Gigabitethernet0/0 is connected to.

    Explicit Support for Multiple Instances Per Link

    OSPFv3 supports the ability to run multiple OSPF protocol instances on a single link. This is accomplished through the use of the "Instance ID" contained in the OSPF packet header and OSPFv3 interface data structures. Instance ID affects the reception of OSPFv3 packets. Through support for multiple instances per link, OSPFv3 makes it possible to have a single link belong to two or more OSPFv3 areas. Additionally, separate OSPF routing domains may be configured with a link participating in each domain and the domains keeping their data structures separate.

    OSPFv3 Configuration

    To enable a router to participate in an OSPFv3 domain:

    1. Initialize IPv6 unicast routing: OSPFv3 requires IPv6 to be running on the router. It will not initialize if IPv6 is not enabled.

      R7#configure terminal
      Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
      R7(config)#ipv6 unicast-routing

    2. Initialize OSPFv3 process: with the config mode command router ospfv6 <process-id>:

      R7(config)#router ospfv3 1

    3. Define the router ID: the router ID (RID) is used to uniquely identify a router in the OSPFv3 domain. If more than one router is using the same RID, some prefixes may be dropped by a router with the belief that the dropped prefixes were locally originated. This will result in suboptimal routing at best. Note that the RID of is reserved and should not be used.


    4. Step 4: Enable OSPFv3 on the interface:

      R7(config)#interface gigabitethernet 0/0
      R7(config-if)#ospfv3 1 ipv6 area 7

    It is good practice to verify the OSPFv3 configuration:

    R7#show ospfv3 interface gigabitethernet 0/0
    GigabitEthernet0/0 is up, line protocol is up
      Link Local Address FE80::C807:5FF:FE33:8, Interface ID 4
      Area 7, Process ID 1, Instance ID 0, Router ID
      Network Type BROADCAST, Cost: 1
      Transmit Delay is 1 sec, State DR, Priority 1
      Designated Router (ID), local address FE80::C807:5FF:FE33:8
      Backup Designated router (ID), local address FE80::C806:5FF:FE94:8
      Timer intervals configured, Hello 10, Dead 40, Wait 40, Retransmit 5
        Hello due in 00:00:05
      Graceful restart helper support enabled
      Index 1/5/5, flood queue length 0
      Next 0x0(0)/0x0(0)/0x0(0)
      Last flood scan length is 3, maximum is 10
      Last flood scan time is 0 msec, maximum is 4 msec
      Neighbor Count is 2, Adjacent neighbor count is 2
        Adjacent with neighbor (Backup Designated Router)
        Adjacent with neighbor
      Suppress hello for 0 neighbor(s)
    R7#show ospfv3 neighbor

              OSPFv3 1 address-family ipv6 (router-id

    Neighbor ID     Pri   State           Dead Time   Interface ID    Interface           0   FULL/ -         00:00:36    11              POS5/0           1   FULL/BDR        00:00:30    4               GigabitEthernet0/0           1   FULL/DROTHER    00:00:31    4               GigabitEthernet0/0

    R7's Gigabitethernet0/0 interface does not have a global prefix configured. If R7 does not have a global prefix configured on any of its interfaces, it will still form an adjacency. However, it will not have prefixes to share in its updates.

    Passive Interfaces

    Passive interfaces are interfaces whose configured networks are advertised into OSPFv3, but OSPFv3 neighbor adjacencies cannot form over these interfaces. Hello packets sent to this interface are not processed. Additionally, this interface does not receive Hello packets.

    To make all interfaces passive:

    R7(config)#router ospfv3 1
    R7(config-router)#passive-interface default

    After making all interfaces passive as indicated above, some interfaces will need to be configured as active to allow adjacency formation and LSDB synchronization. This can be accomplished with the negation command: no passive-interface <interface>

    R7(config)#router ospfv3 1
    R7(config-router)#no passive-interface gigabitethernet0/0

    To configure a specific interface as a passive interface:

    R7(config)#router ospfv3 1
    R7(config-router)#passive-interface loopback 14

    If not configured under a specific address-family, the passive-interface state applies to an interface running both IPv4 and IPv6 network protocols.

    OSPFv3 displays all interfaces on which it is running regardless of whether the interface is configured as a passive interface or not.

    R7#show ospfv3 interface brief
    Interface    PID   Area            AF          Cost  State Nbrs F/C
    Lo10         1      7               IPv6       1     LOOP  0/0
    Lo11         1      7               IPv6       1     LOOP  0/0
    Lo13         1      7               IPv6       1     LOOP  0/0
    Lo14         1      7               IPv6       1     LOOP  0/0
    PO5/0        1      7               IPv6       1     P2P   1/1
    Gi0/0        1      7               IPv6       1     DROTH 2/2

    OSPFv3 Neighbor Adjacency

    Neighboring OSPFv3-enabled routers need to become adjacent before they can share their known prefixes. The adjacency stage depends on the OSPF network type of the neighbors. Some adjacency preconditions exist:

    • The router ID (RIDs) must be unique. The RID can be viewed using most OSPFv3 show commands:

      R7#show ospfv3
       OSPFv3 1 address-family ipv6
       Router ID
       Event-log enabled, Maximum number of events: 1000, Mode: cyclic
       Router is not originating router-LSAs with maximum metric
       Initial SPF schedule delay 5000 msecs
       Minimum hold time between two consecutive SPFs 10000 msecs
       Maximum wait time between two consecutive SPFs 10000 msecs
       Minimum LSA interval 5 secs
       Minimum LSA arrival 1000 msecs
       LSA group pacing timer 240 secs
       Interface flood pacing timer 33 msecs
       Retransmission pacing timer 66 msecs
       Number of external LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x000000
       Number of areas in this router is 1. 1 normal 0 stub 0 nssa
       Graceful restart helper support enabled
       Reference bandwidth unit is 100 mbps
       RFC1583 compatibility enabled
          Area 7
              Number of interfaces in this area is 6
              SPF algorithm executed 2 times
              Number of LSA 15. Checksum Sum 0x08DD16
              Number of DCbitless LSA 0
              Number of indication LSA 0
              Number of DoNotAge LSA 0
              Flood list length 0


    • Interfaces must be OSPFv3 active (in an Up state). The interface through-which the adjacency is to be formed must have OSPFv3 enabled on it and must not be in an OSPFv3 passive state.
    • Interface MTU must match. Default MTU is 1500.
    • Area ID for the segment must match.
    • Need for a DR for the segment must match. The broadcast and non-broadcast network types require a DR while the point-to-point and point-to-multipoint network types do not require a DR.
    • Hello and Dead intervals must match
    • Authentication type and credentials must match
    • Area type flags must match i.e. whether normal, stubby or Not-So-Stubby Area(NSSA).

    Mismatched MTUs can be ignored using the command:

    R7(config)# interface g0/0
    R7(config-if)#ospfv3 mtu-ignore

    However, ignoring MTU checks is not recommeded in production networks.

    OSPF neighbor adjacencies transition through a maximum of eight states (depending on the network type):

    1. Down: in this state, no hello packets have been received from a neighbor. Additionally, the OSPF-enabled interface of the local router may be shutdown.
    2. Attempt: unicast hello packet has been sent to neighbor but no hello packet has been received back. This state applies to an OSPFv3 neighborship that is manually configured using the OSPFv3 process command neighbor x.x.x.x in NBMA environments.
    3. Init: Received a hello from the neighbor. However, the neighbor router has not yet acknowledged the local router as a neighbor by including its RID in its hello packet header's 'Active Neighbor' field.
    4. 2-Way: Hello received from neighbor and neighbor has acknowledged the local router as a neighbor by including the local router RID in its 'Active Neighbor' field of the hello packet header. In broadcast and non-broadcast networks, DROther routers complete their adjacency formation with each other at the 2-Way stage. Election of the DR/BDR roles is also started. The router with the higher RID is master during DR election. More on this in the next section.
    5. ExStart: The master/slave relationship is formed with the master being the router with the higher RID. The master controls aspects of the adjacency formation by choosing the starting sequence number for the database descriptor packets (DDP or DBD) that are used for actual exchange. Master and DR roles have no relationship. The master/slave role applies only to the local network connection between the two neighbors and does not influence the DR/BDR/DROther roles.
    6. Exchange: DDP or DBD packets are sent in unicast. A summary of the LSDB is exchanged through DBD packets. DBD sequence number is used for reliable acknowledgment / re-transmission.
    7. Loading: LSRs are sent asking for more information about particular LSAs that the local router does not have. Unicast LSUs are sent for missing links.
    8. Full: LSDBs of the routers are fully synchronized.

    OSPF Areas

    Like OSPFv2, OSPFv3 networks are built on a two-level hierarchical topology. An area defines a flooding domain. All devices in the area agree on the topology with features such as authentication type, area type i.e. normal, stubby, not-so-stubby area (NSSA). Changes inside the area require LSA flooding and full SPF. All routers in an area execute SPF when the network changes for example when links fail, when failed links are restored, new routes added, existing routes withdrawn.

    Inter-area routing is similar to distance vector because routers in another area do not have a detailed view of the local area. So they rely on the type 3 network summary LSAs. Changes such as the addition of a new network, link flapping/failure outside the area don't always require LSA flooding or SPF limiting the impact on router resources.

    To determine the OSPFv3 areas that a router is participating in:

    R1(config-if)#do show ospfv3 interface brief
    Interface    PID   Area            AF         Cost  State Nbrs F/C
    Lo10         1     0               IPv6       1     LOOP  0/0
    Lo11         1     0               IPv6       1     LOOP  0/0
    Fa3/0        1     0               IPv6       1000  DR    1/1
    Gi0/0        1     0               IPv6       100   BDR   1/1
    Lo12         1     10              IPv6       1     LOOP  0/0
    Gi1/0        1     10              IPv6       100   P2P   1/1
    R1(config-if)#do show ospfv3
     OSPFv3 1 address-family ipv6
     Router ID
     Event-log enabled, Maximum number of events: 1000, Mode: cyclic
     It is an area border and autonomous system boundary router
     Router is not originating router-LSAs with maximum metric
     Initial SPF schedule delay 5000 msecs
     Minimum hold time between two consecutive SPFs 10000 msecs
     Maximum wait time between two consecutive SPFs 10000 msecs
     Minimum LSA interval 5 secs
     Minimum LSA arrival 1000 msecs
     LSA group pacing timer 240 secs
     Interface flood pacing timer 33 msecs
     Retransmission pacing timer 66 msecs
     Number of external LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x000000
     Number of areas in this router is 2. 1 normal 0 stub 1 nssa
     Graceful restart helper support enabled
     Reference bandwidth unit is 100000 mbps
     RFC1583 compatibility enabled
        Area BACKBONE(0)
            Number of interfaces in this area is 4
            SPF algorithm executed 11 times
            Number of LSA 23. Checksum Sum 0x0CE520
            Number of DCbitless LSA 0
            Number of indication LSA 0
            Number of DoNotAge LSA 0
            Flood list length 0
        Area 10
            Number of interfaces in this area is 2
            It is a NSSA area
            Perform type-7/type-5 LSA translation
            Generates NSSA default route with cost 1
            SPF algorithm executed 8 times
            Number of LSA 23. Checksum Sum 0x08FB3F
            Number of DCbitless LSA 0
            Number of indication LSA 0
            Number of DoNotAge LSA 0
            Flood list length 0

    OSPFv3 Router Types

    OSPFv3 router types are similar to the OSPFv2 router types. The router type can be verified by using the following commands:

    R1(config-if)#do show ipv6 protocols
    IPv6 Routing Protocol is "connected"
    IPv6 Routing Protocol is "ND"
    IPv6 Routing Protocol is "ospf 1"
      Router ID
      Area border and autonomous system boundary router
      Number of areas: 1 normal, 0 stub, 1 nssa
      Interfaces (Area 0):
      Interfaces (Area 10):

    Other commands such show ospfv3 can display the router's type.

    OSPF Media Dependencies and Network Types

    OSPFv3 has the same network types as OSPFv2 i.e., broadcast, nonbroadcast, point-to-point, point-to-multipoint

    OSPFv3 Packet Types

    OSPFv3 supports up to five different types of packets to create and maintain neighborship adjacencies, and exchange route information including withdrawing routes. All the OSPFv3 network types use link-local addresses as source addresses;

    Type Packet Source Destination Purpose
    1 Hello Link-Local Address FF02::5 Discover and maintain neighbors
    Link-local address Link-local address Initial adjacency formation
    2 Database descriptor packet (DDP or DBD) Link-local address Link-local address Summary / snapshot of the link-state database (LSDB) contents
    3 Link State Request (LSR) Link-local address Link-local address Request for additional information if missing in local LSDB
    4 Link State Update (LSU) Link-local address Link-local address Update in response to LSR
    Link-local address (from DR) FF02::5 Database update to all DROther routers in a broadcast and non-broadcast network segment.
    Link-local address (from DROther) FF02::6 Update from DROther to DR/BDR for subsequent flooding on broadcast/non-broadcast segment
    5 Link State Acknowledgement (LSAck) Link-local address Link-local address Response to LSU
    Link-local address (from DR) FF02::5 Flooding acknowledgement
    Link-local address (from DROther) FF02::6 Flooding acknowledgement to DR/BDR

    OSPFv3 Database (Link-State Database - LSDB)

    The OSPFv3 database is the data structure where prefixes from the various received LSUs are stored. The LSDB provides the input to the SPF function which generates an SPT with the local router at the root/top of the SPT. The output of the SPF is the OSPFv3 RIB which presents routes to the router's RIB for consideration for installation into the routing table/RIB. The LSDB can be viewed using the privileged mode command: show ospfv3 database

    OSPFv3 Link-State Advertisements (LSAs)

    SPT uses only router and network LSAs for the building of the OSPFv3 topology. The summary information on LSAs in the link-state database (LSDB) can be viewed by issuing the privileged mode command show ospfv3 database.

    R7#show ospfv3 database

               OSPFv3 1 address-family ipv6 (router-id

                     Router Link States (Area 7)

     ADV Router        Age        Seq#        Fragment ID   Link count   Bits          118        0x80000007  0             1            B          1388       0x80000004  0             1            None          1304       0x80000004  0             1            None
                     Net Link States (Area 7)
     ADV Router        Age        Seq#        Link ID   Rtr count          1141       0x80000005  4         3
                     Inter Area Prefix Link States (Area 7)
     ADV Router        Age        Seq#        Prefix          884        0x80000005  2001:DB8:0:6:10::1/128          118        0x80000006  2001:DB8:0:16::2/127          118        0x80000006  2001:DB8:0:26::2/127          118        0x80000006  2001:DB8:0:2:10::1/128          118        0x80000006  2001:DB8:0:2:11::1/128          118        0x80000007  2001:DB8::12:2/127          118        0x80000007  2001:DB8::12:0/127          118        0x80000006  2001:DB8:0:16::/127          118        0x80000006  2001:DB8:0:26::/127          1164       0x80000001  2001:DB8:10:34::/127          1164       0x80000001  2001:DB8:10:13::2/127
                     Inter Area Router Link States (Area 7)
     ADV Router        Age        Seq#        Link ID   Dest RtrID          1219       0x80000001  16843009
                     Link (Type-8) Link States (Area 7)
     ADV Router        Age        Seq#        Link ID   Interface          1660       0x80000004  4         Gi0/0          1388       0x80000004  4         Gi0/0          1304       0x80000004  4         Gi0/0
                     Intra Area Prefix Link States (Area 7)
     ADV Router        Age        Seq#        Link ID   Ref-lstype Ref-LSID          884        0x80000005  0         0x2001 0          1131       0x80000003  0         0x2001 0
                     Type-5 AS External Link States
     ADV Router        Age        Seq#        Prefix          1106       0x80000001  2001:DB8:FF:45:1::2/127          1106       0x80000001  2001:DB8:FFFF:10::/64          1106       0x80000001  2001:DB8:FFFF:11::/64          1106       0x80000001  2001:DB8:FFFF:12::/64

    Link-State Advertisements (LSAs)

    All addressing semantics have been removed from the LSA header, router-LSAs and network LSAs. These two LSAs describe the OSPFv3 domain in a network protocol independent manner.

    OSPFv3 LSAs include an options bit field that describes the router's capabilities:

    • V6: router participates in IPv6 routing (introduced in OSPFv3).
    • E: router is capable of processing external LSAs. A router in a stubby area sets the E-bit to clear (0). Neighboring routers do not form adjacencies if they have mismatched E-bit settings
    • R: router actively participates in forwarding traffic. If set to clear (0), it indicates that the router is not to be used as a transit router for forwarding traffic but is still capable of exchanging router information (introduced in OSPFv3).
    • N: router supports type 7 LSAs (NSSA). Mismatched N-settings result in adjacency failures.
    • DC: router is capable of suppressing future Hellos over interface. Interface must be configured as demand circuits for hello packet suppression to occur.

    When compared to OSPFv2, two new LSAs have been introduced: Type 8 (link) is used for link-local addresses and Type 9 (intra-area prefix) is used for prefixes on links. The new LSAs separate the topology graph from Network-Layer Reachability Information (NLRI). With OSPFv2, prefix information is propagated by LSAs 1 and 2 for intra-area. If a prefix is added or removed, full SPF is run. With OSPFv3, prefix information is propagated through LSAs 8 and 9 to reference LSAs. If a stub network is added or removed, full SPF is not required.

    1. Type 1 Router LSA (0x2001):

      Every router generates router LSAs that describe the state and cost of the router's interfaces to the area. In OSPFv3, the router LSA is modified from the LSA type 1 of OSPFv2. Router LSA is only responsible for announcing interface parameters such as interface type and metric. If a router's LSA bits are set to B, it is an ABR. Type 1 router LSAs can be viewed using the privileged mode command: show ospfv3 database router

      R7#show ospfv3 database router

                 OSPFv3 1 address-family ipv6 (router-id

                       Router Link States (Area 7)
       Routing Bit Set on this LSA
       LS age: 65
       Options: (V6-Bit, E-Bit, R-bit, DC-Bit)
       LS Type: Router Links
       Link State ID: 0
       Advertising Router:
       LS Seq Number: 8000000D
       Checksum: 0xADA8
       Length: 40
       Area Border Router
       Number of Links: 1

          Link connected to: a Transit Network
            Link Metric: 100
            Local Interface ID: 4
            Neighbor (DR) Interface ID: 4
            Neighbor (DR) Router ID:

       LS age: 591
       Options: (V6-Bit, E-Bit, R-bit, DC-Bit)
       LS Type: Router Links
       Link State ID: 0
       Advertising Router:
       LS Seq Number: 8000000C
       Checksum: 0x5B2A
       Length: 56
       Number of Links: 2

          Link connected to: another Router (point-to-point)
            Link Metric: 645
            Local Interface ID: 11
            Neighbor Interface ID: 11
            Neighbor Router ID:

          Link connected to: a Transit Network
            Link Metric: 100
            Local Interface ID: 4
            Neighbor (DR) Interface ID: 4
            Neighbor (DR) Router ID:

       LS age: 746
       Options: (V6-Bit, E-Bit, R-bit, DC-Bit)
       LS Type: Router Links
       Link State ID: 0
       Advertising Router:
       LS Seq Number: 8000000C
       Checksum: 0xEA9A
       Length: 56
       Number of Links: 2

          Link connected to: another Router (point-to-point)
            Link Metric: 645
            Local Interface ID: 11
            Neighbor Interface ID: 11
            Neighbor Router ID:

          Link connected to: a Transit Network
            Link Metric: 100
            Local Interface ID: 4
            Neighbor (DR) Interface ID: 4
            Neighbor (DR) Router ID:

    2. Type 2 Network LSA (0x2002):

      A DR in broadcast or non-broadcast network generates a network LSA to announce all of the routers attached to the network segment including itself. To view type 2 LSAs in the LSDB, issue the privileged mode command: show ospfv3 database network

      R7#show ospfv3 database network

                 OSPFv3 1 address-family ipv6 (router-id

                       Net Link States (Area 7)

       LS age: 1389
       Options: (V6-Bit, E-Bit, R-bit, DC-Bit)
       LS Type: Network Links
       Link State ID: 4 (Interface ID of Designated Router)
       Advertising Router:
       LS Seq Number: 80000008
       Checksum: 0x1E6B
       Length: 36
          Attached Router:
          Attached Router:
          Attached Router:


      No prefix information is contained in the OSPFv3 type 2 network LSA.

    3. Type 3 Inter-area prefix LSA (0x2003):

      Generated by ABRs to describe routes to IPv6 address prefixes that belong to other areas. Renames the network summary LSA into inter-area prefix LSA.

      R7#show ospfv3 database inter-area prefix

                 OSPFv3 1 address-family ipv6 (router-id

                       Inter Area Prefix Link States (Area 7)

        Routing Bit Set on this LSA
        LS age: 1409
        LS Type: Inter Area Prefix Links
        Link State ID: 0
        Advertising Router:
        LS Seq Number: 80000008
        Checksum: 0x8110
        Length: 44
        Metric: 0
        Prefix Address: 2001:DB8:0:6:10::1
        Prefix Length: 128, Options: None
        Routing Bit Set on this LSA
        LS age: 1409
        LS Type: Inter Area Prefix Links
        Link State ID: 1
        Advertising Router:
        LS Seq Number: 80000008
        Checksum: 0xEEB5
        Length: 44
        Metric: 1000
        Prefix Address: 2001:DB8:0:16::2
        Prefix Length: 127, Options: None
        Routing Bit Set on this LSA
        LS age: 1409
        LS Type: Inter Area Prefix Links
        Link State ID: 2
        Advertising Router:
        LS Seq Number: 80000008
        Checksum: 0xDB3F
        Length: 44
        Metric: 100
        Prefix Address: 2001:DB8:0:26::2
        Prefix Length: 127, Options: None
        Routing Bit Set on this LSA
        LS age: 24
        LS Type: Inter Area Prefix Links
        Link State ID: 3
        Advertising Router:
        LS Seq Number: 80000008
        Checksum: 0x75B8
        Length: 44
        Metric: 100
        Prefix Address: 2001:DB8:0:2:10::1
        Prefix Length: 128, Options: None
        Routing Bit Set on this LSA
        LS age: 24
        LS Type: Inter Area Prefix Links
        Link State ID: 4
        Advertising Router:
        LS Seq Number: 80000008
        Checksum: 0x7FAC
        Length: 44
        Metric: 100
        Prefix Address: 2001:DB8:0:2:11::1
        Prefix Length: 128, Options: None
        Routing Bit Set on this LSA
        LS age: 24
        LS Type: Inter Area Prefix Links
        Link State ID: 5
        Advertising Router:
        LS Seq Number: 80000008
        Checksum: 0xC664
        Length: 44
        Metric: 101
        Prefix Address: 2001:DB8::12:2
        Prefix Length: 127, Options: None
        Routing Bit Set on this LSA
        LS age: 24
        LS Type: Inter Area Prefix Links
        Link State ID: 6
        Advertising Router:
        LS Seq Number: 80000008
        Checksum: 0x7F99
        Length: 44
        Metric: 100
        Prefix Address: 2001:DB8:0:26::
        Prefix Length: 127, Options: None
        Routing Bit Set on this LSA
        LS age: 2797
        LS Type: Inter Area Prefix Links
        Link State ID: 7
        Advertising Router:
        LS Seq Number: 80000006
        Checksum: 0x8220
        Length: 44
        Metric: 1000
        Prefix Address: 2001:DB8:0:16::
        Prefix Length: 127, Options: None
        Routing Bit Set on this LSA
        LS age: 2797
        LS Type: Inter Area Prefix Links
        Link State ID: 8
        Advertising Router:
        LS Seq Number: 80000006
        Checksum: 0x78B3
        Length: 44
        Metric: 101
        Prefix Address: 2001:DB8::12:0
        Prefix Length: 127, Options: None
        Routing Bit Set on this LSA
        LS age: 2329
        LS Type: Inter Area Prefix Links
        Link State ID: 9
        Advertising Router:
        LS Seq Number: 80000007
        Checksum: 0xFA53
        Length: 44
        Metric: 301
        Prefix Address: 2001:DB8:10:13::2
        Prefix Length: 127, Options: None
        Routing Bit Set on this LSA
        LS age: 2329
        LS Type: Inter Area Prefix Links
        Link State ID: 10
        Advertising Router:
        LS Seq Number: 80000007
        Checksum: 0x111D
        Length: 44
        Metric: 301
        Prefix Address: 2001:DB8:10:34::
        Prefix Length: 127, Options: None
      R7#show ipv6 route ospf
      IPv6 Routing Table - default - 30 entries
      Codes: C - Connected, L - Local, S - Static, U - Per-user Static route
             B - BGP, HA - Home Agent, MR - Mobile Router, R - RIP
             H - NHRP, I1 - ISIS L1, I2 - ISIS L2, IA - ISIS interarea
             IS - ISIS summary, D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, NM - NEMO
             ND - ND Default, NDp - ND Prefix, DCE - Destination, NDr - Redirect
             O - OSPFv3 Intra, OI - OSPFv3 Inter, OE1 - OSPFv3 ext 1, OE2 - OSPFv3 ext 2
             ON1 - OSPFv3 NSSA ext 1, ON2 - OSPFv3 NSSA ext 2, l - LISP
      OI  2001:DB8::12:0/127 [110/102]
          via FE80::C806:5FF:FE94:8, GigabitEthernet0/0
      OI  2001:DB8::12:2/127 [110/102]
          via FE80::C806:5FF:FE94:8, GigabitEthernet0/0
      OI  2001:DB8:0:2:10::1/128 [110/101]
          via FE80::C806:5FF:FE94:8, GigabitEthernet0/0
      OI  2001:DB8:0:2:11::1/128 [110/101]
          via FE80::C806:5FF:FE94:8, GigabitEthernet0/0
      OI  2001:DB8:0:6:10::1/128 [110/1]
          via FE80::C806:5FF:FE94:8, GigabitEthernet0/0
      OI  2001:DB8:0:16::/127 [110/1001]
          via FE80::C806:5FF:FE94:8, GigabitEthernet0/0
      OI  2001:DB8:0:16::2/127 [110/1001]
          via FE80::C806:5FF:FE94:8, GigabitEthernet0/0
      OI  2001:DB8:0:26::/127 [110/101]
          via FE80::C806:5FF:FE94:8, GigabitEthernet0/0
      OI  2001:DB8:0:26::2/127 [110/101]
          via FE80::C806:5FF:FE94:8, GigabitEthernet0/0

      O   2001:DB8:7:8:10::1/128 [110/1]
          via FE80::C808:5FF:FEB3:6, POS5/0
          via FE80::C808:5FF:FEB3:8, GigabitEthernet0/0
      O   2001:DB8:7:8:11::1/128 [110/1]
          via FE80::C808:5FF:FEB3:6, POS5/0
          via FE80::C808:5FF:FEB3:8, GigabitEthernet0/0
      O   2001:DB8:7:8:12::1/128 [110/1]
          via FE80::C808:5FF:FEB3:6, POS5/0
          via FE80::C808:5FF:FEB3:8, GigabitEthernet0/0
      O   2001:DB8:7:11::1/128 [110/1]
          via FE80::C806:5FF:FE94:8, GigabitEthernet0/0
      O   2001:DB8:7:12::1/128 [110/1]
          via FE80::C806:5FF:FE94:8, GigabitEthernet0/0
      OI  2001:DB8:10:13::2/127 [110/302]
          via FE80::C806:5FF:FE94:8, GigabitEthernet0/0
      OI  2001:DB8:10:34::/127 [110/302]
          via FE80::C806:5FF:FE94:8, GigabitEthernet0/0

      OE2 2001:DB8:FF:45:1::2/127 [110/20]
          via FE80::C806:5FF:FE94:8, GigabitEthernet0/0
      OE2 2001:DB8:FFFF:10::/64 [110/20]
          via FE80::C806:5FF:FE94:8, GigabitEthernet0/0
      OE2 2001:DB8:FFFF:11::/64 [110/20]
          via FE80::C806:5FF:FE94:8, GigabitEthernet0/0
      OE2 2001:DB8:FFFF:12::/64 [110/20]
          via FE80::C806:5FF:FE94:8, GigabitEthernet0/0

      Inter-area prefix LSAs appear in the RIB as "OI" routes.

    4. Type 4 Inter-area router LSA (0x2004):

      Type 4 LSAs have been renamed from ASBR-summary in OSPFv2 to inter-area router LSAs in OSPFv3. They are generated by ABRs to announce addresses of ASBRs in other areas. If a type 5 LSA is received by an ABR, the ABR generates a type 4 LSA in the neighboring area to provide a mechanism through which the routers in another area can identify a path to the ASBR. The inter-area router LSA can be viewed in the LSDB by issuing the privileged mode command: show ospfv3 database inter-area router

      R7#show ospfv3 database inter-area router

                 OSPFv3 1 address-family ipv6 (router-id

                       Inter Area Router Link States (Area 7)

        Routing Bit Set on this LSA
        LS age: 555
        Options: (V6-Bit, E-Bit, R-bit, DC-Bit)
        LS Type: Inter Area Router Links
        Link State ID: 16843009
        Advertising Router:
        LS Seq Number: 80000008
        Checksum: 0xC6E
        Length: 32
        Metric: 101
        Destination Router ID:


      Type 4 LSAs do not contain prefix information. Type 4 inter-area router LSA is flooded in the originating area.

    5. AS-External (0x4005):

      ASBRs advertise AS external LSAs to announce default routes or routes learned through redistribution. This type of LSA is flooded throughout the entire OSPFv3 domain to any non-stubby area. Type 5 LSAs are not specific to any one area. In the LSDB, they are listed at the bottom of the LSA list. Type 5 external LSAs can be viewed in the LDSDB by issuing the command: show ospfv3 database external.

      R7#show ospfv3 database external

                 OSPFv3 1 address-family ipv6 (router-id

                       Type-5 AS External Link States

        Routing Bit Set on this LSA
        LS age: 3062
        LS Type: AS External Link
        Link State ID: 1
        Advertising Router:
        LS Seq Number: 80000007
        Checksum: 0x1E9C
        Length: 36
        Prefix Address: 2001:DB8:FFFF:10::
        Prefix Length: 64, Options: None
        Metric Type: 2 (Larger than any link state path)
        Metric: 20
        Routing Bit Set on this LSA
        LS age: 3062
        LS Type: AS External Link
        Link State ID: 2
        Advertising Router:
        LS Seq Number: 80000007
        Checksum: 0x2692
        Length: 36
        Prefix Address: 2001:DB8:FFFF:11::
        Prefix Length: 64, Options: None
        Metric Type: 2 (Larger than any link state path)
        Metric: 20
        Routing Bit Set on this LSA
        LS age: 3062
        LS Type: AS External Link
        Link State ID: 3
        Advertising Router:
        LS Seq Number: 80000007
        Checksum: 0x2E88
        Length: 36
        Prefix Address: 2001:DB8:FFFF:12::
        Prefix Length: 64, Options: None
        Metric Type: 2 (Larger than any link state path)
        Metric: 20
        Routing Bit Set on this LSA
        LS age: 3062
        LS Type: AS External Link
        Link State ID: 4
        Advertising Router:
        LS Seq Number: 80000007
        Checksum: 0xD067
        Length: 44
        Prefix Address: 2001:DB8:FF:45:1::2
        Prefix Length: 127, Options: None
        Metric Type: 2 (Larger than any link state path)
        Metric: 20

      R7#show ipv6 route ospf
      IPv6 Routing Table - default - 30 entries
      Codes: C - Connected, L - Local, S - Static, U - Per-user Static route
             B - BGP, HA - Home Agent, MR - Mobile Router, R - RIP
             H - NHRP, I1 - ISIS L1, I2 - ISIS L2, IA - ISIS interarea
             IS - ISIS summary, D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, NM - NEMO
             ND - ND Default, NDp - ND Prefix, DCE - Destination, NDr - Redirect
             O - OSPFv3 Intra, OI - OSPFv3 Inter, OE1 - OSPFv3 ext 1, OE2 - OSPFv3 ext 2
             ON1 - OSPFv3 NSSA ext 1, ON2 - OSPFv3 NSSA ext 2, l - LISP
      OI  2001:DB8::12:0/127 [110/102]
          via FE80::C806:5FF:FE94:8, GigabitEthernet0/0
      OI  2001:DB8::12:2/127 [110/102]
          via FE80::C806:5FF:FE94:8, GigabitEthernet0/0
      OI  2001:DB8:0:2:10::1/128 [110/101]
          via FE80::C806:5FF:FE94:8, GigabitEthernet0/0
      OI  2001:DB8:0:2:11::1/128 [110/101]
          via FE80::C806:5FF:FE94:8, GigabitEthernet0/0
      OI  2001:DB8:0:6:10::1/128 [110/1]
          via FE80::C806:5FF:FE94:8, GigabitEthernet0/0
      OI  2001:DB8:0:16::/127 [110/1001]
          via FE80::C806:5FF:FE94:8, GigabitEthernet0/0
      OI  2001:DB8:0:16::2/127 [110/1001]
          via FE80::C806:5FF:FE94:8, GigabitEthernet0/0
      OI  2001:DB8:0:26::/127 [110/101]
          via FE80::C806:5FF:FE94:8, GigabitEthernet0/0
      OI  2001:DB8:0:26::2/127 [110/101]
          via FE80::C806:5FF:FE94:8, GigabitEthernet0/0
      O   2001:DB8:7:8:10::1/128 [110/1]
          via FE80::C808:5FF:FEB3:6, POS5/0
          via FE80::C808:5FF:FEB3:8, GigabitEthernet0/0
      O   2001:DB8:7:8:11::1/128 [110/1]
          via FE80::C808:5FF:FEB3:6, POS5/0
          via FE80::C808:5FF:FEB3:8, GigabitEthernet0/0
      O   2001:DB8:7:8:12::1/128 [110/1]
          via FE80::C808:5FF:FEB3:6, POS5/0
          via FE80::C808:5FF:FEB3:8, GigabitEthernet0/0
      O   2001:DB8:7:11::1/128 [110/1]
          via FE80::C806:5FF:FE94:8, GigabitEthernet0/0
      O   2001:DB8:7:12::1/128 [110/1]
          via FE80::C806:5FF:FE94:8, GigabitEthernet0/0
      OI  2001:DB8:10:13::2/127 [110/302]
          via FE80::C806:5FF:FE94:8, GigabitEthernet0/0
      OI  2001:DB8:10:34::/127 [110/302]
          via FE80::C806:5FF:FE94:8, GigabitEthernet0/0
      OE2 2001:DB8:FF:45:1::2/127 [110/20]
          via FE80::C806:5FF:FE94:8, GigabitEthernet0/0
      OE2 2001:DB8:FFFF:10::/64 [110/20]
          via FE80::C806:5FF:FE94:8, GigabitEthernet0/0
      OE2 2001:DB8:FFFF:11::/64 [110/20]
          via FE80::C806:5FF:FE94:8, GigabitEthernet0/0
      OE2 2001:DB8:FFFF:12::/64 [110/20]
          via FE80::C806:5FF:FE94:8, GigabitEthernet0/0


      The flooding scope of type 5 LSAs is the Autonomous System (AS).

      Inclusion of a forwarding address or external route tag is now optional. AS-external LSAs can reference another LSA for inclusion of additional route attributes outside the scope of the OSPFv3 protocol For example, the reference may be used to attach BGP path attributes to external routes.

    6. Type 7 LSA NSSA(0x2007):

      ASBRs in NSSA advertise locally redistributed routes using Type 7 NSSA-external LSAs.

      R3#show ospfv3 database nssa-external
                 OSPFv3 1 address-family ipv6 (router-id
                       Type-7 AS External Link States (Area 10)
       Routing Bit Set on this LSA
       LS age: 1701
       LS Type: AS External Link
       Link State ID: 0
       Advertising Router:
       LS Seq Number: 80000001
       Checksum: 0x63CE
       Length: 28
       Prefix Address: ::
       Prefix Length: 0, Options: None
       Metric Type: 2 (Larger than any link state path)
       Metric: 1
       Routing Bit Set on this LSA
       LS age: 558
       LS Type: AS External Link
       Link State ID: 0
       Advertising Router:
       LS Seq Number: 80000001
       Checksum: 0xDFEB
       Length: 36
       Prefix Address: 2001:DB8:FFFF:10::
       Prefix Length: 64, Options: P
       Metric Type: 2 (Larger than any link state path)
       Metric: 20
       Routing Bit Set on this LSA
       LS age: 558
       LS Type: AS External Link
       Link State ID: 1
       Advertising Router:
       LS Seq Number: 80000001
       Checksum: 0xE7E1
       Length: 36
       Prefix Address: 2001:DB8:FFFF:11::
       Prefix Length: 64, Options: P
       Metric Type: 2 (Larger than any link state path)
       Metric: 20
       Routing Bit Set on this LSA
       LS age: 558
       LS Type: AS External Link
       Link State ID: 2
       Advertising Router:
       LS Seq Number: 80000001
       Checksum: 0xEFD7
       Length: 36
       Prefix Address: 2001:DB8:FFFF:12::
       Prefix Length: 64, Options: P
       Metric Type: 2 (Larger than any link state path)
       Metric: 20
       Routing Bit Set on this LSA
       LS age: 558
       LS Type: AS External Link
       Link State ID: 3
       Advertising Router:
       LS Seq Number: 80000001
       Checksum: 0x92B6
       Length: 44
       Prefix Address: 2001:DB8:FF:45:1::2
       Prefix Length: 127, Options: P
       Metric Type: 2 (Larger than any link state path)
       Metric: 20


      R1#show ospfv3
       OSPFv3 1 address-family ipv6
       Router ID
       Event-log enabled, Maximum number of events: 1000, Mode: cyclic
       It is an area border and autonomous system boundary router
       Router is not originating router-LSAs with maximum metric
       Initial SPF schedule delay 5000 msecs
       Minimum hold time between two consecutive SPFs 10000 msecs
       Maximum wait time between two consecutive SPFs 10000 msecs
       Minimum LSA interval 5 secs
       Minimum LSA arrival 1000 msecs
       LSA group pacing timer 240 secs
       Interface flood pacing timer 33 msecs
       Retransmission pacing timer 66 msecs
       Number of external LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x000000
       Number of areas in this router is 2. 1 normal 0 stub 1 nssa
       Graceful restart helper support enabled
       Reference bandwidth unit is 100000 mbps
       RFC1583 compatibility enabled
          Area BACKBONE(0)
              Number of interfaces in this area is 2
              SPF algorithm executed 3 times
              Number of LSA 22. Checksum Sum 0x0BDC02
              Number of DCbitless LSA 0
              Number of indication LSA 0
              Number of DoNotAge LSA 0
              Flood list length 0
          Area 10
              Number of interfaces in this area is 1
               It is a NSSA area
               Perform type-7/type-5 LSA translation
              Generates NSSA default route with cost 1
              SPF algorithm executed 5 times
              Number of LSA 23. Checksum Sum 0x091393
              Number of DCbitless LSA 0
              Number of indication LSA 0
              Number of DoNotAge LSA 0
              Flood list length 0


      This LSA contains prefix information and is flooded only to an NSSA area. The NSSA ABR will block type 7 NSSA-external LSAs and perform type-7/type-5 LSA translation.

    7. Type 8 LSA Link LSA (0x0008):

      Type 8 LSAs are flooded only on the originating local link. Link-LSAs serve three purposes:

      • Share the router's link-local address with other routers connected to the link.
      • Inform other routers the link of a list of IPv6 prefixes to associate with the link.
      • Allow the router to advertise a collection of Options bits to associate with the network LSA that will be originated for the link.
      Link-local LSAs map all global unicast address prefixes associated with an interface to the link-local interface IP address of the router. Link LSA is shared only between neighbors on the same link. The link LSA is responsible for providing details of IPv6 prefixes associated with an interface.

      Link-local addresses cannot be leaned through the receipt of Hello packets alone. Link-local addresses appear in OSPFv3 link-LSAs. They are not allowed in other LSA types.

      R6#show ospfv3 database link

                OSPFv3 1 address-family ipv6 (router-id

                      Link (Type-8) Link States (Area 0)

        LS age: 740
        Options: (V6-Bit, E-Bit, R-bit, DC-Bit)
        LS Type: Link-LSA (Interface: FastEthernet3/0)
        Link State ID: 7 (Interface ID)
        Advertising Router:
        LS Seq Number: 80000006
        Checksum: 0x7E8A
        Length: 64
        Router Priority: 1
        Link Local Address: FE80::C801:3FF:FECB:54
        Number of Prefixes: 1
        Prefix Address: 2001:DB8:0:16::
        Prefix Length: 127, Options: None
        LS age: 1398
        Options: (V6-Bit, E-Bit, R-bit, DC-Bit)
        LS Type: Link-LSA (Interface: FastEthernet3/0)
        Link State ID: 7 (Interface ID)
        Advertising Router:
        LS Seq Number: 80000005
        Checksum: 0x68BB
        Length: 64
        Router Priority: 1
        Link Local Address: FE80::C806:5FF:FE94:54
        Number of Prefixes: 1
        Prefix Address: 2001:DB8:0:16::2
        Prefix Length: 127, Options: None
        LS age: 1290
        Options: (V6-Bit, E-Bit, R-bit, DC-Bit)
        LS Type: Link-LSA (Interface: GigabitEthernet1/0)
        Link State ID: 5 (Interface ID)
        Advertising Router:
        LS Seq Number: 80000003
        Checksum: 0xAE61
        Length: 64
        Router Priority: 1
        Link Local Address: FE80::C802:3FF:FEEC:1C
        Number of Prefixes: 1
        Prefix Address: 2001:DB8:0:26::
        Prefix Length: 127, Options: None
        LS age: 1398
        Options: (V6-Bit, E-Bit, R-bit, DC-Bit)
        LS Type: Link-LSA (Interface: GigabitEthernet1/0)
        Link State ID: 5 (Interface ID)
        Advertising Router:
        LS Seq Number: 80000004
        Checksum: 0xC43
        Length: 64
        Router Priority: 1
        Link Local Address: FE80::C806:5FF:FE94:1C
        Number of Prefixes: 1
        Prefix Address: 2001:DB8:0:26::2
        Prefix Length: 127, Options: None

                      Link (Type-8) Link States (Area 7)

        LS age: 1398
        Options: (V6-Bit, E-Bit, R-bit, DC-Bit)
        LS Type: Link-LSA (Interface: GigabitEthernet0/0)
        Link State ID: 4 (Interface ID)
        Advertising Router:
        LS Seq Number: 80000003
        Checksum: 0x68A0
        Length: 44
        Router Priority: 1
        Link Local Address: FE80::C806:5FF:FE94:8
        Number of Prefixes: 0
        LS age: 671
        Options: (V6-Bit, E-Bit, R-bit, DC-Bit)
        LS Type: Link-LSA (Interface: GigabitEthernet0/0)
        Link State ID: 4 (Interface ID)
        Advertising Router:
        LS Seq Number: 80000003
        Checksum: 0xBEA6
        Length: 44
        Router Priority: 1
        Link Local Address: FE80::C807:5FF:FE33:8
        Number of Prefixes: 0
        LS age: 1228
        Options: (V6-Bit, E-Bit, R-bit, DC-Bit)
        LS Type: Link-LSA (Interface: GigabitEthernet0/0)
        Link State ID: 4 (Interface ID)
        Advertising Router:
        LS Seq Number: 80000004
        Checksum: 0xB826
        Length: 44
        Router Priority: 1
        Link Local Address: FE80::C808:5FF:FEB3:8
        Number of Prefixes: 0

      R6#show ipv6 interface brief
      Ethernet0/0            [administratively down/down]
      GigabitEthernet0/0     [up/up]
      GigabitEthernet1/0     [up/up]
      GigabitEthernet2/0     [administratively down/down]
      FastEthernet3/0        [up/up]
      FastEthernet3/1        [administratively down/down]
      FastEthernet4/0        [administratively down/down]
      FastEthernet4/1        [administratively down/down]
      POS5/0                 [administratively down/down]
      POS6/0                 [administratively down/down]
      Loopback10             [up/up]
      Loopback11             [up/up]
      Loopback12             [up/up]
      R6#show ospfv3 interface brief
      Interface    PID   Area            AF         Cost  State Nbrs F/C
      Lo10         1     0               IPv6       1     LOOP  0/0  
      Fa3/0        1     0               IPv6       1000  DR    1/1  
      Gi1/0        1     0               IPv6       100   DR    1/1  
      Lo11         1     7               IPv6       1     LOOP  0/0  
      Lo12         1     7               IPv6       1     LOOP  0/0  
      Gi0/0        1     7               IPv6       100   BDR   2/2  

    8. Type 9 Intra-area Prefix LSA (0x2009):

      Type 9 LSA is used to advertise IPv6 prefixes that are associated with a router, stub or transit segment. The router and network LSAs do not specify the IP address of the prefix for a network. LSA 9 contains all the networks inside an area. They are not propagated out of the area.

      R8#show ospfv3 database prefix

                OSPFv3 1 address-family ipv6 (router-id

                      Intra Area Prefix Link States (Area 7)

        Routing Bit Set on this LSA
        LS age: 461
        LS Type: Intra-Area-Prefix-LSA
        Link State ID: 0
        Advertising Router:
        LS Seq Number: 80000002
        Checksum: 0x5E54
        Length: 72
        Referenced LSA Type: 2001
        Referenced Link State ID: 0
        Referenced Advertising Router:
        Number of Prefixes: 2
        Prefix Address: 2001:DB8:7:11::1
        Prefix Length: 128, Options: LA, Metric: 0
        Prefix Address: 2001:DB8:7:12::1
        Prefix Length: 128, Options: LA, Metric: 0
        Routing Bit Set on this LSA
        LS age: 1142
        LS Type: Intra-Area-Prefix-LSA
        Link State ID: 0
        Advertising Router:
        LS Seq Number: 80000002
        Checksum: 0xE873
        Length: 112
        Referenced LSA Type: 2001
        Referenced Link State ID: 0
        Referenced Advertising Router:
        Number of Prefixes: 4
        Prefix Address: 2001:DB8:7:7:10::1
        Prefix Length: 128, Options: LA, Metric: 0
        Prefix Address: 2001:DB8:7:7:11::1
        Prefix Length: 128, Options: LA, Metric: 0
        Prefix Address: 2001:DB8:7:7:13::1
        Prefix Length: 128, Options: LA, Metric: 0
        Prefix Address: 2001:DB8:7:7:14::1
        Prefix Length: 128, Options: LA, Metric: 0
        Routing Bit Set on this LSA
        LS age: 511
        LS Type: Intra-Area-Prefix-LSA
        Link State ID: 0
        Advertising Router:
        LS Seq Number: 80000003
        Checksum: 0x6092
        Length: 92
        Referenced LSA Type: 2001
        Referenced Link State ID: 0
        Referenced Advertising Router:
        Number of Prefixes: 3
        Prefix Address: 2001:DB8:7:8:10::1
        Prefix Length: 128, Options: LA, Metric: 0
        Prefix Address: 2001:DB8:7:8:11::1
        Prefix Length: 128, Options: LA, Metric: 0
        Prefix Address: 2001:DB8:7:8:12::1
        Prefix Length: 128, Options: LA, Metric: 0

    OSPFv3 Link-local Forwarding

    The OSPFv3 LSDB creates an SPT based on links instead of networks. This means that transit links only require IPv6 link-local addresses for forwarding traffic.

    Virtual Links

    All virtual-links use a global scope IPv6 address as a source IPv6 address.

    OSPFv3 Optimization

    Multiple Instances

    OSPFv3 packets include an instance ID field that may be used to manipulate which routers on a network segment are allowed to form adjacencies. IP address information is advertised independently by two new LSA types: intra-area prefix LSA and link-local LSA. Advertising IP address info using LSA types eliminates the need for OSPFv3 to perform full SPF tree calculations everytime a new address prefix is added or changed on an interface. The OSPFv3 LSDB creates a shortest path topology tree based on links instead of networks.

    Route Summarization

    Summarization of the links advertised from one area into another is accomplished using the command area <area-ID> range <prefix>. This is configured on ABRs and for a specific address family:

    address-family ipv6 unicast
    area 0 range 2001:DB8:10::/65

    Network Type

    The network type can be modified using the interface command ospfv3 network <broadcast|non-broadcast|point-to-point>

    #show ospfv3 interface brief
    #int g0/2
    #ospfv3 network broadcast

    Security of OSPFv3 Adjacencies and Route Exchange

    OSPFv3 does not support neighbor authentication inside the protocol but uses IPSec. Authentication Header (AH) or Encapsulating Security Protocol (ESP) extension headers are added to OSPFv3 packets to provide authentication, integrity and confidentiality.

    ISAKMP support has not yet been added so keys must be manually configured. Security Parameter Index (SPI) is like a sequence number so it needs to match on both ends. OSPFv3 simply implements only authentication. With OSPFv3, encryption is implemented as well with the entire packet being encrypted.

    1. Authentication Header (AH): provides authentication using the command ospfv3 authentication
    2. Encapsulating Security Payload: provides authentication and encryption

      ospfv3 encryption ipsec spi 1000 esp 3des <key> sha1 <key>

      Security policy index = 1000
      Encryption algorithm = 3des
      Encryption key = 1234567890
      Authentication algorithm = sha1
      Authentication key: 132324sdsfdg

    Verification is done using the command show ospfv3 interface <interface-id>

    #show ospfv3 interface g0/2

    OSPFv3 neighbor authentication does not perform IKE to negotiate IPSec security associations (SA) values. Therefore IPSec security parameter index (SPI) algorithm and key must be manually defined when configuring OSPFv3 authentication. IPSec peers cannot reuse the same SPI values.

    Troubleshooting Authentication

    OSPFv3 area authentication is applied to the OSPFv3 router mode command. In this mode, the encryption or authentication parameters are configured. This is done using the following:

    area 0 authentication ipsec spi 1000 sha password-key.

    Verification of security configuration for OSFPv3 can be done using the command: show crypto ipsec policy

    Area authentication applies to all interfaces in the area. SAs are created for outbound and inbound connections. To view these:

    show crypto ipsec sa
    show crypto ipsec policy
    show ospfv3 interface