
Showing posts with label MySQL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MySQL. Show all posts

Thursday 6 December 2007


MySQL is arguably the world's most popular open source relational database management system (RDBMS). It is also the world's fastest database server (Well, on this point, this is arguable, I know Oracle pops up in your mind). MySQL is just simply too cool for anyone to ignore. Even those fellows at Oracle, Microsft and Sybase have taken serious notice of it. MySQL has many open source cousins but PostgreSQL and Firebird stand out to me.

OK, it is true that MySQL is not the most powerful database server available, but hey, who needs battleship strength (and expense too) of Oracle when you can carry out over 1000 simulatenous transactions on MySQL, all for the price of nothing? Huh? MySQL is freely downloadable from

However, you should be able to contend with Command line interface. If you can't stand a command line interface, then you would want to download the MySQL client GUI( Graphical User Interface). The GUI tools contain a suite which includes; MySQL Administrator, MySQL QUery Browser and MySQL Systems Tray Icon and other programs. All these help you in creating schemas (databases), creating the tables, editing accout privileges and so much more. The GUI tools are also freely downloadable.

You can also manage your relationships and schemas using MySQL Workbench which is a freely but separately downloadable program from the same site as above.

You may notice that there are two different types of the MySQL server. The current server version is Version 6.0. The two types include the free GPL MySQL Commmunity Server and the commercial MySQL Enterprise Edition. The Enterprise edition is an extension of the Community Edition. This, however does not imply that the Community edition should be rubished. It is equally powerful.

The Enterprise edition is USD $200. This should be cheap enough for the enterprises and businesses as compared to the over USD$1000 for Oracle or MSSQL server.

If you try to download the free Community EDition but come up and can only find the commercial Enterprise Edition with 30 day trials, well if you intend to buy the commercial edition, then you can accept the terms and try it out before buying it. However, if you are short on finances, then locate the Community link in the home page of the MySQL website and from there you should be able to find the free editions.

If you intend to use MySQL with applications such as Java, C++, Python, PHP, Perl or any other use such as dynamic website development, then you may wany to also download the MySQL database drivers from the same site. Just read on within the site. It may also be a good idea to become a member of the site as well by registering freely.

By the way, MySQL is the most widely used database server for web applications (websites). Even Google uses it( At least I am mean't to understant so).

So, basing on all this, I strongly recommend MySQL for both commercial and non commercial use